
Control Dinosaur: deck recipe

Duel Links dinosaur deck, Black Brachios in the current meta, how to use, and tips.
update 13/10/2018


At the release of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, Dinosaur Kingdom decks were at the top of the meta, because in the early stages of Duel Links the most important part was having high attack 4-star monsters and Rex’s dinosaurs combined with his field spell had an attack of 1900 atk, overpowering all other decks.

However the meta has since evolved and dinosaurs were no longer viable during a long period of time. They made a small comeback thanks to the release of Hydrogeddon which gave dinosaur decks some swarm potential.

But now with the release of Black Brachios, one of the new ranked duel rewards, we suspect dinosaurs will solidify their position high up on the tier list as a control deck.

Example deck

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohEvilswarm SalamandraEvilswarm SalamandraBlack BrachiosBlack Brachios
Black BrachiosHydrogeddonHydrogeddonHydrogeddonCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Fossil DigFire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - GyokkouEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMirror Wall
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Dinosaur Kingdom
Begin duel with the field spell "Jurassic World" activated.


How to use

Evilswarm Salamandra

This monster is the main beater of the deck, it's a monster you can normal summon for no tribute able to reach 2450 attack points by using it's effect, meaning it can beat over many 1 tribute monsters and some 2 tribute monsters like Red-Eyes B. Dragon. And since this deck cannot recycle it's graveyard or use it for anything else, using the effect of Evilswarm Salamandra costs you practically nothing.

Black Brachios

This is the new ranked duel reward, and the card that will dinosaurs back on the map. If you don’t need any other important cards from the possible rewards, we highly recommend you get at least two copies of this card.

You are not obligated to activate this card’s effect, and you are not limited to only use this card on your opponent’s monsters.

The reason this effect is so good is because most monster cards that are used in the meta have a lower defense than their attack, and when you attack a monster in defense position you also don’t have to fear your monster being destroyed by running into a Mirror Wall/Wall of Disruption.

Besides its strong effect is also has an amazing attack of 1800 (2100 with the field spell), the only 4-star dinosaur monster that has a higher attack is Sabersaurus(2200 atk with the field spell).


This card’s effect allows you to special summon more Hydrogeddons from your deck, thinning your deck and solidifying your field at the same time.

This card combined with Anti-Magic Arrows is extremely strong, and can take your opponent by surprise allowing you to quickly go for game.

Keep in mind that the combined attack from Black Brachios and Hydrogeddon is 4000. If you control either a Black Brachios/Hydrogeddon on the field, and you have the other monster in your hand (and your opponent controls one monster), you could possibly go for game by destroying your opponent’s monster, summoning another Hydrogeddon and attack for a perfect 4000 damage.

The effect of swarming the field also helps against Cyber Angels, if they can only kill one of your Hydrogeddons with Dakini’s effect, you can still defend the other one with your backrow, preventing them from beating you. It also works great with Enemy Controller, when you special summon a new Hydrogeddon you could tribute the one that already attacked to activate Enemy Controller and take control of your opponent’s monster.

Fossil Dig

Currently only one copy is available in game. If we had access to more copies of this card, you would probably cut some dinosaurs and replace them with this as it allows you to thin your deck and draw whatever dinosaur is best for the situation.

Backrow Disruption

Life Points are usually not much of a concern in this deck because your goal will be controlling the field. Cosmic Cyclone provides you an effect spell/trap removal with no loss in card advantage. Another advantage is that it does not destroy, so it bypasses the protection of Magic Reflector.
This card locks down 1 card in your opponent's backrow, but also uses up a space in yours. So use this card wisely, and only activate it during the turn you plan to attack.


Sphere Kuriboh and Enemy Controller are excellent defense options with their own unique traits. You can use Sphere Kuriboh directly from your hand unlike other protection cards that need to be set, making them vulnerable to removal. Enemy Controller can be used to take an opponent's monster if you need to push for more damage during your OTK combo.


Wall of Disruption and Mirror Wall protect your monsters by debuffing your opponent so they cannot attack over them. Use these when your opponent attacks so that they lose the attacking monster and lose their battle phase. Wall of Disruption is particularly deadly because the debuff stays with the affected monsters while they are face-up on the field.

Other useful cards

Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Just like Mirror Wall this card is great when facing high attack monsters, and against people that don’t play around it it’s game winning.
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Just like Enemy Controller and Floodgate Trap Hole this card could allow you to stall against faster decks and decks with high attack monsters. A devastating card against swarm decks, but useless against Ancient Gear decks.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Same use as Wall of Disruption, but works better than Wall of Disruption against Ancient Gear decks.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Allows you to stall, works well with the effect of Zanji, you can attack high attack monsters that are in defense and still destroy them even if your attack is lower than their defense.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
Same use as Windstorm. This card works better than windstorm against decks that run Sergeant Electro because you can chain it to its effect, and unlike with Windstorm of Etaqua, the monsters that got changed to defense position during your opponent's main phase won’t be able to switch back to attack during that turn.
Super Rush Headlong
Super Rush Headlong
Another great spell because of the fact that it can be used both offensively and defensively. If you are missing a spell/trap you could replace it with this.
High attack normal dinosaur card (2200 atk with the field spell), if you miss copies of a certain monster you can replace it with this card. This card outclasses the previously used Destroyersaurus (2100 attack).
Element Saurus
Element Saurus
This is a good monster to run one copy of. In case you need its effect in a certain matchup it can be searched with the spell card Fossil Dig.
Black Brachios has the Earth attribute, which activates Element Saurus’ effect to negate the effect of other monsters it destroys, like Gozuki. Sergeant Electro has the Fire attribute, which makes your Element Saurus gain 500 attack when they are both on the field.
Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic Arrows
As mentioned before, great card in combination with Hydrogeddon and can surprise your opponent if they think they are safe because of their backrow, like Gladiator Beast/Hazy Flame/Ancient Gear decks.
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Great tech card against decks like Cyber Angels, Ninjas and Gladiator Beast because a lot of meta decks right now rely on their strong effects.


Hot New Top
I remember when this deck was meta.
Just what I need for espa roba's event !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
farmed a lot with these pals
Its time for dinos to shine just bring ultimate conductor tyranno and this will be tier 1
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ahh unga bunga..
simple days when dinos were meta.
Funny, I was just working on this deck!
Tyranno is missing... I guess Imma go insect in Espa Roba's carnival
I miss this deck being meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sadly summoning one monster then setting a few backrow just isn't enough anymore. Every archetype have their own removal and that's not to counting the generic removal such as offerings and treacherous.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Honestly i don't really like dino deck. Simple high attack beater with no gimmick protectes by backrows doesn't really interest me. However, compared to the meta deck that we have right now... I guess I kinda miss it.
F2P Dinos (no cards from the boxes)
bringing 2 AMA and 2 Storm because we hate backrow
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then this deck is bad......
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah its actually pretty good
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
get some guaibas for more swarm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Very decent list, the only P2W upgrades are backrow removal such as cosmic and double cyclone. And floodgate/Canadia to shutdown summons.
Someone pat me on the back because I reached max level in the 2018 WCS using a dinosaur control deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*pats you in the back*

Good job
Some1 knows how i get these two cards?Evilswarm Salamandra [UR] and Black Brachios [SR]
<< Anonymous(Trabireiter)
Anonymous Reply
Battle city evwnt
<< Anonymous(Trabireiter)
Anonymous Reply
evilswarm salamandra is from the tag team event and black brachios is from ranked sr ticket
<< Anonymous
Trabireiter Reply
can i still get the salamandra? or when did this event show up again?
<< Anonymous(Trabireiter)
Anonymous Reply
If I remember correctly, Salamandra's one of the cards they mentioned as having been added to Ranked UR tickets recently.
Finally this deck gets demoted, it had no business being in tier 1.
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Anonymous Reply
salty noob lol
<< Anonymous(Yugiknowz)
Rex Raptor Reply
I literally just got to DLv. 20 with it. I enjoy being one of the few pros that still utilizes the potential this deck offers.
<< Anonymous(Rex Raptor)
HELL YEA MAN! Glad to hear im not the only one still using them! I also got to Dlv. 20 with it last night!

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Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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