
Elements Unite! farm deck for Arkana Level 40

update 21/07/2017

Example Deck

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonPiranha ArmyRiryokuShard of Greed
Shard of GreedLast Day of WitchGift of the MartyrSecret Pass to the TreasuresMagic JammerGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingReady for InterceptingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----


Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Elements Unite!
You will start the duel with 500 Life Points and your starting hand will be 1 card, which is "Gate Guardian". In addition, you will start the Duel with Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga of the Thunder on the side of your field. Their effects are negated and they cannot attack as long as they are face-up on the field.

Paradox Brothers


Possible Replacements

Gather Your Mind
Gather Your Mind
Add 3 copies of this card to replace other draw cards.
Riryoku Field
Riryoku Field
Can be used to negate Thousand Knives.
Judgment of Anubis
Judgment of Anubis
Can be used to negate Dark Magic Attack and destroy Dark Magician


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Anyone else having a problem with Piranha Army?? every time i go for the final attack it acts as if it has no effect. What am i doing wrong ??!! I'm using Union attack instead of Riryoku, might that be it ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Try reading the card you use next time

Also try using Gift of Martyr instead of Union Attack
90% work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I guess Ready for Intercepting doesn't let you auto chain to put DM face down. So my gate guardian got destroyed by thousand knives.
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg Reply
From experience, yes it does, the moment its summoned. If you must, switch your Activation settings to 'Tap' and just mash the screen when Arkana summons him.
Beto Orochi
I've used this deck with 80 % efectiveness. Only for lvl 40.
This worked for me, 4 duels, 4 wins, 2 SR. I changed Piranha for Vassal.
<< Anonymous(TKSainto)
Anonymous Reply
Mind sharing your Vassal build, struggling to get over 8300 effect damage!
<< Anonymous
TKSainto Reply
I´m running 3 Union Attack, I´ll take a screenshot to share it

LEVEL 30 !!

LEVEL 40 !!
0 out of 3 this deck is 🔥 go 🔥 urself
<< Anonymous
Tiernan Adel Reply
They really need to make a more moderated board system and ban you rude people, immature people.
<< Anonymous(Tiernan Adel)
Anonymous Reply
🔥 mofo
I've won every time I've play this deck. Not going to say 100% win rate because it is dependent on how you play. Dont allow Arkana to summon DM. This deck has enough draw power to deck out faster than him. Attack his monsters, if he has more than one on the field, attack the set monster(which will be Coston 90% of the time) Arkana will not summon DM without 2 tributes. This buys you enough time to set Ready for Intercepting in your backrow. If he does get DM on the field, immediately activate RFI and attack DM. Its pretty simple. Unfortunately for me, ive dueled him prob 7 or 8 times at lvl 40 with a consistent 6-7K without ANY Sr drops
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deck list would be very appreciated! Thank you very much!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Basically the same deck as above, but i dont have 2 copies of shard. I replaced it with skelengel or any draw monster. For good goblin(which i dont have) i put gather your mind. Other than that almost identical.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
thanks man... im missing the same cards too. opened 10 packs still not a single shard and no good goblin
🔥ing rng drop
THIS DECK 🔥ING SUCKS! I LOST TURN 2 due to Arkana using infected mail on his double coston!!!! This DECK IS FAKE NEWS! 0/0 do NOT recommend.
<< Anonymous(Pappas Franz)
Anonymous Reply
Please learn to not be an edgelord xD
<< Anonymous(Pappas Franz)
Anonymous Reply
please learn how to spell 🔥ing school shooter
<< Anonymous(TRANS GIRL)
stopbeingstupid Reply
no one said to use this deck against lv30 Arkana you dumabass.. jeez...
<< Anonymous(TRANS GIRL)
Anonymous Reply
This is to farm ONLY arkana level 40, it doesn't work on 30. Learn how to read
Actually, I find this deck really consistent. Not the build given on this page, though. The only actual dangerous card is Thousand Knives (of which there is only one), which requires Dark Magician to be summoned. So I just pack my deck entirely with protection and draw. Just respond Ready for Intercepting on DM summon and attack it right away. Dark Renewal is not a threat because it requires a faceup monster, and Arkana will NEVER play something faceup with your Gate Guardian (unless to set up Thousand Knives, which should not be hard to counter).
<< Anonymous(beforedawn)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe you're right. But the few times I used Elements Unite I lost when he played Thousand Knives. I actually won when I (accidentally) used my Labyrinth Builder deck.
<< Anonymous(beforedawn)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe you're right. But the few times I used Elements Unite I lost when he played Thousand Knives. I actually won when I (accidentally) used my Labyrinth Builder deck.
I think this deck is too inconsistent. The payout is nice, but this only works with the right draw.
If you only start with gate guardian, you need to pray that Arkana doesn't summon his DM within the first or second turn.
From the times I played him, he can summon DM within the first two turns about 50% of the time.

For me, UG gets 6k-7k consistently, SPECIFICALLY for Level 40 Arkana. I won 4 out of 5 times using UG. The one time I lost, I didn't get a rai-mei or UG after digging 7 cards into my deck.
<< Anonymous(dieDieDIE)
Noobs Reply
I totally agree with this guy, unhappy girl is way more consistent than this one, and I also can level up my Tea little by lil, not always using baldie bros because their level is too high because bakura and joey event

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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