
The Legendary Fisherman | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of The Legendary Fisherman (WATER/Warrior/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 08/04/2022

The Legendary Fisherman

The Legendary Fisherman
Monster TypeWarrior
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeContinuous Effect
Related to ArchetypesUmi


While "Umi" is on the field, this card is unaffected by Spell effects and cannot be targeted for attacks, but does not prevent your opponent from attacking you directly.

How to Get

Level-up rewardMako Tsunami Lvl 7 [UR]
Victory againstMako Tsunami [UR]
Card trader--
OtherMako Tsunami Starter Deck [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]




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Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesUnaffected by Spell Cards
Attack categoriesManages attack targets / Allows direct attacks


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legendary ocean + legendary fisherman. boommmmmmm
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it counts as umi but it affect all water monster. so, it would
<< Anonymous
Edgar81539 Reply
Are you stupid? Legendary Fisherman is unaffected by effects when Umi is on the field so he doesn't get the boost from a Legendary Ocean and on field his level changes to 5. On hand his level is 4 because he doesn't have an effect there so you can normal summon it.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Anonymous Reply
Lol he definitely gets the boost I’m using him now that combo works but card is still bad
<< Anonymous
arnold Reply
best way to combo fisherman with trap card effect as long you control monster you take no battle damage
if its my only card on the field, enemy can attack me directly?
<< Anonymous(question)
BeastTypeUser Reply
<< Anonymous(BeastTypeUser)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(question)
Anonymous Reply
Oooh... So bad!!!!! That just proves you not a smart thinker. Ummm... Spirit Barrier trap while it's on. Why? As long as it's activated with a monster on the field, you take no damage. Spells don't do nothing to him, but it don't say anything about traps, jeez... Think outside the box
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Junk is junk. This card never ever was a good card. Even when it first came out as an ultra rare in PSV pavks back in early 00s. Pathetic stats, 5 stars, effect that enables your opponent for direct attack. He cant even get a boost from umi/atlantic ocean plus is a warrior fgs!
Card is honestly terrible. Riryoku and maybe Ceal's Bow are like the only spells you might profitably avoid with this, and that hardly matters since his stats are outclassed by... Like, everything. He doesn't even get the stat boost from Umi. It doesn't interact with anything else that an Umi based deck wants to do. Not to mention that it's an utterly flavorless card. Why is the fisherman a warrior? What does being great at catching fish have to do with not being targeted by attacks? I HATE this card, and I'm pissed that I have to use it for stage 48.
<< Anonymous(Summer)
dude Reply
you can use his anti spell effect for your advantage like E con mystic box and other spells that require to sac a monster
<< Anonymous(dude)
Anonymous Reply
exactly, OP is just un-creative
<< Anonymous(Summer)
Anonymous Reply
You haven't seen the anime huh? Joey couldn't attack him because he was underwater all the time. That's why he cant be targeted for attacks.
<< Anonymous(Summer)
Anonymous Reply
What else a fisherman is supposed to be other than a warrior?
This dude really made my D go hard
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

This card's design may be inspired by a real man named Filomeno Patacsil, a Hawaiian fisherman who, in 1957, rode an 800-pound Tiger Shark in an attempt to free it from one of his fishing nets. Furthermore, in Hawaiian culture, sharks are highly respected creatures which may explain the normally odd combination of the fisherman himself and the shark he rides in this card's artwork.
<< Anonymous(Badger)
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for sharing!
Lvl 48 Challenge
If you converted your legendary fisherman before this challenge, the easiest way to complete the challenge is to use the Exchange spell card to steal him from Mako.
Legendary Fisherman needs a tribute to be summoned.
Continue to keep Makos monster slots empty so that he keeps LF in his hand, then use exchange when his hand is full for better chances at stealing his card.

Summoning LF after stealing it counts towards the challenge. This is much easier than farming Mako for him
<< Anonymous(Lvl 48 Challenge)
NoNo Reply
U saved my life :))
The card would be slightly better if they released Tornado Wall...
<< Anonymous(Scarecrow )
Anonymous Reply
you can use spirit barrier for same effect as tornado wall. (i do realize im replying to old comment..haha)
666 illunimata confi
i got this card from 2nd lvl 30 Mako farm
i realized it's all about RNG
Had 2 of them and converted them for UR stones and can't complete Stage 48 now... Also grinded Mako 40 but he never drops another copy of it -.-
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You don't use Exchange to earn the Fisherman. You use Exchange to take it and play it in that duel.
<< Anonymous(Ulle)
JOJO Reply
Hi friend situation same you ,but i find solution for help you.

1. prepare exchange card (magic)
2. go to gate and fight with mako lv40.
3. use exchange for summon fisherman.
lucky for you.
<< Anonymous(JOJO)
JOJO Reply
Use exchange card , It can help :)
<< Anonymous(JOJO)
Anonymous Reply
In the event that you only have one, you can recycle them with Tourbus.
Oh god this is so much fun with Feast of the Wild Lv5, special summon 2 lv5 warriors from your hand or grave. Plus Planet Path + Water Hazard search for much fun. Goes great with metal morph.
I hate this damn card, so inconvenient.
What's the games obsession with this 🔥 card. I don't have one cuz I converted it and I'm stuck on level 58. I guess I could come up with some deck with autonomous action unit and exchange and ritual summons. I thought I was done with it after 48.
<< Anonymous
Duel Novice Reply
Because this is mako signature card. That is why. At least mako already give us this card when we unlock him before. It's our own fault if we convert it to UR.However, I'm sure you will be more headache when reach stage 59 which require you to summon perfectly ultimate great moth, the card u can only get from weevil drops.. (-_-")
<< Anonymous(Duel Novice)
Anonymous Reply
Got the moth first time I ground him lol

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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