
Structure Deck EX: Neos Fusion

Duel Links Neos Fusion structure deck EX
update 03/05/2019
Please note that Structure Deck EX can only be purchased once with gems.


By far the most powerful cards in this deck are Neos Fusion and NEXT. Neos Fusion is a great play-maker at any stage of the duel by sending to the graveyard any monster you need along with Elemental HERO Neos to make a Fusion monster.
NEXT is a great late game card when your graveyard is already full of Neo-Spacians with Elemental HERO Neos. By doing this you are able to Fusion Summon into more difficult Neos monsters like Elemental HERO Storm Neos, Elemental HERO Chaos Neos, and Elemental HERO Divine Neos.
The next best cards are Neos Space Connector, Elemental HERO Brave Neos, and Elemental HERO Storm Neos. Neos Space Connector can Special Summon Neo-Spacian/Elemental HERO Neos straight from your deck, and then tribute himself to revive a Neospacian/Elemental HERO Neos, making him great for setting up Contact Fusions or Regular Fusions involving Elemental HERO Neos.
Elemental HERO Brave Neos is generally the best monster you can summon with Neos Fusion because of his search effect and not having the "return to Extra Deck" demerit. He also gains a little bit of attack for every Neo-Spacian and HERO monster in your graveyard.
Elemental HERO Storm Neos is just really powerful but held back by his summoning condition. He can be used in a comeback combo when summoned with the monsters revived by NEXT.
On the other hand, this deck contains lots of cards unrelated to it's strategy that should be replaced. Elemental HERO Captain Gold, Hero's Rule 2, and Card Blocker should be replaced first. Than you can replace the anything in the deck to optimize the Fusion Monster you choose to summon.


More copies of Neos Fusion, Elemental HERO Brave Neos and Neo Space Connector are also recommended.


Bujin Neos

Cyberdark Neos Fusion

Neos Fusion

Neos Monarch

Wrath of Neos OTK

Useful Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Miracle Draw
If there is an "Elemental HERO" monster in your graveyard, your normal draw on your 3rd Draw Phase will become "Pot of Greed".
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki



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Raining Spell Counte
Neos ain't nothing to my Paragraph Pendulum Magician.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Raining Spell Counte)
Exposed Reply
Well duh man it has 300 more attack so of course it's better.
<< Anonymous(Raining Spell Counte)
Magik Ray-o Reply
This card kind of changed Yu-Gi-Oh alone with it's massive card text. Now that's impressive and dumb.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We need a Rainbow Neos and Neos Wiseman
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're obviously trolling cause no sane person could be so stupid as to say that Rainbow Neos should be in the game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If it's limited to 1, why not?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Still too strong even at 1 copy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why not dout let us enjoy playing with rainbowneos
they sould limit neos fusion and red eyes fusion to 1 so people would stop playing them and actually think other decks.

the only strategie needed is open your wallet, buy 3 ex decks, and that's all.
<< Anonymous(slasher00x)
Anonymous Reply
Red-Eyes is hardly even relevant anymore lol, tho Neos is definitely still up there as a problem
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*Fusion, that is
<< Anonymous
slasher00x Reply
more than a problem, it's so boring to see just neos, red eyes and shi-en decks.
<< Anonymous(slasher00x)
Pickles Reply
You should play fun rogue decks that aren't burn/stall related. I have been doing that for awhile and it's far more satisfying beating a "meta" deck with a far more original deck.
Konami you nerfed a deck that isnt even 1 month old yet. And the deck is already tier 3 even though the nerf is haven't applied yet. Do the same to neos and be fair. Nerf them just like six sams.
<< Anonymous
Xehanort Reply
I Agree, Neos Fusion and other support cards for Neos are simply ridiculous, they can bring a Fusion with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF that can deal two hits per battle phase, then when you finally menage to destroy it, Neospace brings another Neos Hero with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF, and the only fast way to deal with this is a Blue Eyes deck, that are ridiculously strong too, Cosmos is just insanely strong
<< Anonymous
Fred the 8th Reply
The problem is that Neos can be splashed into anything making a mediocre deck threatening. Example: In the tcg we have a dumb archetype called Orcust that can literally be used with anything and end up with 3-4 negates. It's solitaire the deck.
<< Anonymous(Fred the 8th)
slasher00x Reply
i think the real problem to most people, is that neos fusion is a 1 card combo since you don't even need fusion materials in your hand.

you can :

set a flip effect monster.set your graveyard with bacon or whatever you want.fusion summon a 2500+ beater and give him protection via neos fusion in gy. and set a face down card. all in one turn.
<< Anonymous(slasher00x)
Anonymous Reply
You should also include 2 - 3 vanilla neos in your deck, if you are unlucky you will have them in your starting hand all the time

so it’s not so op when you try it yourself
J. V.
Neos Fusion is simply awesome, I'm pretty sure it will remain tiered for a long time. But duel links aside, thanks to this deck I started watching Guyver lol
<< Anonymous(J. V.)
Anonymous Reply
It will be pretty much TIERED FOREVER, just like silent magician.
<< Anonymous(J. V.)
:) Reply
I'm pretty sure it will be viable for a long time just like Gears or Silent Magician
<< Anonymous(J. V.)
Anonymous Reply
WCS material
<< Anonymous(J. V.)
Anonymous Reply
Desperado is slightly better
Brave Neos is Blue-Eyes Solid all over again, a meh UR in an EX deck.

Connector is the only interesting card so far, but even then, she's not THAT game-changing. So there's definitely going to be something else we don't know yet that will be the real attraction point of the deck. I think it's gonna be Neo-Spacian Ground Mole.
<< Anonymous
Arya Reply
I can't remember if it was already, but since ground mole popped up again, I guess it could be possible for it to be in the deck. Or maybe it is just for an AI in the tag duel or some other event.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Arya Reply
*Sorry. Meant to say if it was already here before.
<< Anonymous
Marc Reply
Months on, and this post hasn't aged well at all.
<< Anonymous(Marc)
Anonymous Reply
Brave Neos IS meh, what's strong is Neos Fusion. Brave Neos just happens be really good when paired with Neos Fusion, so I guarantee it won't be as abused as now if we only have regular Poly to summon it, and no Neos Fusion.
The TCG will be replaced in the future.

Duel Links is the future.

- You need to see it this way.
Just as technology improves each day, mobiles will become more powerful, with better processors and ram capacity. Batteries will last longer.

And Duel Links could jump from a Speed Duels format to the one the TCG has.
This way, the TCG will be REPLACED by a Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual game.

That is the future, if it doesn't happen with duel links, it will happen with another Yu-Gi-Oh! game.
<< Anonymous(:-))
Anonymous Reply
Sword and Shield is awesome dude, what are you talking about? only 🔥ED youtubers didn't like it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Umm, they've released their plans for the rest of this year and the next year. We're still going to see physical cards for a long time.

Also what the hell this has to do with Pokemon? I mean yes, it has lots of issues, but they're not related to Yugioh in any way at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*by "they" in the first paragraph, I meant Konami
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pokémon Sword and Shield haven’t even come out yet- you have no grounds to say they’ve failed
Nice box.

I see the game becoming entirely virtual in some years. Physical cards will become very expensive.
<< Anonymous(Hmm...)
Anonymous Reply
Yep, this is likely to be the future of Yu-Gi-Oh!
<< Anonymous(Hmm...)
Anonymous Reply
very sad
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why is it sad? IT'S AWESOME.
THE GAME WILL BECOME MORE ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE. Lol, I don't see a problem with that at all.
<< Anonymous(Hmm...)
Anonymous Reply
Where have you been the past 7 years? They’ve already been very expensive, just look at Shadolls, Necroz, Dragon Rulers, or modern decks like Danger-Thunder.
It seems like Koa'ki Meiru is the best way to play this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's funny because OP is right. This is a speed duels format after all, Koa'ki Meiru + neos fusion is really good, specially if you add bacon saver, A/D changer or gale lizard.
By the way.
I just read Yu-Gi-Oh! is a children card’s game. Such thing might be that way in the 4kids version, apparently, because those guys did a TERRIBLE job with the dubbing.

Yu-Gi-Oh! was never meant to be a children’s card game in Japan. But hey, Japanese people are very cheerful and they can enjoy anime and games anytime despite their age.
<< Anonymous(Norman_Uk)
Anonymous Reply
I must agree with this guy.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lots from tcg quit to play dl and you're sayin some kid's game card.. lmao ok.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yu-gi-oh is a children’s card. check mate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lmao people quit the TCG to play Duel Links? Who do you think you’re fooling XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the cards system is a children made but the ppl that played it is an adults like dkayed, dllounge even me old playa!

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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