
Union Cerberus: deck recipe

update 14/03/2017

Example deck

Mythical Beast CerberusMythical Beast CerberusMythical Beast CerberusGravekeeper's VassalRiryokuUnion Attack
Dian Keto the Cure MasterDian Keto the Cure MasterSoul of the PureSoul of the PureSoul of the PureGoblin's Secret Remedy
Goblin's Secret RemedyGoblin's Secret RemedySecret Pass to the TreasuresRed MedicineRed MedicineRed Medicine

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Draw Sense: LIGHT]
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random LIGHT-attribute monster.


*[Draw Sense: LIGHT] is a random drop from other Legendary Duelists (LDs).

How to use this deck

Generally, this deck is an alternative to the Standard Cerberus deck. The way to use this deck is similar to the Standard Cerberus deck. Inexperienced duelists should refer to the standard deck above for instructions to use the deck. This deck may provide more consistency and assessment score.

Key cards to take note of

  • Mythical Beast Cerberus is used for stalling. It gains more ATK as you activate more spells, preventing your opponent from attacking you.

Notable mentions

  • You can switch out De-Spell for Twister if you feel that the deck needs cards that lower your LP to achieve the "Low LP" assessment. However, Twister may not work in all situations as it can only target face-up spell/trap cards while De-Spell works in all situations as long as there is a card present in either player's spell/trap card zone. Twister may also pose a problem to Cerberus as it may not gain ATK when Twister is not activated in situations like the above mentioned.


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Tried this deck, the draws are terrible. Given the state of the game currently in PVE it's completely useless. Do the smart thing, give this a pass.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck is 2 years old, of course it's not good anymore.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cerberus in general is still viable against certain characters. (Luna for example.) This build is from like literally right after Yugi's event, though, so it's well over a year out of date.

A lot of people have moved onto things like Yubel, but eh. Cerberus still has some good points where it can be used (it can run a LOT of non-random Prismatic/Glossy cards to boost duel score, for example.)
Thus deck is weird. Why even use Riryoku when you have Union Attack? Better to add a spell that adds consistency.

Also, "Twister may not work in all situations as it can only target face-up spell/trap cards"

This is not true. You can turn self chain to "On", and then use any normall spell and the game will ask you if you want to chain Twister. Just say "Yes" and you can now target the normal spell. You will "destroy" it, but Twister does not negate spells, so you will still get the spell effect.
<< Anonymous(CharmingRogue)
Little kuriboh Reply
If you have 2 cerebus out it steals cerebus power and gives it to other plus then union still get big boost
<< Anonymous(Little kuriboh)
Goodwood Reply
Doesn't work that way. Riryoku gives half of the ORIGINAL attack. So you get 700, not half of the boosted attack.
<< Anonymous(Goodwood)
Anonymous Reply
No, it gives the current atk, who gives the original atk by half is Half-Counter
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It still doesn't matter, because union attack effect kicks in during the battle step AFTER you use riryoku.... Meaning that you will still get the same attack if you half one of your own monsters, so riryoku only works with union attack if you steal from an opponents monster.
this deck not to great. cant even get close to level 40 Yami M. He uses rai to sacrifice MBC. while im racking up attack points. leave the field open once rai destroys MBC with its special effect. Needs an update. for me personally has only worked for yami M lv 20.
Charlie Brown
I used 3 union attack plus a spell reproduction card so I made union attack 4 times to my vassal and here's the result.
<< Anonymous(Charlie Brown)
Anonymous Reply
Nice result! Really nice.
A must for your Cerberus deck if you have multiple have Union Attack as you get +1000 for Effect damage only.
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Union Attack, you OP bastard.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
Anonymous Reply
What is that Auto icon at the bottom left of your screen?
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
Daemon Blitzkrieg Reply
It is the Chain Controller. Auto is Normal, then there's OFF (No chains at all) & ON (always asking to Chain). It helps when wanting to activate something ASAP on the opponent's turn.

Careful tho, missed some combos because accidentally tapping it and everything falls apart [Auto > OFF > ON > Auto...] ...they should really make the ON option the next one. (It's in your Settings)
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
Anonymous Reply
Thanks! I am too distracted playing this game that I didn't notice about the setting change in the duel lol. No wonder the chain in this game isn't as sensitive as other yugioh games I played before.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg )
Daemon Blitzkrieg Reply
Yea, Auto has gotten better since about 2 updates ago (it asks just like YGO(Dev)Pro chain system), but it's far from the handheld & console systems where you can easy force a chain at any time.
i am so upset that yugi muto didn't drop even 1 union attack but i have been fighting lv.30 yugis because i just started and reached stage 30 to find a severallv.40 yugis now i lost my hope for a good farm deck :( i dont have enough ur cards for riryoku
How it work with Union? Cause if you use this spell you dont make damage to your opponent
<< Anonymous(Vampix)
P Reply
Gravekeeper's Vassal Inflicts effect damage
Above shown deck is busted.Use 1 cerberus with vassel and boost its attack only.use 3 union attack on final turn and you rock.
Lol above shown deck is busted use 1 cerberus with 1 vassel .Boost using 3 union attacks and you rock.
b labla
am I the only one who uses meteo-rain ( i think that's the name, it' a trap card) to get the 9999dmg even when the enemy cards are in defense mode? Works all the time for me!
<< Anonymous(b labla)
Anonymous Reply
its an inferior stop defense
<< Anonymous(b labla)
Anonymous Reply
The difference between meteorain and stop defense is that stop defense only targets one monster while meterorain allows all monsters to do piercing damage only for the turn that meteorain was actived in.
I don't think it is inferior to stop defense but I prefer stop defense for cerberus farming decks.
<< Anonymous(b labla)
ZZ Reply
Nope, I use meteorain too. I use too many equip spells so meteorain is perfect for the last turn as it frees up a spell/trap slot for my other equip spells.

I use Susa soldier with 3 Orbs of Yasaka each to power up Cerberus 1500 esch turn and they keep recycling
Jean (RJ/Bra)
Era pra colocar na descrição com quais duelistas esse deck funciona. A galera nova vai querer usar no Kaiba nível 40 e vai se dar mal.
<< Anonymous(Jean (RJ/Bra))
Anonymous Reply
Galera nova quer o cu raspado. Tem que se dar mal mesmo. Perder para aprender.
<< Anonymous(Jean (RJ/Bra))
Kilmer Reply
Perder faz parte do jogo, mas falar desse jeito aí já é demais.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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