
DNA Transplant | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of DNA Transplant (Trap Card/Continuous) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 24/08/2020

DNA Transplant

DNA Transplant
TypeTrap Card
Card Effect TypeContinuous-like Effect


Activate by declaring 1 monster Attribute. All face-up monsters become that Attribute.

How to Get

Level-up rewardBastion Lvl 38 [SR]
Victory againstBastion Misawa [SR]
Card trader--




  • Affects all face-up monsters.


  • The effect also affects your opponent's monsters.


Forcing an Attack

If you have Super Rush Headlong, you can use DNA Transplant to change all monsters to 1 attribute, then use cards like Staunch Defender, or Amazoness Archers to force all of your opponent's monsters to attack into your monster. You will need all 3 spell/trap card zones in order to pull it off though, and your opponent can counter with their own Super Rush, but this can essentially destroy all your opponents monster in a turn. DNA Transplant + Super Rush can also work well on monsters that can attack multiple times in a turn to destroy multiple monsters without even getting to damage calculation.


You can use DNA Transplant to change all monster's attribute into 1, and all your monsters will get an increased attack. This can work well if you also use a field spell that increases attack based on their attribute, and more Powercells.





ActionsDeclares an Attribute
Stat changesChanges Attribute

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Not KoG
Worth getting it from a Prismatic U/R ticket.
I found it in a Super Rare [SR] ticket if anybody was wondering.
damn .. poor guy
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Poor yellow monster...
<< Anonymous
Beaver Warrior Reply
it's Thunder Kid
Got an eart deck. Glad i have never seen anybody using this card (against me)
combo with mahhad ..otw 5000 atk
run core destroyer, DNA transplant, DNA surgery, and cipher solider and you have a meme deck with most likely an abismal win rate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
correction: for sure an horrible win rate but yes memes,
I don't think this card is broken but it can shut down many decks when played alongside core destroyer
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, it can’t. Just about all the meta decks do not care and can break this combo with ease
this with ally of justice will piss many off. with that said, jinzo is the counter
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The entire meta is the counter to this card lol

Neos: Fusion protects, destroys your Core Destroyer and gives them a free search too
Sams: Negates this trap with Shien, also Shien has its protection effect if another sam is out with it
Ancient Gears: Reactor Dragon doesn’t care and blows up DNA transplant when it attacks along with your monsters
Cyberdark Desperado: Desperado blows you up
I think this would run good with Ally of Justice monsters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I’m trying hard to get this card for that same exact combo.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah a few of these and a few of those. Easy win
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Even with this card, it’s prone to just about every form of backrow removal, on top of most of the meta not caring about their effects.

Neos: Fusion protects, destroys your Core Destroyer for a free search too
Sams: Negates this trap with Shien
Ancient Gears: Reactor Dragon doesn’t care and blows up DNA transplant when it attacks
Cyberdark Desperado: Desperado blows you up

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ya, I know what you mean... that's actually pretty bizarre. I wonder if there's actually a lore about the "DNA card series".
This could work rly well in combination with SRH but i doubt anyone would actually do that
<< Anonymous(Yaboi)
Wooster Reply
Staunch Defender + SRH = Board Clear
<< Anonymous(Wooster)
Anonymous Reply
the problem is that wall of disruption would do a better job than this 2 card combo if ur opponent really has 3 monsters as they will take damage a be vulnerable to more damage in the following turn
B Buster Drake Jinzo and this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you wanting to combo jinzo with traps might not be the best idea. you'd need amplifier making it a total of 5 cards to do the combo including the tribute for jinzo, but that opens up more weaknesses

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