
Psychic Wheeleder

This page notes details of Psychic Wheeleder (EARTH/Psychic/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 21/05/2021

Psycho Wheeleder

Psychic Wheeleder
TypePsychic, Tuner, Effect


If you control a Level 3 monster other than "Psychic Wheeleder", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Defense Position. You can only Special Summon "Psychic Wheeleder" once per turn this way. If this card is sent to the GY as Synchro Material: You can target 1 monster on the field with less ATK than the Synchro Monster that used this card as material; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Psychic Wheeleder" once per turn.

How to Get

PackDimension of the Wizards [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Can be special summoned from your hand.
  • Destroys an opponent’s monster.
  • Tuner.


  • You must control a level-3 monster other than Psychic Wheeleader to special summon this card.


Level-6 Synchro

Level-6 Syncrho monsters are the most convenient to summon with Psychic Wheeleder along with the level-3 monster required for his Special summoning. Here are some level-6 Synchro monsters that which only require generic Synchro materials.

XX-Saber Hyunlei

Synchro summon XX-Saber Hyunlei with Psychic Wheeleder and XX-Saber Darksoul. XX-Saber Hyunlei will destroy your opponent’s backrow, Psychic Wheeleder will destroy an opponent’s monster, and XX-Saber Darksoul will search your deck for an X-Saber monster, overall netting you a lot of advantage.

High Attack Synchros

Psychic Wheeleder is the right attribute to use as material when making Naturia Leodrake. With Naturia Leodrake’s amazing attack you can destroy almost anything with Psychic Wheeleder. Here are some other High attack Synchro monsters you can summon with Psychic Wheeleder.


Ultimate Axon Kicker Deck

Psychic Synchro Deck


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Bad card, and don’t tell me about future uses because there were tons of “future proof” UR cards that have never seen play once competitively!
<< Anonymous
Adryst Reply
How is this a bad card (not being a dick, I just want to know your reasoning)? Its isn't access to a level 6 synchro that has potential to pop a monster aswell
<< Anonymous(Adryst)
Anonymous Reply
There's not much decent vanilla level 6 synchro monsters. Those 5 monsters mentioned here are not popular and meta. Also many archetypes has varying monsters levels instead of just level 3s.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This top level card has no restrictions on what kind of synchros it makes, why would you limit yourself to only "vanilla" syncs? The only 2 "vanilla" syncs are Gaia Force and Leodrake anyway. This card is used for the big top level 6 bosses like Psymutt, SCW, Brionac, Psychic Riser, Goyo Guardian, Barkion.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This card can be good in goyo and golden castle of stromberg decks, as it's an earth tuner that can easily be special summoned from the hand to go into level 6 synchros
Is it worth getting 3 of this card? But not buying with real money, just pull from that box, reset 2 times until you get 3 of this?
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Anonymous Reply
It is one of the best tuners atm. If you want to get three go for it and use only gems. It comes from a mini box so it is much easier to get it in 3s in comparison with main boxes. It is like 2 minibox=1 mainbox. If you are lucky you may get a play set for just a few gems.
If burning abyss is released (which I doubt as Konami doesn’t release decks that were tier 1-0 in a meta they were relevant in, e.g. cyber dragon) it can be used as a good tech card to make Dante
<< Anonymous(Hmmmm)
Anonymous Reply
And for that to happen, we have to get Dante first, and Dante is an Xyz, so.....
<< Anonymous(Hmmmm)
Anonymous Reply
Also Burning Abyss monsters destroy themselves if there's any non BA monster on your field, including a monster that's facedown. If you can negate their effects, then by all means you could try it, but BA is right up there with Cardians for their xenophobic style of play. Only acceptions being if Fiendish Rhino Warrior is on the field or summoned by Tour Guide or Libic
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Any 2 level 3 can make Dante, so this guys can help bring him out but with another monsters that is not a BA monster, summon any monsters the level duoe to 3, summon wheeleder = Dante
<< Anonymous(Hmmmm)
Anonymous Reply
Fair enough. I was thinking about in a pure BA deck. Otherwise, yes, easy Dante
key card in any synchro deck
Hats off to this card.
Useful in more than 4-5 different decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Basically any deck that has no real game plan but could throw this in for some synchro plays
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*Cough cough Amazoness post banlist*
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're right, it's highly versatile
You know what card is really great with this one? poki draco. sounds meme but no, poki draco is lvl 3 and this card special summon with a lvl 3 and poki draco can search himself when normal summoned.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Woahhhhh way too much OP, meta definitely :O
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Combo with Wind-Up Dog for a lvl 8 Synchro.
If only it pops monster with def less than the atk it will be very useful
Hey it's psychic wheelder not psycho wheeleder
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hey it's Psychic Wheeleder not psychic wheelder
Great Card, my rating will be -A. FireFists level 3 will good too.
Works well in a MPB deck because all of their tokens are Lv3. Gives them turbo access to Lv6, and normal summon access to Lv7. Shame the meta is still going to be Canadia / Floodgate hell.
I guess its decent, its also newest card that released on tcg in 2019, bet this card had potential

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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