
Decks to farm LDs

5Ds FARMING TIPS For NEWBIES, you can prioritize any of the cards below because they can be used both in competitive and farming decks, which basically means a win-win scenario. TRAPS: x3 Wall of Destruction x3 Floodgate Traphole x3 Paleozoic Canadia x3 Draining Shield / Defense Draw x1 Massivemorph (currently limited to 1) SPELLS: x1 Hey Trunade x1 Anti-Magic Arrows MONSTER: x5 "Yubel" archetype x1 The Tricky / Dynatherium FARMING MECHANICS Ra Farming - this variant focuses on summoning Winged Dragon of Ra with the help of token summon(s) to inflict massive "battle damage" Vassal Farming - the primordial variant of all farming decks, Vassal in 5ds revolves around defensive focus and counter-effect measures to inflict massive "effect damage" with a "direct attack" Labyrinth Farming - usually in conjunction with Vassal, this variant focuses on utilizing Paradox Brothers' skill to put up a defensive behemoth on the field AND withstand aggressive opponents like Crow Yubel Farming - usually in conjunction with Ra, this on-the-rise variant focuses on being ultra-aggressive with its destruction effects on the board. It is not currently streamlined to be 100% effective, but for many new players, Yubel's availability made this deck a decent, alternative option.

(Note: The "ordering" of cards listed below mostly reflects the order by which a "FINAL TURN" is executed in a farming deck or strategy. If the card count does NOT add up to twenty, it's either the core cards like Ra, Vassal, Secret Treasures were not listed, or the "stalling" trap backrows and the "drawing" cards such as Jar of Greed, Yata-Garasu trap, etc.)
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
CREDITS: To respective deck-makers in duellinksmeta

I. Ra Farming / Yubel Farming

(Original Ra + Stalling Traps) - Yusei

Final Turn
x3 Golden Ladybug (at least one copy; summon one)
x1 Worm Bait (for generating tokens)
Checkpoint: Three cards on monster zone
x1 Creature Seizure (for swapping a token)
x1 Double Summon (for Ra summon)
x1 Anti-Magic Arrows / Hey Trunade
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
(Solemn Ra + Stalling Traps) - Yusei

Final Turn
x3 Solemn Wishes
x1 Anteatereatingant
x1 Worm Bait
Checkpoint: Three cards on monster zone
x1 Creature Seizure
x1 Double Summon
x1 Anti-Magic Arrows
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
(Yubel Ra + Fire King) - Akiza, Crow

x3 Planet Pathfinder
x3 Fire King Island
x5 All the available "Yubel" cards
Skill: Use "My Name is Yubel" if Nightmare or Incarnate is in starting hand
Summon: Terror Incarnate
x3 Golden Ladybug (at least one copy)
x3 Any "Fire King" monster
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Final Turn
Summon: Either a Golden Ladybug or a "Fire King"
x1 Caligo Crow / Dynatherium / Spell Striker / The Fiend Megacyber / The Tricky (special summon)
Checkpoint: Three cards on monster zone
x1 Double Summon
x1 Anti-Magic Arrows (optional)

II. Vassal Farming / Labyrinth Farming

(Vassal Labyrinth + Counter) - Crow
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
Core Additions:
3x My Body as a Shield / Destruction Jammer (Icarus Trap counter)
?x Seven Tools of the Bandit (optional counter)
3x Dimension Gate (Blackwing-Elphin counter)
1x Forbidden Chalice / Divine Wrath (Black-winged Dragon counter)

Final Turn
x1 Labyrinth Wall (switch to attack position)
x1 Shield and Sword
x1 Anteatereatingant / The Tricky / The Fiend Megacyber
x1 Vassal, and so on.
<< Anonymous(Naicha)
(Vassal Labyrinth + Counter) - Leo

Core Additions:
x3 The Emperor's Holiday
x3 Disarmament
x1 Acidic Downpour / Sorcerous Spell Wall

Final Turn
x1 Labyrinth Wall (switch to attack position)
x1 Shield and Sword
x1 Anteatereatingant / The Tricky / The Fiend Megacyber
x1 Vassal, and so on.

Optional Build: Gate Guardian skill instead of Labyrinth Wall


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Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
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Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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