
Desperado Barrel Dragon

This page notes details of Desperado Barrel Dragon (Dark/Machine/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 16/03/2020

Desperado Barrel Dragon

Desperado Barrel Dragon
TypeMachine, Effect


If a face-up DARK Machine monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, during the Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can toss a coin 3 times; destroy face-up monsters on the field, up to the number of Heads, then if the result is 3 heads, draw 1 card. This card cannot attack the turn this effect is activated. If this card is sent to the GY: You can add 1 Level 7 or lower monster that has a coin tossing effect, from your Deck to your hand.

How to Get

PackFull Metal Desperado [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Inherent Special Summoning effect.
  • Good stats.
  • Can destroy multiple opponent monsters.
  • Searches deck for the monster when he is sent to the graveyard.


  • Cannot attack the turn it activates removal effect.
  • Can only destroy face-up monsters.
  • Coin toss effects are inconsistent.


  • DARK Machine is a fairly common attribute-type combination. Some archetypes with this combination include Ally of Justice, Genex Ally, and Jinzo.


Cyberdark monsters are almost all DARK Machine-type monsters so you won’t have any trouble summoning Desperado Barrel Dragon. Desperado Barrel Dragon also offers monster removal and high base stats that none of the Cyberdark monsters have. Use Cyberdark Cannon to search for Machine-Type Cyberdark monsters.

Arcana Force

Barrel Dragon

Two of Desperado Barrel Dragon’s effects functions well with other barrel dragons. Because Barrel Dragons are DARK Machine-types they can fulfill Desperado Barrel Dragon’s Special Summoning condition. Also, they all have coin flip effects making them searchable by Desperado Barrel Dragon.

Coin Toss Support

Second Coin Toss lets you retry your coin toss to get a better result. Proton Blast gives you additional effects based on the number of heads. Additionally Proton Blast can be banished from your graveyard to make all of Desperado Barrel Dragon’s tosses heads.


Desperado Deck


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how can i get this card more than one ?
Can I buy more than 1 structure deck ?
or is there another way to get it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can buy more copies of the deck, but it requires real money.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Or use dream tickets
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Money is preferable.

It improves your chances of getting a prismatic copy.
This card needs to get BANNED. I'm calling it now. Next bandits will put this to ZERO.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is zero chance this card gets banned. I could see it getting semied if they really want to 🔥 the deck, though. (It'd make the Master of Destiny build significantly weaker, and also just make drawing into it in the first place far less consistent.)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Isn't this card suck to new Neos Invoked deck? Boss fusion monster can't be targeted. Rich players don't play it anymore I think
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Neos decks are for rich players too anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
DBD's effect doesn't target though.
Now people having trouble to beat Despacito after Cocytus dead. Believe me it will replace Cocytua as the most hated card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
People will always hate meta deck, they complain about shiranui, blackwing, witchcrafter, invoked, desperado, karakuri, etc
They just love their own deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ironically, but that is true. Even if desperado will be killed to the state which it can't be played anymore, people will always find another new deck to hate again :(
<< Anonymous
Science! Reply
read this article
wow, i read the comments in this page every thing i want to get a good laugh
🔥 this card. This broken piece of crap screw sartorius and his dumb skill 🔥 this card and anyone who plays this worthless piece of garbage. Anyone who plays this is a disgrace of a duelist
<< Anonymous
Sartorious Kumar Reply
Get rekt loser
<< Anonymous(Sartorious Kumar)
Anonymous Reply
Not till I rekt your mother and sell her to the caravan as 🔥 slave i di ot.
<< Anonymous(Sartorious Kumar)
Anonymous Reply
🔥 that’s why you got rekt by 🔥ing vanilla E heros
Band lol
This card is supposed to be a Bandit Keiths card. Even the structure deck has Keith's image. Nevertheless, Keith has 0 lines for it... So sad..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, there are characters having lines for cards related to them that are released long after the anime ended, so that's not the actual reason.

The actual reason: it's because Keith is released in Duel Links BEFORE Desperado Barrel Dragon even exist.

And they couldn't bother to call the VA back and pay him just to voice a couple new lines. Probably the VA wouldn't bother either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yet the new Fishermen already existed and Kajiki got nothing. So it's not simply if card exists or not. The first batch of released characters notably has few voice lines.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The Legendary Fisherman III has no voice line probably because The Legendary Fisherman II did not exist yet at that time, for whatever reason.

Yes, they released III before II.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They could simply have made the line anyway, since they did that sort of thing for other characters. They did way less voice lines for the first DM characters. They didn't make many lines for countless cards the Yugis used, even.
doesn't dna surgery hard counters this card's self special summon?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you forgot dna transplant & Palladium Oracle Mahad combo. No summon + otk

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And the DNA cards are easily removed from the field.
Hate this card, needs to be banned.
<< Anonymous(Mark741)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Mark741)
Anonymous Reply
Won't happen ...

I hate this card
<< Anonymous(Mark741)
Anonymous Reply
most of the time i see these posts and think, oh they're just complaining... but this card is actually broken. It can destroy up to 3 monsters during an opponents turn and can easily be summoned AND searches for other cards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You forget that this carrd can destroy only during battle phase, there are lots of cards which can destroy or banish without entering battle phase, so desperado isn't a big deal
If you summon more than one of this, can each of them toss coins during the same battle phase? Isn't it supposed to be a once per turn effect?

If so, then I'm assuming "You can only use {this/each} effect of {card's name} once per turn" means 'you can use the effect only once a turn, independently of how many copies of said card are in play in one single turn'; whereas "Once per turn: {effect description}" means 'each copy of said card in play in a turn can do {effect} in that turn'. Is this conclusion correct?

By 'in play' I mean "available to be played", "useable", not sure if that's the right words according to YGO rules. If in need of clarification, please comment.

Thanks in advance!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're exactly right. This card has a "soft" once per turn, so each copy can use the same effect, once per copy, and the effect can be duplicated by a single copy if it leaves the field and then returns. If the card description writes out the full name of the card in quotations, then it is a "hard" once per turn, so there are very few ways to use it multiple times.
Love all the renewed versions of 1st gen monsters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Really wishing they did stuff for Gate Guardian and it's "materials"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, Gate Guardian is so iconic yet Konami neglects it....
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah and retrains of the god cards would be pretty sick too
the game of "Komoney" is less expensive than other card games.
<< Anonymous(Facts)
Anonymous Reply
Look at those deleted comments
<< Anonymous(Facts)
deal with it Reply
less expensive than mtg, gwent, shadow verse and hearhtsone.
<< Anonymous(Facts)
Anonymous Reply
lol kek
so f- real
<< Anonymous(Facts)
Anonymous Reply
kek true

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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