
How to Get High Score

This page notes what the score is in Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, the list of conditions, and how to gain high score.
update 15/02/2017


Based on Duel Assessments

The amount of score is based on the conditions players achieve in a duel. The more amount of score can be obtained as the achieved assessments are difficult.

One Reward by 1,000 Score

Players can obtain one reward per 1000 score when winning a duel. For example, when the score is 2000 or more but less than 3000, you can get 2 rewards.


Over 6,000 score

Quick Victory and Comeback Victory can be active at the same time and gives you score of 2,500. Not easy to achieve two of them in a duel, but not impossible.

Over 9,999 Damage and Cards on the Brink

To achieve those two is the most popular way to get high score from Legendary Duelists. See the list of cards that can increase their ATK over 10,000.

Quick Victory and No Damage

Quick Victory and No Damage are the easiest conditions to achieve. Using high stats monster cards and equip spell may also allow you to achieve Over 3000 Damage.

Depends on your opponent

If your opponent use spell cards decreasing your life points, LP on the Brink will be easier to achieve. Understanding cards in the opponent's deck is important.

List of assessments by type

Standard conditions

Following conditions cannot be overlapped.

Duel Loss1,000Lose a duel.
1,500End a duel in a draw.
Duel Victory
2,000Win a duel.
Deck Out Victory
2,100Win a duel by reducing your opponent cards in the deck to 0.
Quick Victory2,500Win a duel within turn 1 - 4.
Special Victories3,000
Surrender0Surrender a duel.

LP/deck on the brink

Following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Comeback Victory500Win the duel when your LP is lower than your opponent at the start of your turn.
LP on the Brink1,000Win a duel when you life point is 100 or less.
Low LP500Win a duel when you life points is 1000 or less.
Cards on the Brink500Win a duel when the number of cards in your deck is 0.
Few Cards200Win a duel when the number of cards in your deck is 5 or less.


The following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Victory by Effect Damage Only1,000Reduce the opponent's life points to 0 by only effect damage.
No Damage Taken
500Win a duel without receiving damage.
Destroy 10
(or 7 or 5)
Destroy 10 or more monsters.
Over 3000 Damage!500Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 3,000 with one attack.
Over 5000 Damage!1800Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 5,000 with one attack.
Over 9999 Damage !3,000Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 9,999 with one attack.


The following conditions can be added to the score by each.

Perform a Ritual Summon400Conduct at least one ritual summon.
Perform a Fusion Summon400Conduct at least one Fusion Summon.
Perform a Tribute Summon300Conduct at least one tribute summon.
Perform a Special Summon100Conduct at least one Special Summon.
Activate a Spell100Use at least one Spell card.
Activate a Trap100Use at least one Trap card.

Glossy/Prismatic card

The following conditions can be added to the score by each. More score you can get as you use more glossy/prismatic cards.

Played Prismatic Card200Use a prismatic card.
Played Glossy card100Use a glossy card.


Hot New Top
I didn't see Divine - 1000 points!

Playing any of the Divine-Beast type cards gives you an extra 1000 points!
Yo, don't forget to udpate this page. there is a new category : summon divine card( winged dragon of ra, obelisk the tormentor, and schliffeer the sky dragon) worth 1000 points.
<< Anonymous(IceBerg)
Anonymous Reply
You got slider??!!
<< Anonymous(IceBerg)
Anonymous Reply
You got slider??!!
<< Anonymous(IceBerg)
Trey Reply
I love sliders, my favorite is bbq chicken or buffalo chicken with ranch. I have also had the pulled pork and beef bbq and roast beef and even turkey. Arby’s added sliders to their menu recently and everyone that has ate them have really enjoyed them.
<< Anonymous(IceBerg)
Nameless Reply
It's called OSIRIS!
I want to ask, how to unlock Chazz in GX duel? I cant do comeback victory. No idea to lower my lp from start.
By the way you get 1000 points for summoning a divine monster as well
how does someone get 40000 duel assessment points? I barely even got 10000 points! please help me
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's no benefit to getting above 8000 in anything other than gate events. I wouldn't worry about it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
40000 point duel assessment is a stage mission for 5ds now. How do I get past this?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You don't need to do it in 1 go, it's cumulative.
What could I do
Man I need such a huge score to Unlock crow u.u and last time I tried even with 2 prismatic vampires I couldn't make it past 4900 points u.u
<< Anonymous(What could I do)
Anonymous Reply
I unlocked him when 5ds world came out.I suggest u to use Trinity Hero and try to win in 1 turn plus the black crystal(result booster).If this can't work then u may try to create a deck that can stall and increase your lp as u can summon the winged dragon of Ra with high atk
<< Anonymous(What could I do)
Anonymous Reply
Use ra
If I play a glossy card from my hand as part of a fusion summon, will I the assessment score for playing it? Or does it have to touch the field?
Wouldn't maju garzette e good way for 9999+ atk points
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, but you'll gonna have to tribute 2 Five-Headed Dragon for it to have that 10k ATK necessary for the assessment.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good luck getting 2 FHD into the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'd imagine they were referring to Great Maju Garzett, which would only require 1 FHD.

That being said, 2 FHD in a grinding duel isn't super-impossible given Future Fusion and Chazz's skill that gives Dragon's Mirror.
<< Anonymous
G00nter Reply
Can Garzett be used with Pirhana Army/Union Attack?
Como assim vitória deretorno, no meu fala que tem que ganhar uma revanche contra o Chazz usando Yuki mas eu luto contra ele e nada
<< Anonymous
Segamegadrive Reply
Brother de retorno eh o mesmo que de virada
<< Anonymous
Gordo Duelista Reply
Luta de revanche, você precisa estar com seus LP abaixo do oponente (tipo, oponente com 4000 e você com 2000) aí você vai e vira o jogo, ou seja, mesmo com LP menor que o do oponente (tem que ser uma diferença considerável, geralmente eu deixo cair 2k de diferença pra virar o jogo) e ganha.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Jogar esse jogo em inglês é uma ótima forma de se divertir e aprender uma nova língua, recomendo!
<< Anonymous(Gordo Duelista)
Namaste im fabien Reply
En na khafi kulaye sesto elemento veneno reventon centenario berlinetta koenigsegg primera enzo aperta s2000 RX8 performante LP 640 murcielago gallardo
what about summoning divine monsters (have to have been originally divine; for instance a swamp mirrorer trap card summoned as divine monster doesn’t count towards this)
Does anyone know if tokens count as monsters destroyed? I think not
<< Anonymous(Optional)
Anonymous Reply
On a related note, repeatedly attacking apophis when NPC has tiki gives 10 monsters destroyed, too (and the AI always chooses to re-set it, which is a cheap way to stall while setting up your 10000+ hit against It's All Traps during a double gate key event).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Best is when the AI has Tiki and 2 Apophis.

You can keep attacking Apophis without having to worry about other backrow cards, since Tiki makes the two Apophis stuck to the field, permanently locking their S/T zones.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
Not very nice Reply
In this game words may have different meanings for example how a fusion summon isn’t a special summon but in reality it is. The game can have different terminology so don’t judge someone for not yet having that knowledge. You wouldn’t want people calling you an idiot if you just started learning to build cars.We Need this world to be a better place! YOUR AMAZING for attempting to help!
<< Anonymous
Honestly why be so rude. How does it benefit your life? Do you really have nothing better to do then abuse people over the internet. Well I hope you realize your mistake and revert to the amazing person youve been before!

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