
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V Duel Links

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V in Duel Links, Arc V Characters, Pendulum Summon, New Cards.
update 22/06/2022


Based on the Official Announcement, Arc V World will be available on 28 September 2021.

Official Trailer

Arc V World Release Campaign Rewards

  • Arc V World will be available on 28 Sept 2021
  • Stargazer Magician [Prismatic]
  • Timegazer Magician [Prismatic]
  • 1000 Gems
  • Card Sleeves: Arc V Release Celebration
  • Game Mat: Arc V Release Celebration
  • UR Dream Ticket x1
  • SR Dream Ticket x1
  • UR & SR Prismatic Ticket each 1
  • UR & SR Ticket each 1

Arc V Characters Announced

Yuya Sakaki

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
DARK Dragon ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
[ Pendulum Effect ]
You can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0. During your End Phase: You can destroy this card, and if you do, add 1 Pendulum Monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each Pendulum Effect of "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" once per turn.
[ Monster Effect ]
If this card battles an opponent's monster, any battle damage this card inflicts to your opponent is doubled.

Zuzu Boyle

Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir
Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir
LIGHT Fairy ★6
ATK 1000 / DEF 2000
1 "Melodious Maestra" monster + 1 "Melodious" monster
Cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects, also you take no battle damage from attacks involving this card. If this card battles a Special Summoned monster, after damage calculation: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to the difference between the original ATK of that opponent's monster and this card, and if you do, destroy that opponent's monster.

Gong Strong

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei
Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei
EARTH Machine ★8
ATK 1000 / DEF 3500
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can change its battle position. "Superheavy Samurai" monsters you control can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If they do, apply their DEF for damage calculation.

Sylvio Sawatari

Abyss Actor - Superstar
Abyss Actor - Superstar
DARK Fiend ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 1800
Pendulum Effect

Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 "Abyss Actor" monster, then target 1 "Abyss Script" Spell Card in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

Monster Effect

When this card is Normal or Special Summoned, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards or their effects. Once per turn: You can Set 1 "Abyss Script" Spell Card directly from your Deck, but send it to the Graveyard during the End Phase.

Declan Akaba

Digital Next Event

On the 20th of July, Konami announced upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh! related games and updates through Digital Next youtube video. Among them is the announcement that ARC-V World will be coming to Duel Links in 2021.

Stay tuned!

Digital Next Event Video

Japanese Version

English Version

What is Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V

Pendulum Summoning

Pendulum Summon is a new summoning mechanic introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.

A new type of monster cards are introduced called Pendulum Cards. They can be used normally as a monster, or activated in the hand as a spell card to be placed into Pendulum Zones.

If there are Pendulum Monsters in both Pendulum Zones, the player can perform a Pendulum Summon, allowing the player to special summon any number of monsters from their hand, and/or any number of face-up Pendulum Monsters in their Extra Deck, whose individual Levels or Ranks are exclusively between the Pendulum Scales of the cards in their Pendulum Zones.

Yuya Duel Links Official Image

Image Credits to Famitsu

Yuya Sakaki is the main character of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V. He is a duelist who loves to entertain the audience with action duels and circus tricks. His signature archetype are the Performapals, and his main signature card is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Some of the characters could potentially be released as part of ARC-V's release as well. Zuzu Boyle uses the Melodius archetype, and Gong Strong uses Superheavy Samurai archetype. Both are close friends of Yuya and they are one of the main characters too. Declan Akaba, who uses the D/D archetype, can be considered as one of the main characters, or the anime's main rival.

ARC V Characters Profiles

Yuya Sakaki
Yuya Sakaki
Yuya attends You Show Duel School, which isn't exactly the most popular Duel School in Paradise City. But that won't stop him from becoming a great Dueltainer like his father - Yusho Sakkaki! When his dad gave him a special pendulum-shaped pendant, he never knew its powers would allow him to become the first-ever Duelist to Pendulum Summon, making him a pioneer for a whole new way of Dueling! With his Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon by his side, Yuya is ready to swing into action!
Zuzu Boyle
Zuzu Boyle
As Yuya's lifelong friend, Zuzu isn't afraid to tell it like it is and put Yuya in check when he goes too far. She's also the daughter of Skip Boyle, the head teacher of You Show Duel School. She wears a unique bracelet that she's never taken off - some say she was born with it on her wrist! This bracelet emits a strange power when she least expect it - which often get her in trouble. But since she doesn't always want to count on Yuya to bail her out, she learns how to Fusion Summon to protect herself and You Show Duel School. Her ace monster is Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir.
Declan Akaba
Declan Akaba
Though Declan is only 16 years old, this professional Duelist has been running Leo Corporation and the Leo Institute of Dueling (LID) as their president. As one of the select few who know about the existence of other dimensions, he forms the Lancers to protect this world from interdimensional invaders. He not only uses powerful Fiend-Type D/D and D/D/D monsters in his deck, he may be the only Duelist who has mastered four summoning methods: Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum.

Possible Pendulum Cards upon initial release

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon
D/D/D Doom King Armageddon
DARK Fiend ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 1000
[ Pendulum Effect ]
Once per turn: You can target 1 "D/D" monster you control; it gains 800 ATK until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field).
[ Monster Effect ]
Once per turn, if a monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or by card effect: You can target 1 of those monsters; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's original ATK until the end of this turn. This card cannot attack directly the turn this effect is activated. Cannot be destroyed by Spell/Trap effects that do not target it.


Hot New Top
i think tate, allie and frederick will be the next unlockable chars after declan. it would be dumb if konami doesnt add them in duel links since theyre pretty important to the story. thoughts?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"important to the story"


(also, Ayu already has literally all of her cards released in DL. She has zero relevant drop and level up card left, unless Konami start releasing new ones in OCG/TCG)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I mean, I want Ayu too, but sadly right now that's 100% impossible.
<< Anonymous
Ayu Tingting Reply
Why is it 100% impossible?
<< Anonymous(Ayu Tingting)
Anonymous Reply
Because impossible is always 100%. If it would be less than 100% it would still be possible
Not KoG
The Dream ticket is coming!
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
I'm coming too
So there's 2 new yugioh game coming soon?
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
But, I got 3 Book of Moon for only 200 gems. I swear.

Didn't even have to reset the selection box.

Please, don't leave Duel Links, this game is so F2P.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Not Rookie Reply
In Duel Links, half the difference.
With Levianeer, it's 1000 dmg.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3 UR Book of Moons…without a reset…

Yeah and Kotori is a useful character.
<< Anonymous
MangakaJ96 Reply
^ Forgot to add my name again.
Declan will be in the game of course, but seeing what they did with Jack and Shark he will probably be the first unlock event, imo Arc V will come with Yuya, Zuzu and Gong of course but also Sawatari (Yosenju support yaaaay)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry all of you go fak yourself & each other
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
careful, they might enjoy it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who does not enjoy s@xu@l violence does not play Duel links
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry, but you can go watch some po rn and jerk off while you at it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you must be the most optimistic or most naive person on the out $$$ or enjoy losing, PERIOD.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I won't, as soon it turn out to be extreme p2w i will be uninstalling and never look back.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
I lost my way to Legend 5. So no worries about losing. I promised not to spend for beginner's packs.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
No beginner pack? Then go buy veteran Book of Money.
YGO Arc V coming on october?
<< Anonymous(Speedyz)
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, it will coming on 28 Sept 2021
<< Anonymous(Speedyz)
Anonymous Reply
You stu pid
So are we getting VRAINS next year and SEVEN year after?
Can't wait to play Rokket or Salamangreat deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sevens is the worst yugioh completely targeted for the very young audience. Art style is garbo generic anime style, story is complete shart and charaters are annoying. They even changed how the cards looks like, pfff sooooo baaaaaaad, there are no other words for it. Rush duel is BS too, atleast is a duel mode not a forced mechanic.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
every year, Yugioh strays further from Kazuki Takahashi-sama.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So sad, but very true, but still i don't understand why they changed the iconic artstyle to this souless garbage. I was saw once a fanart about the sevens characters with the old artstyle and was million times better to look at. First i don't even realized this was yugioh when i first watched a clip about sevens. What a disgracee.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Actually the art style of SEVENS is similar to MAGIC [MTG](TM). Specifically: Planeswalker(TM) cards.
I wonder if the downsizing in America caused these people to apply for Japan.
How are tjey going to pengelum summon because you need to two pengelum monsters and there are only three monster zones so you can only summon 1 monster
<< Anonymous(Elliott)
Anonymous Reply
the pendulum monsters used to summon actually go in the backrow in master duels, and we get new zones for them anyway
<< Anonymous(Elliott)
Anonymous Reply
Go back to school. Your grammar suck a$$
<< Anonymous(Elliott)
Anonymous Reply
What are you talking about? You summon 3 monsters. You place 2 scales on the spell/trap zone, and then summon up to 3 monsters onto the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
hitotsu me no giant swarming beatdown tactic gooo!
Is it just me or the UR dream ticket doesn't have a "box only" display option?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nevermind. It was a glitch and it's now fixed.
Dream ticket ur and sr. What to get? Btw thank you for free prismatics timegazer and stargazer
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Harpie is the closest thing to Tier 0 now lma0
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Which cards are effective against harpies?
<< Anonymous(Newcomer)
Not KoG Reply
I really want the Dream Ticket to buy Amazoness Onslaught.
Time to redo my broken Amazoness deck
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
.....just open the box, Amazoness Onslaught is an R rarity card, shouldn't be that hard to get 3 copies
Bye duel was Really Fun...but i quitted yugioh due pendulum and Now duel links cannot give Another options
<< Anonymous(Wolf)
Konami Reply
Thank you for playing Duel Links........and please stay away from microwaves.
<< Anonymous(Wolf)
Anonymous Reply
Me too, overcomplicated garbo unfun mechanic, i love how konami clearly hates is too. I whish this and link summons were never happened. Sadly time to move on to other games.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cool story bro
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
triggered? go play with you pendushart cards maybe your stupid brain will calm down.
I can hear shot acons heavy breathing noises...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
did you mistake Arc V for Sevens?

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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