
Marik Ishtar

he is practically conformed now, not only because those skills, etc but because this informations finded in the most recently datamine: there have a image showing a possible event to unlock him and the winged dragon of ra: phoenix form
It's not in DLM yet.

Until trusted dataminers like YAZAN and XOF confirmed it, I won't trust the supposed leak just yet.
I knew thattttt
I Knew that
Yes Marik is going to unlock RA's phoenix form
He is coming
Aster lover
Do you have a link to this or any other information? I can't find anything at all. I want to believe you, but I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing again if he just ends up not being on a new character release schedule list again like last time.
<< Anonymous(Aster lover )
i finded this leak in the Renan Sparrow datamine, and in the brazilian duel links page, someone said he can be unlocked in a duelist chronicle [ probably the dawn of duel one ] just like Yugi Muto and Arkana.

and here is the link for the datamine:
<< Anonymous
Aster lover
Thank you very much. I will take a look. It is time for the general gameplay survey, so maybe he will have a chance.
<< Anonymous(Aster lover )
anyway, i hope they release him from april-ownards because if him don't come to the game i will leave this game, seriously, i even begun to migrate to TCG slowly.

btw, here is the exactly datamine's page where they found this information:
<< Anonymous(Aster lover )
you're welcome, yeah i hope so.
<< Anonymous
Aster lover
We got one now for February. Looks like more of Marik's boring lackeys coming to the game instead of him. Again. This is why I don't get my hopes too high for Marik anymore. :(
<< Anonymous(Aster lover )
atleast they actually dueled unlike marik
<< Anonymous
Aster lover
He duelled via Strings using the Millennium Rod. (And he lost to Ishizu during duels in the underground when they were kids.) Just how many times do we have to explain this simple fact to you?
<< Anonymous(Aster lover )
but it was strings who dueled and marik never had an on screen duel
<< Anonymous
Aster lover
It's not about who physically uses the duel disk. Marik built the deck and planned out all of the moves. Strings had no free will of his own due to the fact that he basically shut off his own consciousness after he murdered his parents, and because he was being controlled by Marik.
<< Anonymous
Aster lover
Lol No, dude. It is really just a brief letdown that I get for a little bit after each news update when I see that he is skipped again. I already got Aster and Zane, so ultimately, I am fine. I'm going now, so have fun talking to yourself and taking the comments to +100 again. lol
<< Anonymous(Aster lover)
oh well hes not gonna get added for a long long time i can tell you that much lol
<< Anonymous(Aster lover)
someone will say: "but him never dueled in persona, well we can tell the same about Mokuba [ that miniduel doesn't count ], Serenity and Tristan [ those duels was a filler ] so they don't have any excuse to don't add him playable in the future.
<< Anonymous
but they actually dueled unlike marik
It's clearly fake, we dont have any in-game update since Trudge event and you is dumb enough to believe it
<< Anonymous(Aster lover)
Why is this Aster Lover so rude? Are fangirls always like this?
<< Anonymous
So what? I see everyone here is RUDE.
<< Anonymous
From what I've read, the tipping point was that Aster Lover mentioned something about grammar, when in fact it's not really a necessity when you are making a point while conversing with both parties using the same lingua franca. Mentioning "grammar" like that is just asking for the conversation to be derailed and plunged into ad hominem projections.
<< Anonymous
Anyway, normal Marik is unlikely as it would require having the same exception in regards to adding alter ego characters. Atem and Yugi is such a distinct, but all the while, a very developed relationship with distinct character executions of their own. Meanwhile, Bakura and Marik, are just like "shells" in which their villan counterparts necessitates for them to acquire substance. Atem-Yugi was
<< Anonymous
developed in exactly the opposite way - that is to give the latter a some sort of justification for his existence. Syntax-wise, it's bad decision to just add every alter-ego characters in game. Resources-wise/exernally speaking, who wouldn't want to hoard some gems though.
Tbh dude. That's more like youtube thumbnail than DL event banner, also Marik most relevant ace card is Metal Recflect Slime not a card that he never used like Immortal Phoenix.
<< Anonymous
^ Nice point of view. I may not agree or side with you, but man I respect those who are actually making an effort to argue in a more civil way. A lot of times, people just rely on emotional outbursts or baiting to do the talking. Then there are those people who speak native English but waste the language on splashing rude remarks that looks cool on the outside but inherently empty from inside.
<< Anonymous(Zephyr)
(Before someone comments, I'm not one of the people that have participated in this discussion already.)

Implying you're better than the others because you didn't resort to name-calling or whatever doesn't really make you look any more credible. It makes it pretty clear you feel the same way, just care more about your outward appearance.
<< Anonymous
Odion and Ishizu have card rewards they would normally not possess in the anime, so they can employ that same tactic on Marik. Then again, adding alter egos is like a disruptive entity in an equation. It just doesn't fit, unlike with the Yugis. If they allowed Marik, Konami knows it may backlash. People would then ask for Normal Zane and Bakura too, which might be too much.
<< Anonymous(^Zephyr above)
The difference is that I don't consider myself a better person than you due to my opinion. Also, he opening of my post was simply to clarify that I have no personal stake in the conversation.

🔥s, direct or indirect, are never useful.
<< Anonymous
fangirls are very toxiv when it comes to their favorite characters most likely due to ego problems like aster lover
<< Anonymous
The most toxic one is Baharley. That's their leader. Second in command is Lovely Aster.


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