
14th Main Box: Gaia Genesis

Makrov krauz
Why is Koa'ki Meiru Ice ranked as B-, is this website for real?, I understand why maximus is ranked as B- since it requires iron core but ice is differently solid B+ at least, that guy can really do some serious Field nuking.
I would say it's a solid C. Best case scenario, it's a -1. You can nuke a field at the cost of your own cards and this is only if you let it die in the End Phase. It could be a game finisher but, unless you can generate enough card advantage, you're gonna be losing resources as fast as your opponent.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
Fail Correct:
"Best case scenario, it's a -1 and this is only if you let it die in the End Phase. You can nuke a field at the cost of your own cards. It could be..."
That's what it should read, I have no idea what happened.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
Makrov krauz
Man I won several games in a raw using him,this monster is an absolute nightmare for UA, furhire,A Queen, Anki and others, I usually summon him to the field using urnight, so it's not a-1 plus the monsters he kills are usually big monsters costing my opponent big time,I'm dlv 16 currently,I only used koa'ki for climbing and it was my easiest one ever, planning to go for max using only koa'ki
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Another Anon
Are you using your decklist as mentioned in other page? with Last gamble?

I tried that dueling SDs and I got to say I really don't like how Koaki Meiru is being played right now. Not interesting nor fun to play :(

On the other hand, dark world is quite fun to play although i'm only dueling for fun. DLV 10 now, haven't really try climbing.
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
makrov krauz
I used that one first then switched to a different build ( 3 nights, 1 prototype, 1 crusader, 1-2 ice, 2 maximus, 3 iron core, 2 backraw removers, 1-2 drowning mirror, 2 canadia and 1 TTH, I was using bandit skill, disteny draw is also good
<< Anonymous(Another Anon)
makrov krauz
Man I'm getting sick of the old meta that's why I'm trying new things, planning to test aqua actress deck and some gemini, dark word looks promising but it's expensive as hell probably the most expensive deck in duel links
<< Anonymous(makrov krauz)
Another Anon
Yeah I understand what you mean. That's why I'm playing different things too.

Gemini has always been fun, and that new UR can make it whole lot better but at the same time hella expensive too. I only got 1 gemini spark.

However I'm lucky to get 3 Dark world gate with some snoww and ceruli in the past. Dark world relies heavily on card advantage. Sometimes can beat FH if get good starting hand.
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
It still counts as -1, you are merely mitigating the loss of card advantage with a +1 off Urnight. Another big plus for it's effect is the fact that the field is smaller, 3 cards max, so a complete nuke is well within range of a fresh hand. The meta is becoming more SS reliant, so I can see it's utility...
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
I still don't see it being anything above a C grade since A & B are much more splashable, reliable and powerful cards on their own. Even in it's own world, Ice is best as a surprise element and will be most effective this way.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
makrov krauz
koa'ki is an OTK oriented deck, it can't last for long but when it goes in it goes hard and that's when ice shines, you remove backraws first then u need to remove big monsters, maximus is good but it has harder summoning condition and it's effect is once per turn!.
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
makrov krauz
I don't think the koaki traps and spells are Better than ice to deserve a B+, nor mermails abyssbanaen and other garbage cards given B+, I just don't know how u can't see the utility of this card, his 1900 attack is fair enough with maximus for otk
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
makrov krauz
I got ur point anyway, I'm juat saying there are some garbage cards ranked as B+, cards way worse than ice + ice is the only koa'ki card that can work optimally if used in any deck not just koa,ki deck just like snipe hunter, to each their pluses and minuses
I just got schooled by Koa'ki Meiru in rankeds
<< Anonymous
Makrov krauz
LoL, what deck were you playing?
<< Anonymous(Makrov krauz)
Koa'ki meiru claps by now.


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