
Wrath of Neos OTK: deck recipe [Apr 2019 Updated]

update 19/04/2019


This deck centers around Wrath of Neos, a powerful Spell Card that has the ability to destroy all cards on the field. Now that Neo Space Connector has been released via the Structured Deck EX: Neos Fusion, Summoning Elemental HERO Neos and activating Wrath of Neos is a lot easier.

Example Deck

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSanganSanganSangan
Neo Space ConnectorNeo Space ConnectorNeo Space ConnectorElemental HERO NeosElemental HERO NeosMiracle Contact
Miracle ContactMiracle ContactNeos FusionNeos FusionNeos FusionWrath of Neos
Wrath of NeosWrath of Neos----
Elemental HERO Brave NeosElemental HERO Brave NeosElemental HERO Brave NeosElemental HERO Neos KnightElemental HERO Neos Knight-

How to Use

Neo Space Connector

  • Normal Summon Neo Space Connector, Special Summon Elemental HERO Neos from your Deck and activate Wrath of Neos.

Wrath of Neos will return Elemental HERO Neos to your Deck and then destroy all cards on the field. Elemental HERO Neos being returned to the Deck is not an activation cost, so, if your opponent negates Wrath of Neos, you will still have your monster on the field. Use Sangan’s effect to add Neo Space Connector from your Deck to your hand.

Neos Fusion

Now that Wrath of Neos has completely wiped the field, you can activate Neos Fusion, send Elemental HERO Neos and any Level 4 or lower Effect Monster from your Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon Elemental HERO Brave Neos from the Extra Deck.

If you have an Elemental HERO Neos and a Level 4 or lower Effect Monster in your hand and/or Graveyard, you can activate Miracle Contact before Neos Fusion to get around the latter’s restriction.

Elemental HERO Brave Neos

Elemental HERO Brave Neos gains 100 ATK for each “Neo-Spacian” and “HERO” monster in your Graveyard. If you have at least 1 Elemental HERO Neos in your Graveyard, Brave Neos will be able to get over Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En.

When Elemental HERO Brave Neos destroys an opponent's monster by battle, it allows you to add 1 Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand that specifically lists the card “Elemental HERO Neos” in its text. You can use Elemental HERO Brave Neos’s effect to add Miracle Contact, Neos Fusion or Wrath of Neos to your hand.

If you already have Space Connector in your hand, you can search Wrath of Neos and, if anything happens to your Brave Neos, you can wipe the board.

Elemental HERO Neos Knight

Neos Knight cannot inflict battle damage to your opponent, but its ability to attack twice and the fact that you can Summon it both with Miracle Contact and Neos Fusion makes it extremely valuable in certain situations.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba

Beatdown will allow your Elemental HERO Brave Neos and Elemental HERO Neos Knight to get over high ATK monsters such as Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En and Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Miracle Draw
If there is an "Elemental HERO" monster in your graveyard, your normal draw on your 3rd Draw Phase will become "Pot of Greed".
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki

Miracle Draw will make it easier to draw into your Wrath of Neos and Neo Space Connector.


  • Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En is able to negate Wrath of Neos, Neos Fusion and Miracle Contact; Six Style - Dual Wield and Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi’s effect can be chained to Wrath of Neos and return Neo Space Connector and/or Elemental HERO Neos to your hand, preventing you from returning the Level 7 monster to the Deck and destroying all cards on the field.

  • Even if your opponent activates Enemy Controller or Paleozoic Canadia in response to Wrath of Neos and takes control of or flips Elemental HERO Neos face-down, the monster will still be returned to the Deck and all cards on the field will be destroyed, but, if your opponent activates Paleozoic Canadia (or Floodgate Trap Hole) in response to Elemental HERO Neos being Summoned, you will not be able to do anything about it, unless you have Miracle Contact.

  • Although the deck has certainly improved under many aspects, it still struggles with consistency.


My deck recipe is:
3 elemental Neos
3 neo spacian connector
2 cosmo brain
2 wrath of Neos
2 oversoul
2 elemental sparkman
3 Neos fusion
3 wall of d

Much better build trust me

<< Anonymous(diamond dude)
Anonymous Reply
^ that and he plays near useless brick cards like Wrath of Neos, Sparkman, even Cosmo Brain. This decklist is the definition of bronze level garbage
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use connector, use wrath, ss cosmo then Neos fusion.

Use cosmo, use wrath, use oversoul, summon sparkman

Use Neos fusion, wait turn, use oversoul, use wrath summon literally anything

Plus a number of other combos sorry I don’t copy and paste like you all do. Works for me so idc if you hate on my deck list. Switch it to what works for you. It’s a fun deck, anything w/ wrath isn’t great
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use connector, use wrath, ss cosmo then Neos fusion.

Use cosmo, use wrath, use oversoul, summon sparkman

Use Neos fusion, wait turn, use oversoul, use wrath summon literally anything

Plus a number of other combos sorry I don’t copy and paste like you all do. Works for me so idc if you hate on my deck list. Switch it to what works for you. It’s a fun deck, anything w/ wrath isn’t great
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can claim it’s « fun » all you want- it’s still bronze level garbage and you can’t deny that
brick of neos-
brick of neos
<< Anonymous
Shuaku Reply
A card to add to this deck that would make it better is hero mask "target one monster on the field and send one monster from your deck to the graveyard. For that turn that monsters name becomes the name of the monster sent to the grave." so send neos to the grave from the deck then use wrath on whatever monster you control.
<< Anonymous(Shuaku)
Anonymous Reply
That'd add to the bricks you replied to.

Honestly, if I was trying to make Wrath more consistent, I'd run O - Oversoul, given Neos Fusion will put a Neos in the Graveyard at some point anyway. I doubt I'd run a triple Wrath-focused deck anyway, though.
wrath of neos could work with ancient gear
There's a 79,3% chance to start with at least a copy of Blue Dragon Summoner or Sphere Kuriboh in your first 4 cards, which becomes an 87% chance with your first draw: I don't understand all these people claiming they always to start with Spell Cards and Neos.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
Even if u have one of those 2 cards, so what, the editor says himself: "Masked HEROes, Vampires and Blue-Eyes are all able to overwhelm you BEFORE your 3rd Turn, even if Sphere Kuriboh is available."
And every other deck who can summon 2 or 3 monsters in 1 turn.
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
I wasn't arguing about that obviously. This can't compete with Masked HEROes, Blue-Eyes or Vampires on average. My point is: your chances of starting with a card that can help you survive are not as slim as the people say.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
YoloTroloLoL Reply
Care to elaborate that percentage? 79,3 for sphere how?
I built a Neos deck around anti meta cards and I reached KoG in those special duels with ease. This deck here however is pure 🔥. Bricks 9 out of 10 times, believe me.
"Elemental HERO Brave Neos gains 100 ATK for each “Neo-Spacian” and “HERO” monster in your Graveyard. If you have at least 1 Elemental HERO Neos in your Graveyard, Brave Neos will be able to get over Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En"

Enishi & Dual Wield says hi
Not even good for a fun deck. Keeps losing to LD due to bricks. You literally can’t do anything if your starting hand is all spells and Neos.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agree, always brick hand or the enemy overrun me in this second turn. Just not reliable
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if you have issue with having no Neos, then maybe try running "Draw Sense: LIGHT" instead as your skill.
Nice, I kinda expect this article will be updated since Brave Neos can search Wrath XD
Why is this labeled OTK? Even on a perfect draw, you've just hit with a 2500 direct attack and have a Neos on the field. Even a generic 1900 beatstick deck with Horn of the Unicorn can run over that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OTK means One Turn Kill, I don't know what's your point. Two O - Oversoul on an empty field after Wrath is 5k and Neos + Blue Dragon Summoner is exactly 4k.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can't get two Neos into the graveyard to summon in one turn with this deck. And Blue Dragon Summoner isn't on the field, it's returned to the deck when you use Wrath of Neos. If stalling for five turns to get your special is "OTK", then even Exodia Stall is an OTK deck technically. At least with Exodia, you have some snowball's chance in hell of drawing the perfect game-ending hand.
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
You can use both HERO Mask and Last Gamble to send copies of Neos to the GY. I don't know why I'm arguing over a deck that was clearly meant for fun and not for competitive purposes.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Sarcastic Fool Reply
A deck design that's meant for "fun" in a children's card game!? How obscene! Surely you know games of any kind aren't meant for this "fun" that you speak of! I demand that you stop having this "fun" immediately, or I will write more angry comments that prove how little of a social life I actually have! Angry face! >:I
wrath of Neos???
more like wrath of failure.
<< Anonymous(Pharmacist)
Anonymous Reply
no u.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Considering all the counters they list are very popular in the meta...
Did anybody tests the decks before they get posted?
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
The point was to build a deck around Wrath of Neos. This deck is as competitive as any other deck that includes that card.

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Comments (updated every hour)

It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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