
How to beat/farm Yami Marik (part 2) lvl50

Duel Links Yami Marik Lvl 50, Yami Marik Lvl 50 deck list, decks to farm Yami Marik Lvl 50.
update 09/12/2017

How to Get the Winged Dragon of Ra

Starting now (15th december) Yami Marik lvl 50 will start appearing in Duel World (DM). He will not appear at the gate, but appear in the overworld, just like Arkana, The Rare Hunter and Yami Marik did before.

Once you beat Yami Marik lvl 50, you will receive one copy of The Winged Dragon of Ra, there will be no need to farm him and rely on luck to get your copy (The victory rewards from lvl 50 are the same as lvl 40). But if you fail to beat Yami Marik you might have to wait a few hours before getting another shot at him (assuming his spawn will work the same way Arkana and the Rare hunter did in the overworld, otherwise you might be able to speed up his spawn rate by gaining event points).

Yami Marik lvl 50 will have the skill “Incarnation of The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode”. This skill allows Yami Marik to start out with a copy of “The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode” on his side of the field. What this means is that he can immediately bring out his Winged Dragon of Ra with 4000 atk and 4000 def at the start of the duel (without paying any life points), which makes it a very powerful skill. Because Yami Marik will still have all his life points when he brings out Ra, it’s very likely he’ll use Ra’s effect (by paying 1000 life points) to destroy your monsters. (Marik won’t be able to raise Ra’s attack past 4000 by paying life points because that effect can only be activated when he is normal summoned)

Although you can’t attack The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere mode or target it with effects, you can target The Winged Dragon of Ra with card effects. This means you’ll have to fill your deck with enough powerful cards to have a good chance that you have some way to deal with Ra in your opening hand. (note: although Ra’s effect says “When Normal Summoned, other cards and effects cannot be activated.” this effect is over as soon as Ra is summoned, AND in the case of Sphere Mode, Ra is special summoned and not normal summoned)

Cards that can quickly deal with The Winged Dragon of Ra

Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Stop an attack from Ra, or take control of him and end Yami Marik with his own Egyptian God card.
Tribute to The Doomed
Tribute to The Doomed
Single monster removal, while it can’t be used on The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode, it can take out the Egyptian God himself.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
If you go first you can’t attack yet, and since he’ll likely use Ra’s effect to destroy your monsters there is almost no use in summoning anything on your first turn (unless you have a card like Order to charge), that’s why Windstorm of Etaqua is great to survive and stall a turn.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
If you run some 5+ level monsters you can use Soul Exchange as monster removal. People have been using Hazy Flame to farm lvl 40, and Hazy Flame decks run great with Soul Exchange.
Cyber Angel Dakini
Cyber Angel Dakini
If you go first and you can bring out this monster you immediately take care of Ra because even though The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode can’t be targeted by effects, Dakini doesn’t actually targets but rather forces your opponent to send a monster to the graveyard. If you have access to a Cyber Angel deck, this could be a sure way to victory.
Black Dragon Ninja
Black Dragon Ninja
Just like the example with a Cyber Angel deck, you could run a Ninja deck and banish Ra with Black Dragon Ninja’s effect. Even if your Black Dragon would be removed from the field (by yourself or your opponent) , Ra won’t come back since he can’t be special summoned (and the effect from Black Dragon Ninja says that they are Special summoned to the field).
If you set a monster to absorb an attack or Ra’s effect that destroys a monster , you can use this trap to destroy Ra as well.
Parallel Twister
Parallel Twister
As long as you start with one other spell/trap, you can send them to the graveyard together with Ra.
If you are able to equip this trap to a monster with 1800 atk, you have enough to destroy Ra in battle (1800+300+2000 = 4100).

Temple of Mind's Eye

Union Atk Version

Gravekeeper's VassalCaligo Claw CrowPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderUnion AttackEnemy Controller
Temple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyeSecret Pass to the TreasuresFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleDraining ShieldDraining ShieldCurse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua


Catapult Turtle Version

Catapult TurtleGolden LadybugGolden LadybugSoul ExchangeA Legendary OceanBackup Squad
Backup SquadTemple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyePot of BenevolencePot of Benevolence
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of GreedJar of Greed

Lvl 50 Yami Marik's deck


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How do you unlock Marik lvl 50 it states da x20 on the event guide but what does that mean?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1 million event points to unlock.
x20 is the multiply for your total event points added dueling 50(for lvl 40 it is x18 of your DA)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Redanoos15 Reply
Thanks you helped me cause im a sped kid who hasn't gotten 1 mil
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Person Reply
I am having the same problem as well I am waiting to get RA. But I cannot seem to unlock level 40 Marik yet. Do I need to wait for the Marik event?
I was able to beat him using mask of the accursed combined with metalmorph in my dragon deck using kiaba. 2 turn win.
<< Anonymous
ass-as-sin Reply
what other card youve used...
<< Anonymous(ass-as-sin)
Anonymous Reply
tatsu and beaver warriors
<< Anonymous
Emmanuel Reply
Hey i am at the end of 2018 can we still get power of the tributed
Exploder Dragon is a good monster to get rid of Ra. If you attack you won't receive any damage, but you'll be open to attack on the second turn. Luckily, I had some trap cards to shield me.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I use ra to farm marik with 2 or 3 massivemorph and amazoness S.W
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I beat marik at lv40 last time in three turns using aromages. SUPER EFFECTIVE!!
Does the level 50 drop the egg?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I had him summon the egg on my side of field, then my winged dragon of ra destoied everything was funny.
i only need peten the dark clown to make marik use the monster destruction efect of ra 3 time to leave him with 1000 lp and finish him to easy
hey! I won against marik 50 lvl nad I've got ra and also I got a skill but when I touched the scree to obtain that skill I took a warning somethig not enough place or like that. I touched on the icon again and I obtained the skil but I didn't see the skill in my duelist (pegasus) I checked the marik but also marik has not the skill. what happend that skill?
<< Anonymous(EstonMartin)
Anonymous Reply
you have to go check in your box and hit ok and you'll get it.
<< Anonymous(EstonMartin)
Anonymous Reply
Click on the light bulb on the right hand side of the skill but not"receive all". If you click "receive all", you will get a notice that your prize had filled up and not able to receive any more prize. I change to use Yami Marik and click on the light bulb and successed.
<< Anonymous(EstonMartin)
Anonymous Reply
Put ra into your deck then your skill will appear.That worked for me
<< Anonymous(EstonMartin)
BabaYaga Reply
use marik as youor character and get the skill in your inbox
Did no one else use Vision Hero Trinity? I just copied my Aster Phoenix deck onto Yugi and flattened him turn two. It was kind of a joke really...
<< Anonymous(Xadric)
Anonymous Reply
That if your hand is 3 hero monster and poly in starting hand, the only thing you need is 1 monster + 1 econ just tribute take it then destroy any monster on his field, mind the -1000 lp but in 2 turn it just OHKO, or destroy ra too for an endless trolling
<< Anonymous
Xadric Reply
You make it sound like summoning Trinity is hard. Two poly and Vyon makes it super easy. It only took me two attempts to otk since he summons a weak monster on the side, which I can also crush.
<< Anonymous(Xadric)
Valencia Reply
Two polys and even just one Vyon with E-Hero Woodsman and Trinity is there a lot for me.
I just need three of each of them should i exchange them to be cristal in card trader?
He's not appearing level 50 in the overworld... only 10-40. Am I missing something?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You need to have 1,000,000 event points for him to appear.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And you have to againts marik at in DM then he will come at lvl 50 you'll get the notification
Beating Ra with a Riryoku feels good, yet not as satisfactory as i would have hoped. Who cares, RA IS NOW MINE TO COMMAND!!

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
highest 30 lvl marik seems in my game how can i play 50 lvl

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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