
Standard Duelist Lvl 45

update 02/10/2018

Stage 45-50

Here is a list of decks that used by standard duelists. Defeat them by getting to know what cards are used in the deck!

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45 (5D's)

-- Lvl 45

Magic Gone Haywire Lvl 45

-- Lvl 45

Monster Cards x14QTY
Des FrogDes Frog3
Swap FrogSwap Frog3
Poison Draw FrogPoison Draw Frog2
Treeborn FrogTreeborn Frog1
Spell Cards x4QTY
A Legendary OceanA Legendary Ocean2
Trap Cards x2QTY
Extra Cards x2QTY
D.3.S. FrogD.3.S. Frog2

-- Lvl 45 (DM & GX)

Silent Magician Lvl 45 [New Updated]

Machine's Unrest Lvl 45 [New Updated]

Master of Orz Lvl 45 (DM & GX)

Monster Cards x13QTY
Big KoalaBig Koala3
Des KangarooDes Kangaroo3
The Earth - Hex-Sealed FusionThe Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion3
Spell Cards x7QTY
Fusion SageFusion Sage2
Trap Cards x0QTY
Extra Cards x3QTY
Master of OzMaster of Oz3

Divine Grace Lvl 45

Meteor B. Dragon Lvl 45

Masked Beast Lvl 45

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon Lvl 45

White Dragon Ritual Lvl 45


Hot New Top
The World of Oz:

3x Big Koala
3x Des Kangaroo
3x The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion
3x Skelengel

3x Polymerization
3x De-Fusion
2x Fusion Sage

Extra Deck:
3x Master of Oz
Tribute Theory vol. 1:

3x The Earl of Demise
2x Empress Mantis
2x Judge Man
3x Bubonic Vermin
3x Skull-Mark Ladybug
1x Twin-Headed Behemoth

2x De-Spell
1x Nobleman of Extermination

2x Embodiment of Apophis
1x Birthright
A Frog's Journey:
3x Hammer Shark
3x T.A.D.P.O.L.E.
3x Des Frog
2X Skreech
2x Gravelstorm
2x Goblin's Secret Remedy
1x Treeborn Frog
1x Legendary Ocean
3x [Unknown cards in hand] (most likely a Polymerization?)

Extra Deck:
2x [Unknown cards] (most likely 2 D.3.S Frog fusion monsters)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep, there's definitely a Polymerization and a D.3.S Frog fusion
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Used Neo-Daedalus deck to reveal the final cards. This is the final edit:

A Frog's Journey:
3x Hammer Shark
3x T.A.D.P.O.L.E.
3x Des Frog
2x Skreech
2x Gravelstorm
2x Goblin's Secret Remedy
2x Legendary Ocean
2x Polymerization
1x Treeborn Frog

Extra Deck:
2x D.3.S Frog fusion monsters

Greatest of Birds:
3x Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
3x Kujakujaku
3x Whirlwind Prodigy
2x Vortex Trooper
2x Banner of Courage
1x Swift Birdman Joe
1x Trap Jammer
1x Quill Pen of Gulldos
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
1x Shallow Grave
2x [Unknown cards] (1 face down spell/trap, most likely another Trap Jammer)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nvm, tried again and face down is Malfunction trap card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Used Exchange to look at their hand. They most definitely have 2 Trap Jammers. So Greatest of Birds is officially done.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Greatest of Birds:
3x Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
3x Kujakujaku
3x Whirlwind Prodigy
2x Vortex Trooper
2x Banner of Courage
2x Trap Jammer
1x Swift Birdman Joe
1x Quill Pen of Gulldos
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
1x Shallow Grave
1x Malfunction

Someone put this up please.
Elements Unite With Healing Spells can clear all of them with ease.
Theres also a new deck called Magic Gone Haywire
Uso este deck
I think there are some new decks for SDs of lvl 45, here is proof:
<< Anonymous(Aceress)
Heretrix Reply
Can someone please add greatest of birds and frog's journey please..
(.Y.) boobs
Tribute theory vol.1 is another deck the SDs use.
And here come the frog
Road of Blue-Eyes
The rng never been kind to me whenever I face the THTD dexk. The rest is relatively easy using my Blue Eyes deck. Quick summoning a high level mon is the key. Also stuff your deck with spell and trap that can be use to negate opponent's trap and/or spell.

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