
Psychic Synchro: deck recipe [Oct 2020]

Duel Links Psychic Synchro deck, Psychic Synchro deck in the meta, how to build Psychic Synchro deck.
update 22/10/2020


This deck focuses on Summoning powerful Level 6 and Level 9 Synchro monsters taking advantage of Psychic Wheeleder and Psychic Tracker’s ability to be Special Summoned from the hand.

Required Card Boxes

Dimension of the Wizards

Example Deck

Standard Version

Black PteraCockadoodledooCockadoodledooCockadoodledooPsychic WheelederPsychic Wheeleder
Psychic WheelederPsychic TrackerPsychic TrackerPsychic TrackerSanganSangan
SanganPhoton CerberusPhoton CerberusCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Enemy ControllerWorld Legacy Clash----
Stardust Charge WarriorWhite Aura DolphinBrionac, Dragon of the Ice BarrierBlack Rose DragonVermillion Dragon MechCrystron Quariongandrax

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
The Tie that Binds
Until the end of you turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This skill can only be used once per turn.

How to Use

Psychic Wheeleder

Psychic Wheeleder
Psychic Wheeleder
EARTH Psychic ★3
ATK 600 / DEF 0
Dimension of the Wizards [UR]
If you control a Level 3 monster other than "Psychic Wheeleder", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Defense Position. You can only Special Summon "Psychic Wheeleder" once per turn this way. If this card is sent to the GY as Synchro Material: You can target 1 monster on the field with less ATK than the Synchro Monster that used this card as material; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Psychic Wheeleder" once per turn.

Once per turn, if you control a Level 3 monster other than Psychic Wheeleder, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. As you can clearly see, there are a lot of Level 3 Psychic-Type monsters in the Example Deck, so you will be able to Special Summon Wheeleder via its own effect pretty consistently.

  • Summon any of your Level 3 non-Tuner monsters, Special Summon Psychic Wheeleder from your hand and then Synchro Summon a Level 6 Synchro;
  • Summon any of your Level 3 non-Tuner monsters, activate Level Augmentation and increase the Level of the non-Tuner monster by 3 using Psychic Wheeleder, Special Summon Psychic Wheeleder from your hand and then Synchro Summon a Level 9 Synchro;
  • Summon any of your Level 3 non-Tuner monsters, Special Summon Psychic Wheeleder, Special Summon Psychic Tracker and then Synchro Summon a Level 9 Synchro.

Psychic Tracker

Psychic Tracker
Psychic Tracker
EARTH Psychic ★3
ATK 1600 / DEF 600
Dimension of the Wizards [R]
If you control a Level 3 monster other than "Psychic Tracker", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) in Defense Position. You can only Special Summon "Psychic Tracker" once per turn this way. A Synchro Monster that used this card as material gains 600 ATK.

Psychic Tracker is a self Special Summoning monster intended to be used as synchro material. Pair it with Wheeleder to make one of your toolboxed level-6 Synchro or make a Quariongandrax if you have two level-3 Tuners.

Another reason Tracker makes a great pair with Wheeleder is because of its ATK boost. This lets you destroy a wider range of monsters with Wheeleder's effect.


WIND Winged Beast ★5
ATK 1600 / DEF 2000
Blazing Rose [SR]
If there are no monsters on the field, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) as a Level 3 monster. If your opponent controls a monster and you control no cards, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) as a Level 4 monster. If this face-up card would leave the field, banish it instead.

Cockadoodledoo's self Special Summoning with level modulation effect makes it great fit in this deck. Special Summoning Cockadoodledoo as a level-3 gives you access to your level-6 Synchro toolbox for offense.

Another option is to Special Summon Cockadoodledoo as a level-4 monster, which only happens when your opponent has better field setup. This is perfect because a level-4 Cockadoodledoo gives you access to Black Rose Dragon for a field wipe.

Maintaining Resources

Using these monsters as Synchro material mitigates the cost of Synchro Summoning. Black Ptera simply returns to your hand after being used as synchro material. Sangan gives you a search effect, which will usually be used to fetch Psychic Wheeleder unless you already have it onhand.

Photon Cerberus

Photon Cerberus
Photon Cerberus
LIGHT Beast ★3
ATK 1300 / DEF 600
Burning Nova [N]
During the turn this card was Normal Summoned, neither player can activate Trap Cards while this card is face-up on the field.

During the turn it was Normal Summoned, as long as Photon Cerberus is face-up on the field, neither player can activate Trap Cards. The biggest weakness most Synchro decks share is just how easy it is to disrupt their plays via cards like Treacherous Trap Hole and Paleozoic Canadia but, thanks to this monster, you will not have to worry about it as much.

Extra Deck

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
WATER Sea Serpent ★6
ATK 2300 / DEF 1400
Aerial Assault [UR]
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
You can discard any number of cards to the GY, then target the same number of cards your opponent controls; return those cards to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" once per turn.

One of the best generic level-6 Synchro monsters. Can easily open your opponent to OTKs if you have enough resources onhand.

Stardust Charge Warrior
Stardust Charge Warrior
WIND Warrior ★6
ATK 2000 / DEF 1300
Warriors Unite [SR]
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Stardust Charge Warrior" once per turn. This card can attack all Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls, once each.

Between using Sangan/Ptera as synchro material, Wheeleder's removal effect, and Stardust Charge Warrior's draw effect upon summon, you actually gain resources and advantage from Synchro Summoning.

Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Dragon
FIRE Dragon ★7
ATK 2400 / DEF 1800
Blazing Rose [UR]
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

Has great synergy with Cockadoodledoo in a deck with all level-3 non-Tuners. Cockadoodledoo will only be Special Summoned as a level-4 monster when your opponent controls a monster and you don't. Coincidentally, this is also the ideal condition for a field wipe by Black Rose Dragon.

Crystron Quariongandrax
Crystron Quariongandrax
WATER Machine ★9
ATK 3000 / DEF 3000
Cybernetic Rebellion [UR]
2 or more Tuners + 1 non-Tuner monster
If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can target monsters your opponent controls and/or in their Graveyard, up to the number of Synchro Materials used for the Synchro Summon of this card; banish them. If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 banished monster, except this card; Special Summon it to your field.

Quariongandrax is definitely not an easy Synchro to bring out, but it’s also the type of card that can completely turn a Duel around. If Quariongandrax is Synchro Summoned, you can target monsters your opponent controls and/or in their Graveyard up to the number of Synchro Materials used for its Synchro Summon and straight out banish them. You can get rid of all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field with a single card and then attack them directly for 3000 damage. If that wasn’t fair and balanced enough already if this Synchro Monster is destroyed, you can target a banished monster and Special Summon it to your side of the field.

Additional Notes

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Sealed Tombs will prevent your opponent from activating Diamond Core of Koa'ki Meiru’s effect from the Graveyard, meaning you will be able to destroy their monsters with Treacherous Trap Hole and Offering to the Doomed and they will be forced to pay the maintenance cost of their monsters during the End Phase. This Skill is also an extremely valuable tool against Spellbook, Vampire and Survival’s End decks.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Level Augmentation
Reveal 1 monster in your hand, then target 1 face-up monster on your side of the field; that target's level increases by the Level of the revealed monster. This skill can be used once per Duel.

Level Augmentation allows you to Summon a Level 9 Synchro like Hyper Psychic Blaster and Giganticastle using only two monsters.

Other useful cards

Serene Psychic Witch

Serene Psychic Witch
Serene Psychic Witch
EARTH Psychic ★3
ATK 1400 / DEF 1200
Card Trader [SR]
When this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Psychic-Type monster with 2000 or less ATK from your Deck. During the next Standby Phase, if this card stays in the Graveyard: Special Summon the monster banished by this card's effect.

Serene Psychic Witch floats into Wheeleder or Tracker to use as synchro material when your turn comes around.


Hot New Top
How competitive this deck is compared to another synchro deck like Gusto, Karakuri and Dragunity?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No synchro deck except Karakuri and maybe Laval is compeditive beyond gold sadly :C

Synchro decks are to slow or to inconsistant, synchros bosses arent strong enough to deal with other boss cards, or are to difficult to bring out.

The main reason synchros arent that good though is cause we only have 3 monster card zones. So summoning more then 1 synchro or lvl 9+ synchros is near impossible.
<< Anonymous
Lukaiser Reply
I reach KOG with my psy synchro deck. But i dont use like sugested here. I beat all decks easy, except Reactor MA Dragon, dat one was hard and basically determined by the initial hand of me and my oponent, but it is very competitive. I use: 2 Wheel, 1 Comander, 3 tracker, 3 serene, 1 green kappa (nice for clean backguard and is lvl 3 for synchro), 1 cleric (lvl 3, nice defence, and enable to..
<< Anonymous(Lukaiser)
Lukaiser Reply
bring back bosses. 2 psychokinetics, 1 tribute to the doom, 1 headbutt, 2 traphole, 1 dimensional prison and 2 Hi tornado!. Basically clean map with kappa or tornado, summond the wheels and destroy all monster. Psynchro: 1 Nightmare, 1 Psy blaster, 1 mist worm (very usefull), 1 firece gaia. I dont have BS Hemout.

Yubel -> e
Masked hero -> e
Golem -> e
Laval -> m
Dino -> m
Reactor dragon -> hard
Needs Archfiend's Call
thats cant special summon wheeleder if activate level augmention first
Miyu Sugisaki
Yass this deck cool af. Btw I definitely recommend combining this deck with a gusto deck. It’s probably my best deck and it works really well.
<< Anonymous(Miyu Sugisaki)
Mikail Reply
I am searching for that deck can u share it please
Mental Seeker is extremely good, and definitely needs to be added in budget version. Being able to look, choose, and remove from play from your opponent’s deck is strong.
<< Anonymous(VJGodlyBang)
Anonymous Reply
Not as strong as you think though. You gain no momentum from Mental Seeker's effect. At best, you just gain a 1/7 chance to slow your opponent's momentum.

Also, Mental Seeker has no special summon ability, neither to himself, but others. He even NEEDS another card to summon it.
So you need 2 cards to possably remove 1 near random card from the opponent.
<< Anonymous(VJGodlyBang)
Anonymous Reply
Also. Mental Seeker doesnt make it easyer for the synchro, that you propably want to summon with it seeing Mental Seeker is a tuner, to fight the opponent.
You dont change the field. You could just as well summon a normal monster synchro instead of it.
Wich is better, P. Synchro or Laval?
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Probably Laval, but that's mostly because of Dustflame Blast being so good.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Currently Laval. Cause of a better boss monster, and a little more consistancy.
laval or this which is better
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
at this stage? Laval. Cause better boss monster and more consistant.
The new Psychic deck vs Yubel
Serenity is garbage hush psychic lvl 3 way better let's you summon any psychic from your graveyard when it dies ifor you discard a card. Also psychic night mare gets up to 4000 atk with tracker and his effect, he can easy otk.
Any thoughts on turning Psychics into a control/removal deck, now that they have Psychokinesis, Past Image, Wind-Up Juggler, etc.? They can also equip Destructotron with Telekinetic Charging Cell, for mass backrow removal, or they can use Psychic Commander and/or Future Glow to double as pseudo-beatsticks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wouldn't mind seeing a control version of Psychics, if anyone's up for creating a deck list.
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Once I'm done with Madolche, I'll work on this.
the wheel card is crazy.
Just that card can be really useful in different builds, it's just the new tetherwolf. Very versatile.
write about matchup against ancient gears please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Reactor Dragon ignores the WoD backrow and wins.

The End.
<< Anonymous
Jake Reply
<< Anonymous(Jake)
ValleCula Reply
Sigh...I'll add that matchup as well. I actually faced two of them (Geartown Turbo) while climbing and won both times.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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