
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V Duel Links

So are we getting VRAINS next year and SEVEN year after? Can't wait to play Rokket or Salamangreat deck
Don't forget coronavirus is still mutating around, let's hope we are around then
Seven is a different yugioh card game with new card design and new game play so it can not match with normal yugioh
sevens would never get added. if they would do this right theyll take one or 2 years off before making another world. theres a lot of characters they can add for even gx and dm. the only world that has like none needed left is dsod
Holy fu ck. This is the fourth person being a fu cking idiot asking "Will SEVENS be in Duel Links?" No, SEVENS will never be in Duel Links
<< Anonymous
Sevens is the worst yugioh completely targeted for the very young audience. Art style is garbo generic anime style, story is complete shart and charaters are annoying. They even changed how the cards looks like, pfff sooooo baaaaaaad, there are no other words for it. Rush duel is BS too, atleast is a duel mode not a forced mechanic.
<< Anonymous
every year, Yugioh strays further from Kazuki Takahashi-sama.
<< Anonymous
So sad, but very true, but still i don't understand why they changed the iconic artstyle to this souless garbage. I was saw once a fanart about the sevens characters with the old artstyle and was million times better to look at. First i don't even realized this was yugioh when i first watched a clip about sevens. What a disgracee.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG
Actually the art style of SEVENS is similar to MAGIC [MTG](TM). Specifically: Planeswalker(TM) cards.
I wonder if the downsizing in America caused these people to apply for Japan.


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