
High Score Scorpion: deck recipe

update 26/01/2017

Note: This deck will be basically used to get drops skills!

Deck profile

Example 1

RelinquishedMillennium ScorpionBlue-Eyes White DragonCrawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2
Two-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexGreat WhiteGreat WhiteInsect Imitation
PolymerizationRiryokuBlack Illusion RitualBanner of CourageBanner of CourageEmbodiment of Apophis
Windstorm of EtaquaMetalmorph------Bracchio-raidus

A cheap and easy to build deck that uses Scorpion to deal over 5,000 damage. Usable on any character and doesn't require character skills. Once you have better cards, you can put in more scorpion, insect imitation and change the great white into something like Jerry Beans Man or Dunames Dark Witch.

Example 2

RelinquishedMystical Beast of SerketMillennium ScorpionMillennium ScorpionPiranha ArmyDunames Dark Witch
Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Two-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King Rex
RiryokuRiryokuTwisterTemple of the KingsInsect ImitationInsect Imitation
PolymerizationBlack Illusion Ritual----Bracchio-raidusBlue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

This deck uses Scorpion mainly to increase its attack so you can use Riryoku and give it to Piranha. If the scorpion has over 6,000 attack. You can use double Riryoku to piranha to deal over 10,000. This can give you 8,000 duel assessment depending on your number of glossy/prismatic cards.

Note: Serket and Temple of Kings aren't necessary. You can change it to other glossy/prismatic cards or some Bubonic Vermins.

Set skill

None. This decks work without skill since it was built to allow all characters to get drop skills,

How to use this deck

This deck is mainly used to get a high score against Lvl 40 Rex Raptor and Mako Tsunami to get your Legendary Duelists to learn drop skills. You can get around 6,000 score with any LD.


  • Summon Millennium Scorpion as soon as you can. This is so that it can build up some attack increase to make sure it goes over 5,000. Keep destroying enemy monsters until you are left with 0 cards

  • Ritual summon relinquished but don't take control of your opponent's monster, since you want scorpion to kill it. Tribute summon it into a scorpion or let it get destroyed so it doesn't fill a monster slot.

  • If you want to use piranha army, make sure to have 1 monster slot open so you can summon it on the last turn. Since you need to get scorpion out, ritual summon and fusion summon, you will want to manage your monster field carefully. You can either ritual summon relinquished and let it get destroyed or get Bracchio-raidus out and use it as a sacrifice to get relinquished out.

  • Use any prismatic/glossy cards that you have. Each glossy cards give 100 points when you use them, while prismatic gives 200. They can add up to a lot if you use multiple. Replace any unused cards in the deck so you can put in whatever your prismatic/glossy cards are.

Note: You can't re-use a prismatic/glossy cards for extra points. Example: You play a prismatic cerberus, then use hane-hane to return the Cerberus to summon again. It will only give 200 points instead of 400.

Aim to deal over 5000 damage!

Summon the scorpion as soon as possible to ensure that it can destroy as many monsters as you can from the start of the duel. If you can reach 5,000 damage, that is fine. Use riryoku and halve the blue eyes or any other high attack monsters that is in the field to put into your scorpion for the last boost of damage.

Dealing over 10,000 damage with scorpion

You need at least 6,000 attack on scorpion, then summon piranha out on the last turn and use 2 Riryoku to sap Scorpion's attack to put it to piranha. Use another monster to destroy any set monster your opponent has on the field and use the piranha to deal the finishing blow.


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I used this method and ended up working great for me, I mostly focused on summoning the ultimate dragon and got the skill I was looking for by the 9th time of trying.
What is relinquished used for? I tried looking up videos on the deck but they just have it attack to take damage?
<< Anonymous(Arctic)
Anonymous Reply
It's just there for the Ritual Summon bonus, same reason Bracchio-Raidus is there (for the Fusion Summon one). It's not as needed with more recent methods since the decks that use Union Attack and Gravekeeper's Vassal typically get the much larger over 9999 damage bonus and Effect Damage Only bonus, neither of which are achieved by these lists.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, this is an extremely outdated farming deck. Ra farming decks and Vassal farming decks are generally more effective nowadays.
ahmed bukhari
we need Welcome to Toon World
Don't you mean high Score-pion?

(I'm not sorry)
<< Anonymous(Wiztard)
Inpu Reply
Best. Comment. Ever.
<< Anonymous(Wiztard)
Anonymous Reply
[slow clap]
<< Anonymous(Wiztard)
Zenmaister Reply
Hahahaha. Love this comment
<< Anonymous(Wiztard)
Anonymous Reply
In example 2 of the high score scorpion deck the 6 dinos should be replaced with 2 Des Kangaroo, 2 Big Koala, 1 gift of the martyr, and 1 An Owl of Luck. Also the polymerization swapped out with fusion gate. Would make a much more powerful deck with 1 Millenium scorpion to 🔥 with and Master of Oz for the fusion card to make the AI put everything into defense position. Also Master of Oz with his 4200 atk is perfect to use Gift of the Martyr to boost Piranha Army's attack to exactly 5000 for 10,000 damage. Just my 2 cents.
<< Anonymous(Mid_Evil)
Amon Reply
This F2P Guide dude no beginner woula want to spends gems to get a UR such as Master of Oz
<< Anonymous(Amon)
Anonymous Reply
It's a moot point anyway. This kind of grind deck was only really worth it before we had Union Attack. Union Attack with Vassal achieves the same thing with much, much less setup. Heck, with 3 copies of Union Attack, all you need is a monster with 3100 ATK.
Can I use Master of Oz instead of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon?
Mind updating this deck? Look outdated.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nice one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
oops, wrong comment
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's not outdated, this deck is purely f2p cards which farmable or unlockable.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is not out dated the author has just used low cost cards if you look you can use this deck concept with any of the card you want from your own collection, This deck is very similar to my own skill farmer GJ

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
thats why i just used it and first time got a 7300 rating? terrible..sure...
this deck is garbage for skill farming use a kidmodo bewd or a skilless unhappy girl deck way more consistent then this hot piece of garbage
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
GARBAGE? where do you link to this thread? This is a guide purely make from F2P cards, NOOB.
all these blablabla trash talk and say this deck is trash and don't use it to farm, use other better card to easily achieve 8k. Dude, where u guys link to here? this is just simple F2P deck, what do you expect?

When a site make guide says F2P, it will based on farmable or quest/level unlock cards. Even single normal card from packs should not be included.

Understand? NOOB.
Piranha army replacement for the second example? I've been opening Ultimate Rising and haven't been using gems on anything else.
<< Anonymous(Regiultima )
DaNail Reply
There isn't one, piranha army is a normal card in age of discovery. It doubles its attack if it attacks directly. Open some packs, you'll have a high chance of getting it.
So, I only need Windstorm of Etaqua to complete this deck and I don't want to level up Mai for now. Any replacement for it?
<< Anonymous
Edgar81539 Reply
Don't be lazy, leveling up a character to 25 takes 2 days as long as you duel all standard duelists as much as you can.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Vintics Reply
2 days? it takes way more
<< Anonymous(Vintics)
Anonymous Reply
Not if you have a deck for good win rates

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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