
Stage 51-60: FAQ and Tips

What's the specific condition for comeback victory? Any deck or tips to make me achieve this faster?
make sure your life points are lower than the enemy on the last turn before you win but cannot deck out win
Wrong. You just need to be 2000 lifepoints lower than your opponent at some point in the duel. This information is on this website you know
No. Hugo is correct. Life points need to be lower than opponents life points the turn you 🔥 him. It can be 100 life points lower and still count.
Some times, you can also be awarded a comeback victory by having your opponent declare an attack with damage enough to 🔥 you, but then stop it with some card. I got many comeback victories against Yugi Muto lv40 by allowing his Cerberus to reach attack high enough to 🔥 me and then stop his attack with Ready to Intercept.
Use utility cards that require life points as a cost, such as Abyssal Designator, or play against opponents that use life points boosts.
<< Anonymous(hugo)
Confirmed it. At the start of the turn on which you win, your HP must be lower than your opponent. Lowering your HP on the same turn (i.e. by maintaining mirror wall) won't work as your hp must be lower before the last turn starts.
Use paradox brothers and their ‘Elements Unite’ skill. You will start off with 500 LP and have gate guardian in your hand along w/ Sanga, Kazejin, and Suijin on your field. To easily complete this, go against lvl 10 duelists at the gate.
<< Anonymous
No sorry but you are wrong i just got done playing it and i had 1200 life points and did not get it
I chose to fight lvl 10 Chazz at the gate. Just let him attack the first 3 turns without placing any monsters - got down to 200 life points. Then started placing monsters and won in 3 turns.
<< Anonymous(Mizu)
Did this and it did not work, please have your facts straight before trying to post an answer to a legitimate question
<< Anonymous(Mizu)
This worked for me against Chazz!!! Thanks so much!!!
<< Anonymous
Reposting the method that worked below my previous reply.

Confirmed it. At the start of the turn on which you win, your HP must be lower than your opponent. Lowering your HP on the same turn (i.e. by maintaining mirror wall) won't work as your hp must be lower before the last turn starts.
<< Anonymous(Mizu)
Ye thx I'm gunna try that out for Chase Princeton
<< Anonymous(Zex )
Which Deck did u use
<< Anonymous
That doesn’t work in order to unlock him. I tried that but you have to use jaden
I'm in progress for unlocking pegasus without special event, one of conditions is win comeback victory against him using Yami Yugi but YaYu's skill isn't support to Duel with less LP than opponent. Then How I can do this? Are there Someone who know to do It?
<< Anonymous(Zex )
Thx. Did this and worked. first try to boot.
<< Anonymous
Tested it, doesen't work.
<< Anonymous(Zex )
Worked flawlessly! Thanks! <3
<< Anonymous
Well this isn't true I have just finished a duel with chazz I was at 1800 and he was at 4000 then I used elemental recharge and summoned big shield gardna he had ojama country
<< Anonymous
Cable Dude
I’ve tried this multiple times and didn’t work. On the turn i won, my life points were 400 points lower than Pegasus but i didn’t get the Comeback Victory bonus. And none of my damage was self-inflicted. It was all damage from his attacks.
<< Anonymous(Cable Dude)
Cable Dude
Nevermind, i just didn’t meet one of the conditions. I had to be using Yami yugi. Ughh. Sorry.
<< Anonymous(well-built0913)
I am trying to unlock Pegasus as well.
<< Anonymous
I can't believe I'm saying this; Winged Dragon of Ra for the win! LoL
Easy way to get comeback victory, use wingged dragon of ra deck. Fight a level 10 gate character. Dont attack until you have ra out. Generally 1300 is the strongest monster of all the decks a level 10 will have. You can safly draw the cards you need with stronger than 1300 and when you do put your lp to 100. Even if they took some damage from a def monster you should have a larger than 2000lp.
<< Anonymous(Ayu)
Before someone complains that ra didnt work for them. There is still a bug, where if you win on the turn you summon him. It wont count as a comeback. Simply wait 1 turn and it will work.
my best against pegasus: choose lvl 20 pegasus at gate.first set a monster in defend and let him hit you directly.second turn is the same set a monster again and he can hit you.the next turn you can summon the third monster and make aktive all of them plus some spell make stronger everyone or lower the enemy and 🔥 pegasus.thats it.
From my experience to get comeback victory you must have 1000 life points or less when your opponent has 4000 of course you subtract 100 for each 200 points of damage that your enemy losses afterwards finish the duel as quick as possible or restore your life points and finish the duel whenever you can that is how it works for me up till now I'm still doing research but I'll let you guys know if
There are any new developments in this theory but please try it out and let me know if it worked ok you can post here or send me an email at I'll await for your answers also I wouldn't mind taking on duelists either so contact me if you want to duel
<< Anonymous(Ayu)
that not a bug. During the turn that you win your life points must start lower than your opponents. Otherwise its not really a "comeback", it would be more of a "Hit me more so I can punch harder".


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