Use Doomdog Octhros to search Lava Golem from your deck. Then tribute your opponent's monster to summon Lava Golem to their field. If your opponent still has a monster, you can tribute that monster along with your Lava Golem to summon another Lava Golem.
Use these cards to return Lava Golem to your hand after you summon him so that you can loop reusing Lava Golem. These monsters will also be used to stall the Duel. If you only have Crass Clown on the field, only summon Lava Golem if Crass Clown is in defense position and you are able to change him to attack position that turn.
Use These cards to return any card to your deck to extend the game. You should also use Gift Exchange to give your opponent Localized Tornado, replenishing his monsters, allowing you to summon extend the Duel and summon more Lava Golem.
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