
Forbidden Chalice | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Forbidden Chalice (Spell Card/Quick-Play) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 29/04/2020

Forbidden Chalice

Forbidden Chalice
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect


Target 1 face-up monster on the field; until the end of this turn, that target gains 400 ATK, but its effects are negated.

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  • Gains attack.
  • Can be used on your opponent's monster to negate effects.
  • Can be used on your monster to negate negative effects.


  • Can negate a useful effect.
  • Opponent gains 400 attack when you negate their effect.


Negate set monsters

When the set monster you attack is flipped face-up you can activate Forbidden Chalice to negate it's effect.

Negate negative effects

Negate your monster's negative effect, so you can use them to their full potential.

  • Negate the effect of Flash Assailant to turn him into a 2400 attack monster plus the 400 boost from Forbidden Chalice.
  • Turn toggle to on so you can activate Forbidden Chalice on The Unfriendly Amazon before she destroys herself during your standby phase.

Il bud

Use Forbidden Chalice on Il Blud just before he is destroyed so that you can keep the monsters you revived with his effect.


Use Forbidden Chalice on Toon monster to protect them just before Toon World is destroyed.

Delg, the Dark Monarch

Use Forbidden Chalice on Delg the Dark Monarch so that he can attack the turn he was summoned.

Blue Flame Swordsman

After giving away much of his attack, use Forbidden Chalice on Blue Flame Swordsman will replenish his attack.


Anki can attack directly using its effect, but it will only deal half of his attack. This can be "negated" by using Forbidden Chalice during damage step so that it will deal 3200 damage directly. But it is best not to battle a monster with Anki with Forbidden Chalice because he will not get his search effect.




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Not KoG
Meta card, better than the Forbidden Lance or the Forbidden Dress. No one uses the Forbidden Dress - too risky, not risqué.
User of BB
Works on continuos effects like, amazoness swordsman giving dmg from battle to opponent ?
<< Anonymous(User of BB)
Drake Reply
Yes, it can negate all Continuous Effects for the rest of the turn after its use, if they doesn't trigger while outside the field, of course.

For example, when Forbidden Chalice is used against Slifer it becomes a puny god with 400 ATK/0 DEF & his special summon power drop/destruction effect is also negated.
<< Anonymous(Drake)
Waffleyumboy Reply
<< Anonymous(Drake)
LigmaSmolBalz Reply
Slifer is a puny God, small pp. Now Obelisk HUGE God, big pp and balls. If you don't believe me, just ask my mom.
Anki and chalice is not possible anymore, he stops the attack
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It depends when you activate chalice, if you do it on damage step the attack will still go through. If you activated it on battle step then it'll negate the direct attack.
<< Anonymous
Waffleyumboy Reply
turn toggle ON please...Auto won't work I think, for activating during damage step...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Stop commenting on things you don’t actually know about. It works, happened to me last night. You have to toggle ON, and activate in DAMAGE step.
Does this not work for monsters that effect activate on normal summon because that’s wtf just happened. Opponent summons AG wyvern>Activates effect>Destroys my Forbidden chalice with Double Cyclone.
<< Anonymous
Waffleyumboy Reply
No, it still negates effects that are already activated
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I believe he has fortress actived beforehands, which make you unable to target wyvern.
I dont get the effect with Anki, I saw it work when someone in WC did it and direct attacked me with 3200 but I try it and it asks me if I want to continue attack. I say yes and it forces me to attack a monster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You have to toggle chain ON and activates chalice during DAMAGE STEP, not attack declaration or battle step
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Does it also negate effects which trigger in the graveyard?
<< Anonymous
YourMom Reply
From what i saw, nah. I actually use it so my Yubel can get destroyed ; then its effect triggers once in the cemetery.

FChalice isnt like Divine Wrath or Ultimate Providence on this case.
<< Anonymous(YourMom)
Anonymous Reply
Short answer.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It says "Until the end of this turn" and face up. So the monster MUST have 400 Atk in order for its effect to be negated. Its confusing, I know.
The U.A. card that is able to switch places is the one that you have in hand, not on field. That's why chalice can't negate the special summon.
<< Anonymous(=/)
Anonymous Reply
Cringe at the dude who didn't read klol
Doesn’t work on UA cards which is stupid, opponent can still special summon after the effect is applied to them
<< Anonymous(FixYoSht)
Anonymous Reply
Nvm guess it’s working as intended, just re-read the cards smh, slugger limit inbound
<< Anonymous(FixYoSht)
Anonymous Reply
Because the Special Summon its the effect of the UA Monster in the hand, not the effect of the UA in the field which you equipped with Forbidden Chalice.

Unless your opponent tried to use UA Midfielder's effect to make the switch (In any player turn & once per turn, UA Midfielder can switch in any other face-up UA in the field for other UA with a different name in your hand), ofc
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
XD people complain and then read the cards.
Cuantas copias aconsejan tener de esta carta ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yo uso una sola copia en mi deck Anki. Normalmente la uso para aumentar el ATK de un monstruo propio, sea para dar el ataque directo final con Anki o para destruir un monstruo rival en un apuro. Sin embargo, a veces la he usado para negar por un turno el efecto de monstruos con efectos molestos (Yubel, Ra, Slifer, Chimeratech) y usar ese momento para ganar el duelo.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I hope you just support trumps wall
R.I.P Yubel! :O
I could rank up to legend 3 cuz I used this card on an opponent's 4000atk chimeratech overdragon Lmao
At least the hentai was removed

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