People are really complaining that this card MAY come to the game? Are you people stupid? There are almost TCG type of meta decks in the game and decks so broken you hate your life for playing against them.
And this ONE CARD for a low tier deck is a threat to you? Are you really that stupid?
This ONE card is broken af. I just had a player who seriously used all his three copies in a single duel. No discard, anything. He seriously activated all 3. He seriously had both the BM in hand AND the appropriate target for it still in his deck all 3 times. It’s 🔥ing ridiculous. I had taken down 2 Black Magicians and 2 Cavalries. Jesus this deck needs to be nuked to hell.
"This ONE card is broken af". Yeah, lets ban the only card that makes dm decks (hardly tier 3) viable so they can become once again a never used deck.
Personally I prefer to use a REAL yugioh deck likliratherd dm, although not that compreytitive in this meta, rather than all these stupid overpowered decks (karakuri, dhitanui, crystons etc).
I am a dm player. And trust me, it is not easy anymore to climp to kog with it. At least not as easy as it is with other top tier decks (karakuri, shiranui, crystons, bw).
Any broken card deserves a ban, regardless of the deck it's part of. You are NOT supposed to come back after having all your three circles destroyed and are NOT supposed to draw your goddamn third BM and STILL have one more illusion AND a goddamn third Timaeus. This crap needs to end.
Only the third Timaeus is rare. Me vs this deck is every single time they successfully activate at least 2 navigations, and the third at least half of the time too. The circles being destroyed is almost all the time since I always use my effects to destroy it before anything else.