
Priestess with Eyes of Blue | Decks and Tips

So, I ask a question about using priestess as a f2p, and instead of helping me the admin deletes the whole thread. Why does DL dislike f2p that much?
This is not an official DL site. It's just a random gaming site with DL content. GameA has nothing to do with Konami.
<< Anonymous
not random tho. GameA is one of the most popular gaming sites.
I posted the replay link already. I understand that your game app keeps crashing on your phone and you can't watch replays.
However, if you can't watch it yourself someone else will have to watch it in your stead and tell you about the priestess combo.

I don't have the link anymore. Hope you saved it before admin deleted it.
Just watched the replay,
The combo is: activate Mauseloum of White field spell > summon Sage > Search Priestess and summon it > target Priestess with your field spell > search Alternative to synchro summon it.
<< Anonymous
Wait, isn't Mauseo a super expensive p2w spell from a main box that barely has any other good cards?
<< Anonymous
Barely any other good cards:
Stardust Dragon, Genex Undine, Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, Offerings to the Doomed, Revival Gift, Silver's CrySilver's Cry
<< Anonymous
If your one and only goal is to build a Blue Eyes deck then yes. Except from mausoleum the others aren't great.
Azure eyes can be obtained from structure deck and is limited 1.
Summoning a vanilla only spell is meh. It being quick play more or less saves this card.
<< Anonymous
what is then the advantage of meta mauso priestess vs meta backrow BE?
<< Anonymous

mausoleum feels more like you are playing a game

but that doesn't win duels against staple packed p2w decks
<< Anonymous
I remember the turn 1 play only.
Do a turn 1 BE Spirit + set 1 backrow + 1 field spell + Guaranteed SoW, Alternative, 2 tuners in the GY.

Compared to normal turn 1 BE you lose:
-1/2 backrow
for turn 1:
-1 BE Spirit on field
-1 SoW, 2 tuners for Vermillion, Alter BE (GY preparation),
-1 field spell

If you are F2P give up on this. More expensive than standard minibox backrows.
<< Anonymous
Ok, I agree that meta BE usually doesn't get to BESD turn 1 with a guaranteed DSoW on turn 2-3 for free banish. Alternative Dragon is in your graveyard however. You don't have to search it, but it's impossible to re-summon him from GY. Only a consonance-WSotA combo can summon an BE Alternative.
<< Anonymous
There are cards that can special summon effect monsters you know?
Some effects don't special summons only normal monsters.
<< Anonymous
WT Heck, how can 1-2 additional backrows with discard cost in turn 1 be >> field spell + blue eyes spirit + 4-5 monsters graveyard preparation?
<< Anonymous
Just ask then.
Who thinks "2 UR/SR Backrows"
are stronger than
"1 Boss monster + 4-5 gy preparation + 1 free normal summon per turn" ?

Answer, probably everyone.
<< Anonymous
Does no one know?
<< Anonymous
Wrong. The reason few people tried this build is because it costs more money or gems than regular backrow BE. Not because Backrow > Boss monster nonsense.
Having a turn 1 BESD on the field + GY & field preparation for turn 3 doesn't forbid you from setting 1-2 backrows.
This is like current meta BE, but with BESD turn 1 as a bonus.
<< Anonymous
I still didn't manage to build a PwEoB deck.

Can someone send another replay? Or decklist?
<< Anonymous
Never get tired of arguing with yourself?
<< Anonymous
I think he is simply unable to build meta priestess because according to the previous posts, it's too expensive lol.

Then again, why would a f2p try to build a meta deck?
<< Anonymous
Marvel-Disney fan
He sees he can't make a meta deck while being F2P, and yet that idiot refuses to use money.

No wonder he's unable to build the deck he wants to.

So lowly.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Marvel-Sore Loser
You are just a sore loser like him. You can't beat anyone with your rubbish deck.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Sore Loser)
Marvel-Disney fan
How dare you defile the holy brand of Marvel?

Stan Lee gave his all to make this franchise.

I'm the great person I'm today thanks to making Tony Stark, aka Iron man, and Steve Rogers, aka Captain America my role models.
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
cool story sis
<< Anonymous(Marvel-Disney fan)
Your comment is so Tony Stark
<< Anonymous
Tony Stark
I didn't raise a girl like this.
For her, probably I'm such a disgrace that I wouldn't even pay a single dime on a mobile game.
<< Anonymous(Tony Stark)
Steve Rogers
Hi husband,

How are you doing?
<< Anonymous
So, I just wanted to make a f2p deck that can win in this game using this card because of nostalgia from tcg. Then everyone either keeps saying offensive things or trolling by saying, combo it with that p2w cards.

I got it, this game dislike f2p players who don't use money. I'm leaving dl.
<< Anonymous
Try asking for tips in the Duel Links subreddit. It's not perfect there either, but at least you won't get mocked and 🔥ed for asking.
<< Anonymous
This game? More like the community. This isn't even Duel link official community forum ( and there are none )
You have to learn ignore every troll here if you want to take advice from here, as several player INDEED help you among those troll.
<< Anonymous
this website is the best because you are free to 🔥. Or do you prefer Reddit where they can ban you anytime just because you say that gays and lesbian should not have children, or that ISLAM should be declared ILLEGAL in EUROPE


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