
Desperado: deck recipe [Aug 6]

Duel Links Desperado deck, Desperado in the current meta, how to use.
update 06/08/2022


This is a machine focused deck that is less reliant on RNG with the coin toss compared to using Master of Destiny Skill, but still makes use of Desperado Barrel Dragon. With some variations, the deck can consistently synchro or XYZ to handle different situations.

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Dark Dimension Spirit of the Beast Fortress of Gears Arena of Sanctuary Heart of Xyz Full Metal Desperado

Extra Deck

Curse of Dread Truth Universe Shark Fang Photons of Galaxy Maximum Gustav Phantom of Rebellion

Example Deck

Machina Engine Version

Desperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonMachina FortressMachina FortressTwin-Barrel Dragon
Twin-Barrel DragonArcana Force XIV - TemperanceMachina GearframeCard TrooperScrap RecyclerScrap Recycler
Ally of Justice QuarantineAlly of Justice QuarantineSuper PolymerizationCall of the HauntedCall of the HauntedKarma Cut
Karma CutKarma CutSuper Team Buddy Force Unite!Super Team Buddy Force Unite!Super Team Buddy Force Unite!-
Vision HERO AdorationMudragon of the SwampMetalfoes OrichalcD/D/D Dragonbane King BeowulfHeavy Armored Train IronwolfNumber 70: Malevolent Sin
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Baggy Sleeves
If one of your monsters of Level 7 or higher is destroyed in battle, in your next Draw Phase a normal draw gives you 2 cards. The Skill can only activate once per Duel.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith

How to Play

Desperado Barrel Dragon

Desperado Barrel Dragon
Desperado Barrel Dragon
DARK Machine ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 2200
Full Metal Desperado [UR]
If a face-up DARK Machine monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, during the Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can toss a coin 3 times; destroy face-up monsters on the field, up to the number of Heads, then if the result is 3 heads, draw 1 card. This card cannot attack the turn this effect is activated. If this card is sent to the GY: You can add 1 Level 7 or lower monster that has a coin tossing effect, from your Deck to your hand.

Special Summon Desperado Barrel Dragon when Twin-Barrel Dragon or Blast Spider is destroyed. BM-4 Blast Spider's effect in particular greatly speeds up Desperado Barrel Dragon's summoning, allowing you to get him on the field during your Main Phase.

Summon Blast Spider and use its effect to destroy itself along with an opponent's card. Since this can target monsters or backrow, it's useful for getting rid of most problem cards like a Fiendish Chain attached to your Desperado Barrel Dragon. Then Special Summon Desperado Barrel Dragon from your hand, with Desperado Barrel Dragon's own removal effect you should be able mostly clear your opponent's field.

Desperado Barrel Dragon's search effect upon being sent to the graveyard lets you search a bunch of monsters in this deck to use as tech cards. Search Arcana Force Temperance if you're about to be OTK'ed by your opponent; search Time Wizard if you still have Master of Destiny and plan to monster wipe your opponent on your next turn; search Twin-Barrel Dragon for summoning another Desperado Barrel Dragon in your hand.

Machina Support

Machina Fortress
Machina Fortress
EARTH Machine ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 1600
Fortress of Gears [UR]
You can discard Machine-Type monster(s) whose total Levels equal 8 or more, then Special Summon this card (from your hand or Graveyard). If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target. Before resolving an opponent's monster effect that targets this face-up card, look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 card from their hand.

Machina Fortress can be teched into most Machine decks to give it more firepower. The Special Summoning condition lets you discard Fortress as part of its own cost when summoning it from your hand, greatly easing the cost. Fortress will then be used as a beater for most of its time on the field.

Upon being destroyed by battle, You can take the monster that destroyed Fortress down with it. And when targeted by a monster effect (usually for removal), you get to rip a card out of the opponent's hand.

Machina Gearframe
Machina Gearframe
EARTH Machine ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 0
Fortress of Gears [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 "Machina" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Machina Gearframe". Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)

Normal Summon Gearframe to fetch Fortress, then you can attach it to Fortress to give it protection.

Twin-Barrel Dragon

Twin-Barrel Dragon
Twin-Barrel Dragon
DARK Machine ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 200
Card Trader [UR]
When this card is Summoned: Target 1 card your opponent controls; toss a coin twice, and if the result is 2 Heads, destroy it.

Twin-Barrel Dragon is decent low-leveled beater that gives you a chance of removing any enemy card. This can be useful with Master of Destiny active, but usually you want to reserve Master of Destiny for more more powerful effects like Desperado Barrel Dragon and Cup of Ace.

Aside from Blast Spider, Twin-Barrel Dragon being destroyed is another way to get Desperado Barrel Dragon out. So you can crash it into a stronger monster, Special Summon Desperado and then use Desperado's effect to get rid of the stronger monster.

Card Trooper

Card Trooper
Card Trooper
EARTH Machine ★3
ATK 400 / DEF 400
Jaden Yuki [SR]
Once per turn: You can choose a number from 1 to 3, then send that many cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard; this card gains 500 ATK for each card sent to the Graveyard this way, until the end of this turn. If this card you control is destroyed and sent to your Graveyard: Draw 1 card.

Used to mill Desperado Barrel Dragon or Machina Fortress, then activate Super Team Buddy Force Unite! or Call of the Haunted to revive those monsters. Card Trooper's floating effect will allows you to have extra 1 draw.

Scrap Recycler

Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
EARTH Machine ★3
ATK 900 / DEF 1200
Espa Roba [SR]
Special Pack Vol. 02 [SR]
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 Machine-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. Once per turn: You can shuffle 2 Level 4 EARTH Machine-Type monsters from your Graveyard into the Deck; draw 1 card.

Scrap Recycler's 1st effect works similar to Card Trooper but without ATK Boost effect. Recycler's 2nd effect will allows you to recycle 2 Level 4 EARTH Machine-Type monsters with 1 Card Draw.

Ally of Justice Quarantine

Ally of Justice Quarantine
Ally of Justice Quarantine
DARK Machine ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1200
Dark Dimension [R]
Neither player can Special Summon LIGHT monsters.

Quarantine is teched in as a counter to popular LIGHT Decks such as Blue-Eyes, Buster Blader, and Tellarknight. Its also works well against the many popular LIGHT Extra Deck monsters such as Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon, Number C39: Utopia Ray, Constellar Ptolemy M7, and Photon Strike Bounzer.

Additionally, Quarantine has good synergy with Black Salvo which gives you easy access to Level-7 Synchros.

Super Polymerization

Super Polymerization
Super Polymerization
Quick Spell
Starter/Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Discard 1 card; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from either field as Fusion Material. Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's activation.

Powerful Disruption Techs card that cannot be response by card effect which used to against Meta Deck nowadays.

Super Team Buddy Force Unite!

Super Team Buddy Force Unite!
Super Team Buddy Force Unite!
Normal Trap
Spirit of the Beast [SR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or GY, with the same original Type as that monster's, but with a different original name. If this card in its owner's Spell & Trap Zone is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can Set 1 "Super Team Buddy Force Unite!" directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone.

Most of this deck is Machine-type so Buddy Force Unite can be a reliable way of reviving Desperado Barrel Dragon and Machina Fortress.

Extra Decks

Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf
Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf
EARTH Machine ★4
ATK 2200 / DEF 2200
The Unstoppable Love Train: Anna Unlock Event [UR]
2 Level 4 Machine-Type monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Machine-Type monster you control; this turn, it can attack your opponent directly, also other monsters cannot attack. If this card in your possession is destroyed by an opponent's card (by battle or card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can add 1 Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.

Train Ironwolf's effect will allows 1 of your Machine-Type monsters like Desperado Barrel Dragon or itself to attack your opponent directly for dealing massive amount of damage.

Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
DARK Insect ★4
ATK 2400 / DEF 1200
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

Malevolent Sin is an anti-Xyz tech. Summon Malevolent Sin and use its effect to temporarily banish an enemy Xyz monster. The Xyz monster will return with no materials attached to it.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
DARK Warrior ★3
ATK 2000 / DEF 1000
Phantom of Rebellion [SR]
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can target 2 "The Phantom Knights" monsters with the same Level in your Graveyard; Special Summon them and increase their Levels by 1, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters.

The main starter boss of the deck. It has a card removal effect that almost works like Diamond Dire Wolf and a rank-up effect that works differently than just adding a higher rank on top of it.

You can use its effect to destroy your other face-up clog card like Called of the Haunted which is used to revive monster for Xyz Summoning, so you can activate them in the graveyard.

It's recommended to go after backrows first since it will be a huge problem if the monsters you special summoned get stopped by something like Floodgate Trap Hole or even Book of Moon.

Other useful cards

Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon

Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon
EARTH Machine ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 3000
Ancient Gear Awakening [UR]
If this card was Tribute Summoned by Tributing an "Ancient Gear" monster, if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If this card was Tribute Summoned by Tributing a "Gadget" monster, it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase. If this card attacks, until the end of the Damage Step, your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards, also monsters in your opponent's possession cannot activate their effects. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can destroy 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field.

Just run one copy of Reactor Dragon for the possible big monster while not affecting your consistency too much. Being a Level-8 is great for boosting Hang on Mach with Level Augmentation. After that you can throw Reactor Dragon in the graveyard to summon Machina Fortress, then revive it with Super Team Buddy Force Unite. If successful, Reactor Dragon is quite a good beater with its huge stats and locking out all enemy effects during battle.

Machina Megaform

Machina Megaform
Machina Megaform
EARTH Machine ★8
ATK 2600 / DEF 1500
Fortress of Gears [R]
You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Machina" monster from your hand or Deck, except "Machina Megaform". If a face-up "Machina Fortress" you control is sent to the Graveyard, while this card is in your Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can banish that "Machina Fortress" from the Graveyard; Special Summon this card. You can only use 1 "Machina Megaform" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Megaform isn't really a useful monster on its own, but it is a great compliment to Fortress. Being a Level-8 monster means it can fulfill the entire cost of Special Summoning Fortress. Then if Fortress goes to the grave, you can revive Megaform and tribute it to Special Summon another Fortress.

Meklord Emperor Wisel

Meklord Emperor Wisel
Meklord Emperor Wisel
DARK Machine ★1
ATK 2500 / DEF 2500
The King of Vermillion [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by its own effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When a face-up monster you control is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack. Once per turn: You can target 1 Synchro Monster your opponent controls; equip that target to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of the monsters equipped to it by this effect. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Spell Card: You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.

Meklord Emperor Wisel has a lot of things that synergize very well with this Deck. Firstly its Special Summoning condition is somewhat similar to Desperado's, Deperado can even trigger Wisel's Special Summoning by destroying one of your monsters. Wisel is a DARK Machine, meaning if it gets destroyed you can Special Summon Desperado to keep up field presence.

Also similar to Desperado, Wisel has an ATK and DEF total of 5000 making it easily searchable by Cards of the Soul.

On the field, Wisel is a decent beater and a great anti-Synchro tech. The free Spell negation is also great for both disruption and protection.

Lightsworn Engine

Sending cards from the deck to the grave activates Desperado Barrel Dragon's effect to search for another copy of itself, and Machina Fortress can be special summoned from the grave. The Lightsworn engine can mill your deck pretty fast, and having Raiden can also give you access to some synchros instead of going XYZ only.

Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
LIGHT Warrior ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1000
Judgement Force [SR]
Selection Box Vol.04 [SR]
During your Main Phase: You can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard, then if any "Lightsworn" monsters were sent to the Graveyard by this effect, this card gains 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.
Charge of the Light Brigade
Charge of the Light Brigade
Normal Spell
Judgement Force [SR]
Selection Box Vol.04 [SR]
Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Gadget Monsters

Gold and Silver gadget essentially have the same effects. They can be used together for a quick and easy rank 4 Xyz, but they also have a nice added bonus of a floating effect in case you get disrupted.

Gold Gadget
Gold Gadget
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 800
Selection Box Vol.04 [UR]
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your hand. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 "Gadget" monster from your Deck, except "Gold Gadget". You can only use 1 "Gold Gadget" effect per turn, and only once that turn.
Silver Gadget
Silver Gadget
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
Selection Box Vol.04 [SR]
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 Machine-Type monster from your hand. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 "Gadget" monster from your Deck, except "Silver Gadget". You can only use 1 "Silver Gadget" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Black Salvo

Black Salvo
Black Salvo
DARK Machine ★3
ATK 100 / DEF 1100
Raid Duel - The Netherworld Cometh: Wireqocha Rasca [UR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 DARK Machine-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in Defense Position, but its effects are negated.

A one-card Synchro enabler. The Deck runs a couple of Level-4 Dark Machines specifically to synergize with Black Salvo, letting you immediately go into a level-7 Synchro.

Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion

Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion
Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion
WIND Machine ★2
ATK 600 / DEF 1000
Cybernetic Rebellion [UR]
You can banish this card from your Graveyard; immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 "Mecha Phantom Beast" monster from your hand. While you control a Token, this card cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Mecha Phantom Beast Token" (Machine-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0). You can only use this effect of "Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion" once per turn.

Discard this by using Machina Fortress to special summon a token, which can be used to tribute summon into Desperado Barrel Dragon.

Parsharth Counter Engine

Avenging Knight Parshath
Avenging Knight Parshath
LIGHT Fairy ★8
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Ranked Rewards [UR]
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters
Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change that target's battle position. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Avenging Knight Parshath is a decent beater with a piercing effect. The battle position changing effect is also useful for exposing the weaker stat of enemy monsters.

Rebirth of Parshath
Rebirth of Parshath
Counter Trap
Lords of Shining [R]
When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated: Reveal 1 Counter Trap in your hand, then discard 1 card and pay 1000 LP; negate the activation, and if you do, shuffle that card into the Deck. Then, you can Special Summon 1 "Parshath" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck.

While the effect is quite costly, Rebirth of Parshath's negation is able to hit any type of effect and on top of that summon a free beater to your field. When you set rebirth of Parshath, remember to keep a Counter Trap onhand. If faced with the choice of setting Rebirth of Parshath or Ultimate Providence, set Rebirth of Parshath.

Counter Trap
Card Trader [SR]
When a monster effect is activated in the hand or Graveyard: Negate its activation, and if you do, banish it.

Debunk is actually a pretty good counter to common graveyard effect techs; these are usually Tuners such as Spore, Glow-Up Bulb, Plaguespreader Zombie. Another thing you can negate are the fairly common Sphere Kuriboh and Kiteroid tech.

Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Counter Trap
Valkyrie's Rage [UR]
When a monster effect is activated: Discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster.

Lets you discard any card in your hand compared to using Ultimate Providence.


Hot New Top
Super Minecraft Kid
Just send him some d!ck pics instead
WTF are you talking about? Those aren't real cards
Does anybody know where to buy Slash Trooper Lv4 attack 1800 , the card. Also where to buy Destroyer of Worlds Nebula and Destroyer of Worlds Nova? Contact at thanks in advance
No reason to play anything else
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When this deck gets hit by banlist and the skill nerfed further, then you have your reason.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
well the reason would be ur dont need banlist for that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agree, repetitive events, hard to farm gems because of not having "auto duel" option in gate, boring meta, not really good reward for kog achievement
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Having auto duel in the gate is like watching two Patrick Stars playing poker.
Time to tech jirai gumo
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Teching Jirai Gumo allows me to trigger Switcheroo. Switcheroo seems a worse skill than Draw Sense today.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wait a moment... I thought Switcheroo returned a card to draw the same card. How have you mastered its use so you actually draw something useful?
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Keith's better skill. I do not want the skill that puts Lucky 7 equip into my hand. I do not want draw senses because they are maimed.
Not KoG
The desperado deck above is too old. The anti light version is the meta. Only Desperado Barrel as the coin.
The rest are Ally Salvo and Quarantine and Unknown Synchron. Add Light Imprisoning mirror.
Not KoG
With the influx of TTH in the format, XYZ route is the better option for this deck.
It is pretty decent with any Draw manipulating skill, like Draw Sense: High Level.
Surprised it worked fine with a common skill.
Still on Gold though, events are time-consuming.
Desperado + fireking + meklord in 1 deck. U will regret it
<< Anonymous(Joker)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, because it will brick
Why does it seems like Konami love putting this 🔥er back into meta? Wish the same can be said about dark magician. 🔥…
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe they are intentionally giving the deck more generic support to give reason to ban it lol.
As it seems, even after 2 years, desperado continues to be one of the best structure decks ever released. Holds his value quite well.
-Thank you for buying 3x structure decks
-Now we gonna nerf it
-Thank you for playing duel links
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have reached KoG 14 times by buying 3 SD Desperado, so i don't care anymore about the banlist of Despe, i'm done with this xD
<< Anonymous
Dear player,
Please buy 3 Gagaga XYZ and reach KoG 14 more times with them.

-Thank you for playing Duel Links!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I've also reached KOGs multiple times without Ms. Judge. The weaknesses of the card are easy to exploit if you know what you're doing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I also don't use Ms. Judge. It's a weak card if you can't get it early with the Cup of Ace or Desperado graveyard effect and your opponent has already set up his board.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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