
Raging Flame Sprite | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Raging Flame Sprite (FIRE/Pyro/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 22/09/2022

Raging Flame Sprite

Raging Flame Sprite
Monster TypePyro
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeContinuous Effect / Trigger Effect


This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent by a direct attack: This card gains 1000 ATK.

How to Get

Level-up reward--
Victory againstSoulburner [R]
Card trader--
OtherRanked Rewards [R]
D.D. Tower: Water Dimension [R]
D.D. Tower: Fire Dimension[R]Axel Brodie Roaming Event [R]




Stat changesThis card gains ATK
Attack categoriesDirect attacker


I got this card up to 17,500 ATK in the Kalin Kessler event a while back. I had him equipped with two Power of the Guardians for 1000 extra ATK boost per ATK and Ling Leng, increasing base ATK by 900 and allowing him to attack twice during each battle phase.
<< Anonymous
qyamay Reply
I didn't know about that card (I've only been playing the game for a couple months), but that would have allowed for a lot more damage (if I drew the right cards). I did use Drill Barnacle alongside Raging Flame Sprite though.
<< Anonymous(qyamay)
anonymous Reply
i got nice score for mine profile using RFG.

high battle damage : 229 800.
high attack : 77 600
high defense : 49 100
high recovery Lp in 1 duel: 187 000
<< Anonymous(anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
what is RFG?
<< Anonymous
anonymous(Anonymous) Reply
RFS bro wrong typing kahkah!!
So i tried this card and its not doing it's effect. I was not able to attack directly, it had no option for this effect and just attacked normally.
<< Anonymous(Hapy)
Anonymous Reply
I tried it and it worked. You don't have to activate any effect just drag the card to your opponent and the attack will be direct
how 'bout giving this girl tryce equip card? does she get twyce atk boost?
<< Anonymous
wkwkwk Reply
yea, then use 'right back at you' . would she still get twyce atk boost?
<< Anonymous(wkwkwk)
sjp91 Reply
If rfs inflicts battle damage through a direct attack using right back at you then it the effect of rfs would kick in and give it a 1000 boost however it would still lose 500 due to the effect of tryce therefore if you successfully inflict direct damage its atk will go from 0 to 1500(right back at you merely serves as a temp booster so you can inflict damage)
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
Wkwkwk Reply
That's what I expected. Thanks
<< Anonymous(wkwkwk)
kaito_tenjo Reply
Unless you equip it with POTG.
I saw this card in my opponent and search how to get this card.. And its under construction? How does my opponent get this card? Anyone knows?!
<< Anonymous(Deem)
Anonymous Reply
DD Tower: Fire - event
<< Anonymous
Xz!T3R Reply
what is DD tower?
<< Anonymous(Deem)
kaito_tenjo Reply
R ticket (Ranked).
Yami Titan
This is my fav card... I hope they have the event again soon so I can get it
<< Anonymous(Yami Titan)
Anonymous Reply
You can get it by winning 20 duels in ranked.
<< Anonymous(Yami Titan)
kaito_tenjo Reply
It's obtainable from R ticket (Ranked).
Holy cow, I remember there was a water attribute card that gained atk points each time it attacked. But this one earns 1000 wtf crazy
<< Anonymous
Tackrad Reply
Yes thats Drill Barnacle
WARNING: Card is currently buggy. It will reset the ATK bonus whenever it is affected by anything that reduces it or removes her from play. (I.e. Interdimensional Matter Transporter or Half Shut)

So due to the way it is coded right now, the card is absolutely disfunctional.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Resetting its ATK after it was removed from play is not a glitch, and this should be very obvious. Although its ATK being reset after being affected by something that would reduce its ATK is a glitch though.

<< Anonymous
sjp91 Reply
If monster gets banished or flipped face down it's atk goes back to it's original when it's face up on the field again so not a bug.
Made a deck around this card, really fun but pretty gimmicky. Works decently in lower tiers
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
hey I made a deck with this card and won a few duels on legend rank. so I think this can work even on higher levels
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
although my deck had way more monsters than yours. it didn't just have the sripte .
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
haha yeah i wanted an all or nothing deck around the one card its probably better with other monsters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Actually I just tried your deck out and it works way better if you replace the other monsters with Chrystal seers for more drawing power . It's actually better than my deck. Just replace the cocoon and the other machine monster with seers . Also nobleman spell is unnecessary get rid off that
Reset or not?
nice addon to any right-back-at-you deck :)

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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