
A Legendary Ocean | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of A Legendary Ocean (Spell Card/Field) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 06/05/2020

A Legendary Ocean

A Legendary Ocean
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCondition / Continuous-like Effect
SupportsWATER / Umi
Related to ArchetypesField Searcher


This card's name is treated as "Umi". Reduce the Level of all WATER monsters in both players' hands and on the field by 1. All WATER monsters gain 200 ATK and DEF.

How to get / Rarity

Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card traderTradable [SR]
[Required trader items]
  • SR Jewel x5
  • Stone of Spell x50
  • 40,000 Gold




  • It reduces the Level of monsters in hand which makes Level 5 monsters to be normal summoned without a tribute.
  • It gives 200 attack and defense to monsters.
  • Card effects that has a synergy with Umi also benefits from this card since this card name is treated as Umi.


  • Only WATER monsters can benefit from its effects.
  • Unlike Umi, it doesn't decrease the attack and defense of Machine and Pyro-Type monsters.
  • Your opponent is also affected by its effects which could be bad in a mirror match.
  • Lowering Hammer Shark's level means that you can only activate its ability twice.


Leevl 5/7 Water monsters

While A Legendary Ocean is face-up on the field, higher level Water monsters will be easier to summon. Level 5 monsters like Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness can be normal summoned without tribute. They already have an attack advantage compared to most level 4 or lower monsters, and their attack is also increased from Legendary Ocean's effect. Levia-Dragon - Daedalus can be tribute summoned using only 1 tribute, making it much easier to use.


You can either bring more Legendary Oceans in the deck, or use card searches like Planet Pathfinder, or An Owl of Luck to search from your deck, ensuring that you get the field spell, which you can potentially get very early in the duel.


WATER decks


  • Level 1 monsters are still level 1 even if A Legendary Ocean field spell is on the field.


Stat changesAll monsters gain ATK / All monsters gain DEF / All monsters lose Levels / Name condition


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Not KoG
A Legendary Ocean is now in the bin tradables section of card trader.
Cant get this anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
...They might legitimately have been unable to obtain the card when they posted this. You, however, are definitely able to get it. There are exactly zero unobtainable Card Trader cards at this point. (And older ones like ALO are arguably easier to get than the newer ones.)
Have 2x warrior of Atlantis to get this card with ease. As page says, very nice to get Levia-Dragon - Daedalus with only 1 tribute. Also cyber shark (lvl 5) is more easy to summon (allthough it was already pretty easy to summon as you would only need 1 water monster on the field)
please help is this deck still good now fur hire has taken over
and how will i get legendary ocean
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
From the card trader
It is written on this page
Has there been changes to this recently? I've been trying to put more than one copy into a deck but it won't let me as if it's limited (but doesn't indicate so)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you also put 2 umi in your deck?
is the card trader still giving this out?
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Anonymous Reply
it been removed b/c the new box broke it
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Anonymous Reply
it still there the card rotation suck 🔥 thats why you never see that card
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Zay Reply
my friend for a SR ticket from the daily thing and it was an obtainable card. He's a new player lol.
Feeding time time
Need terror king salmon & giga gagagigo XD
<< Anonymous(Feeding time time )
Anonymous Reply
Well the Giga gagagigo is here.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How i get giga gagagigo?¡
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cant remember in generation next or the one with DMOC and man eater bug
<< Anonymous(Feeding time time )
Anonymous Reply
You wish granted they added terror salmon and giga gagagigo
the legendary fisherman doesnt gain atk from it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the legendary fisherman is unaffected by spell if umi is on the right on the card
With TW you can wait till ulti with neo daedalus
need tornado wall then maybe first tier
The reducing of water monsters level by one might be considered somewhat op but the 200 boost isn't that great, besides if "this 🔥" is really such a nuisance then why not just put in s/t destruction/negation? Surely it's not that hard...
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
sjp91 Reply
Twister will stop bugroth dead in it's tracks, as for beatsticks created by alo u deal with them the same way as any other beatstick(eg:mask of the accursed mirror wall the list goes on)
<< Anonymous(iDareian)
Anonymous Reply
You realize that Legendary Ocean is a card, not a skill, right? The card is bad and is a dead draw in most cases. If you want a Water Deck you're better off just running a pure Hammer Shark deck rather than trying to brick yourself with Bugroth and Legendary Ocean
<< Anonymous
sjp91 Reply
Eh don't bother explaining it to him,according to his logic cards like molten destruction and the sanctuary in the sky would also be broken lol(they're obviously not and neither is this card)
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
Red Eyes B. Reply
Had a friend use that against me and he managed to summon a 2500 ATK beater on his first turn (Mecha Sea Dragon Plesion)
If Umi is already on the field, "A Legendary Ocean" can replace and send "Umi" to the graveyard.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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