
Roid: deck recipe

update 11/08/2018


Example Deck

Invoker Version

Previous Version

Geargia Version

GeargianchorGeargianchorGeargiarsenalTies of the BrethrenTies of the BrethrenTies of the Brethren
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongWidespread RuinWidespread RuinNeedle CeilingPulse Mines
Pulse MinesCurse of Anubis------Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill

Fusion Version

SubmarineroidSubmarineroidSubmarineroidCosmic CycloneFusion SageHey, Trunade!
Hey, Trunade!PolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerizationPulse MinesPulse Mines
Wall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionSuper Vehicroid Jumbo DrillPair CycroidPair CycroidPair Cycroid

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fusion Reserves - Roids
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. From your Deck, add 1 Fusion Material whose name is specially listed on a "roid" Fusion Monster card in your Extra Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Syrus Truesdale
Syrus Truesdale

How to Use (Geargia Version)


Drillroid is able to destroy any defense position monster it attacks before damage calculation. This effect allows you to destroy stronger monsters which are hard to deal with when using low leveled Roid monsters. This effect also allows you to dodge Amazoness Onslaught's removal effect because it activates before damage calculation, allowing you to attack Amazoness monsters safely. Keep in mind however, effects that activate when a monster is flipped face-up, like Sylvan Komushroom, will still activate when attacked by Drillroid.


Steamroid is used as a regular beater and is able to get over most level 4 or lower monsters with his 500 attack boost when he is attacking. The problem is that when he is being attacked he loses 500 attack so you have to defend him with your spell/trap cards.


Geargia monsters are all good low-leveled beaters but have weak defense, and it doesn't help that they activate their effects by being flipped from face-down defense position where they are vulnerable. To work around this only flip them face-down after the turn they were summoned so that you can immediately flip them back face-up.
Their destruction effects also depend on the number of other Geargia monsters you have on the field which could gain you a lot of advantage if you are able to spam the field. Geargiattacker destroyes spell/trap cards, while Geargianchor destroys monster cards. Geargiarsenal searches your deck for any Geargia monster except itself and special summons it in defense position.

Ties of the Brethren

As previously stated Geargias are great when you are able to swarm the field with them, And Ties of the Brethren is perfect for this. All you need is one of your Geargia monsters, Drillroid, or Steamroid on the field then target it with Ties of the Brethren to special summon your Geargia monsters. Be careful as the turn you activate Ties of the Brethren will be your most vulnerable turn because you cannot attack and the Geargia's effects will not be helpful yet.

Needle Ceiling

Needle Ceiling destroys all face-up monsters and can be activated when there are 4 or more monsters on the field. With Ties of the Brethren you can fill your field with 3 monsters so Needle Ceiling will be easier to activate. Best thing is that you can flip your Geargia monsters face-down so they will not be affected by Needle Ceiling, turning Needle Ceiling into a destroy all your opponent's monsters card assuming all your opponent's monsters are face-up.

How to Use (Fusion Version)

Change Battle Position

Use these cards to defend your monsters by changing attacking enemy monsters to defense position. This will also allow you to destroy them during your turn with Drillroid, making for great synergy and removal of stronger monsters. Pulse Mines is particularly powerful because it changes all your opponent's monster and all monsters they summon for the rest of that turn to defense position. It could also be chained to cards that disrupt your backrow like Cosmic Cyclone and Hey, Trunade.

Sergeant Electro

Since the spell/trap cards in this deck are used for battle protection and none are for spell/trap protection, Sergeant Electro is a good choice to help you defend against backrow heavy decks. Sergeant Electro locks down your opponent's backrow which is effective against cards that can only be activated during battle like Wall of Disruption. Or forces them to chain it Sergeant Electro, activating it early.


Summon Expressroid to retrieve Roid monsters from your graveyard. If you have Polymerization in hand you can retrieve 2 copies of the same monster to fusion summon Pair Cycroid. Another option is to retieve Drillroid when you have a battle position changing card prepared for your opponent.

Direct Attack

Both of these monsters are able to attack your opponent directly and try to finish the duel quickly with this tactic. Submarineroid can change itself to defense position after attacking which makes for decent stall with his high defense stat. Pair Cycroid has high attack compared to other monster who can attack directly dealing relatively large damage to your opponent.


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This seems... incredibly outdated.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow, a time capsule of 2017.
update this deck or remove it.hardly relevant if it was at any point.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if it was at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cope. It's "relevant" as long as it's played, and it is.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So, Baby Dragon deck is also relevant? Cool
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It very much is. What do you think, that a Baby Dragon deck is just 20 normal monsters? Any normal monster deck has loads of strong support.
Just give us cyber dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We have it now owo
<< Anonymous(GREY RANK)
this is my roid deck, I like more retart than that syrus skill
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1 Lv8 Roid (not fusion) would be nice
The Thruthteller
The pornography in the comments on certain other pages is getting out of hand. This is a site about a game the KIDS will visit. The moderators need to do something about these comments or put a NSFW warning upon attempting to access the comments. This is getting ridiculous.
<< Anonymous(The Thruthteller)
The Connoisseur Reply
They'll probably have to disable image uploads. A shame considering its how we show off deck builds etc. Unfortunately it probably is immature teens posting the porn on here.
<< Anonymous(The Connoisseur )
The Truthteller Reply
I agree 100%. hopefully by the time more people see this conversation it will make no sense because the mods have already taken action.
<< Anonymous(The Thruthteller)
Anonymous Reply
Disabling image uploads in comment is the only way, yeah.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree, disabling image uploads in comments is a better choice.

Hopefully Gamea staffs read this.

Disabling image upload in comments means we can't brag about our card pack pulls/card drops anymore, but hey, it's better than having porn spam.
This deck obviously hasn't been updated in a while. The new pack wasn't out 2 hours and people already put together the synchro samurai page, yet this one hasn't been touched?
Pollo Loco
3 Expressroid
3 Jetroid
3 Steamroid
2 Drillroid
2 Submarineroid
3 Veihcroid Connection Zone
1 Fusion Recycle Plant
1 Polymerization
2 Pulse Mines
3 Inverse Universe
2 Wall of Disruption
3 Supercharge
2 Fusion Reserve

2 Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill
3 Pair Cycroid

I wanna read your suggestions

<< Anonymous(Pollo Loco)
Anonymous Reply
A 30 cards deck? Too many. Your combos will be slower and your opponent will have a faster time getting their own. In this game, it's better to maximize efficiency.
<< Anonymous(Pollo Loco)
Anonymous Reply
Only run 30 cards if you plan on using TGLG. Otherwise keep your deck around 20 cards.
Your fusion deck lacks steamroid, necessary for summoning the Vehicroid
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think it's intended to Summon Jumbo Drill, it's just there for the Skill. It's based around Pair Cycroid.
it feels funny when you fuse cyberstein to produce pair cycroid
Anyone else notice that Steamroid seems to be missing from the Fusion version's deck list? Or am I to assume Expressroid is a proxy of some sort?
<< Anonymous(Rhysk)
Anonymous Reply
The big fusion is there just to use the skill, your main goal is to summon the bike fusion.
Here's a list of Roids-themed non-competitive deck of mine:
(it uses "Check Out My Fusion!" skill obtainable by Syrus)

Expressroid 1
Drillroid 3
Steamroid 3
Submarineroid 2
Electro Sergeant 2

Polymerization 2
Enemy Controller 3
Cosmic Cyclone 1

Pulse Mines 2
Windstorm of Etaqua 1

Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill 1
Pair Cycroid 2

It is basically a 'control' deck that usually goes like, 'turning thy monsters into defense mode and then wreck 'em with Drillroids (and sometimes with Steamroids)', while dealing bits of direct damage with Pair Cycroids and stuff. When you need something to finish the game, then you can just use the skill listed above to summon Jumbo Drill and then deal the finishing blow(by the means of piercing damage etc.).

I used this list in ranked games right after hitting KoG and alas, got beated a lot by other KoG-worthy tier decks(just as I expected). This one's NOT that competitive in ranked duels obviously and I'm not sure it's optimized enough, but if you want to build out Roids deck for various purposes, I think you still can check out my Roids list above a bit. :)

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Add me and play 888-503-525
If you look at what they did to lava golem, yes. Honestly it doesn't matter to me as long...
Planet level elephant pretty cool.
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