
Raging Flame Sprite | Deck and Rulings

how 'bout giving this girl tryce equip card? does she get twyce atk boost?
tryce equip card lowers atk by 500 so this would be 0 so it does nothing
<< Anonymous
yea, then use 'right back at you' . would she still get twyce atk boost?
<< Anonymous(wkwkwk)
If rfs inflicts battle damage through a direct attack using right back at you then it the effect of rfs would kick in and give it a 1000 boost however it would still lose 500 due to the effect of tryce therefore if you successfully inflict direct damage its atk will go from 0 to 1500(right back at you merely serves as a temp booster so you can inflict damage)
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
That's what I expected. Thanks
Unless you equip it with POTG.


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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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