
Structure Deck EX: Neos Fusion

Konami you nerfed a deck that isnt even 1 month old yet. And the deck is already tier 3 even though the nerf is haven't applied yet. Do the same to neos and be fair. Nerf them just like six sams.
neos fusion semi limited coming up
<< Anonymous(KONAMI )
Ancient Gear was tier 1 for a long time and it hasn't received any nerfs yet. do you thin they would hit neos fusion first before Wyvern? (or some other ag card lol)
<< Anonymous(KONAMI Agent#1327)
Both EZ
<< Anonymous(KONAMI Agent#1327)
Lmao they're not going to nerf a tier 3 deck.
<< Anonymous
Yeah tier 3 six sams doesn’t need another nerf
<< Anonymous
tier 3 lol

This is one of the most popular and powerful decks. Most top players used one of the 6 sams variants in the tournament. Mostly with World legacy clash
<< Anonymous
People tend to forget that PvP in Duel Links is not played in Bo3.

Also "ToP pLaYeR mEmE cOuNcIl"
I Agree, Neos Fusion and other support cards for Neos are simply ridiculous, they can bring a Fusion with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF that can deal two hits per battle phase, then when you finally menage to destroy it, Neospace brings another Neos Hero with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF, and the only fast way to deal with this is a Blue Eyes deck, that are ridiculously strong too, Cosmos is just insanely strong
Fred the 8th
The problem is that Neos can be splashed into anything making a mediocre deck threatening. Example: In the tcg we have a dumb archetype called Orcust that can literally be used with anything and end up with 3-4 negates. It's solitaire the deck.
<< Anonymous(Fred the 8th)
i think the real problem to most people, is that neos fusion is a 1 card combo since you don't even need fusion materials in your hand.

you can :

set a flip effect monster.set your graveyard with bacon or whatever you want.fusion summon a 2500+ beater and give him protection via neos fusion in gy. and set a face down card. all in one turn.
<< Anonymous(slasher00x)
You should also include 2 - 3 vanilla neos in your deck, if you are unlucky you will have them in your starting hand all the time

so it’s not so op when you try it yourself


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