
KC Cup [Feb 27~Mar 6, 2017]

update 04/03/2017

Which cards to redeem?

Here are some recommended options to go for that can make good use out of them being prismatic cards.

UR Cards

Recommended CardExplanation
Since you can't get Prismatic versions of the cards from card trader, get this card if you want to increase your score when you farm LDs.
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
It can be difficult to obtain if you miss your chance to get it from the Yugi Muto event since it only lasts for a while.
Big Shield Gardna
Big Shield Gardna
Recently removed from the card trader so there are no other ways to obtain this card.

SR cards

Recommended CardExplanation
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
A very useful card that can handle many situations, but it can be difficult obtaining it from Kaiba.
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Mythical Beast Cerberus
A Prismatic version of this card together with a few glossy cards can earn you more than 8000 whenever you farm with a high score Cerberus deck.
Union Attack
Union Attack
This card is also used to farm LDs using Union Attack and Gravekeeper's Vassal as an alternative to get a high score if you can't use Cerberus


PeriodFeb 27 - Mar 6
RequirementStage 20 or above

A new duel tournament starting from Feb 27 - March 6.

Select a region and you will be to duel against players in that region. Choose carefully since you will not be able to change it afterwards. Duel against other players to get rewards from daily missions, event missions and top ranking prizes.

Start bonus

RankBonus DP
King of Games500 DP
Platinum200 DP
Gold100 DP
Silver or belowNone

How to participate

If you have reached stage 20, head to the PvP arena building or tap the KC event banner and select "Kaiba Corporation Cup" at the top. During the event, ranked duels are replaced to the event tournament. Select your region and you will be locked in to that region for the rest of the event. Choose carefully since you will not be able to change it afterwards.

It's recommended to choose your region since this event has stricter rules against players who disconnect and may prevent them from earning any rewards all together.

Event Level

DP (Duel Points)

Duel against other players to earn DP to increase your Event Level, shown by the star icon. Once you reach event level 5, you will be included in the player rankings. Earn DP for each victory, but losing will reduce the amount.

Event level is similar to the ranks from the pvp duels (silver, gold, plat). After obtaining a certain amount of DP, depending on your level, you will level up. You will be matched with people who are the same level and region as you.


What is the reward?


The daily and event missions contains gold and gems. While all the gold rewards are only 10,000 each, the gems you get varies by how easy or difficult the missions are, from 10 gems up to 120.

Rank Rewards

Players will be awarded prizes for the rank they receive at the conclusion of the KC Cup. The top rankers will earn a KC Cup icon, gold, and free UR and SR of your choosing from a select available options. The available cards are prismatic. See below for the list of available cards.

  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x6
  • Free SR cards x6
  • 2,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x5
  • Free SR cards x5
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x4
  • Free SR cards x6
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x3
  • Free SR cards x3
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR cards x2
  • Free SR cards x2
  • 500,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR cards x2
  • Free SR cards x1
  • 300,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR card x1
  • Free SR card x1
  • 200,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free SR card x1
  • 100,000 Gold
  • Free SR card x1
  • 50,000 Gold
Participation reward
(1+ Duels)
  • KC Cup card sleeve
  • KC Cup gamemat
Last 3 digits were "777"
  • Free SR card x1
  • Gold 10,000

Obtainable UR cards

Obtainable SR cards


Daily missions:

Score a total of 1000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x10
Score a total of 3000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x15
Score a total of 5000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x25

Event missions: Obtain a total of ~ DP.

Obtained DPRewards
1,000Gem x30
1,50010,000 Gold
2,000Gem x30
2,50010,000 Gold
3,000Gem x60
3,50010,000 Gold
4,000Gem x60
4,50010,000 Gold
5,000Gem x70
5,50010,000 Gold
6,000Gem x70
6,50010,000 Gold
7,000Gem x80
8,000Gem x90
8,50010,000 Gold
9,000Gem x100
9,50010,000 Gold
10,000Gem x120


Hot New Top
These last few hours ranks are deopi g like crazy... I was 351 this morning thought I was safe so i stopped playing... Loged in at 9:15 and I was 965 oO... Just won two games hope thats enought to keep me in top 1k... fingers crossed
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good luck man, idk how you had the sanity to even get to 1k
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Played it hard during the middle and then stoped... at some point I was like 158... Gravekeepers are a very strong deck and reallly have no major weaknesses. Only major annoyance is the 3 OTC decks but even then Oracle still gets off effect
Daedalus deck isn't tier 1 anymore... I've been loosing for the last 2 days. I'm so pissed.
I was ~1000 in the rank... Now I'm near 55000. I won't get the KC icon nor the UR card...
<< Anonymous
blue-eyes Reply
dw, there gonna be round 2 :D
Wallet wins!
Disappointing event... P2W japanese players in every region with all the UR cards(mirror wall, mirror wall,mirror wall), instant defeat TIME LIMIT LOSS bug (especially when you are about to win), the release of the new expansion mid-event to make it even more p2w feeding the whales.............
<< Anonymous(Wallet wins!)
Anonymous Reply
1)The new expansion hat little inpact on the meta

2) I am a free to play player and easily made to the top 1000 without ripping my 🔥 grinding

3)Even if tou completly sucked, tou get a free enemy controller either way which is one of the best cards in the game

Point is you lost nothing from this event... Yea it sucks that there is a crazy amount of network drop hacking which is 🔥ed
<< Anonymous(Wallet wins!)
Anonymous Reply
Personally almost broke my phone against the wall couple of time cause you just know its a hack because it always happens right before you win...

But hey overall with moderate play Im getting a free econ and 2 URs im satisfied
Wow this last hour the asains wokw up and started grinding lol... Top 1000 moved up 100 points in ine hour
Guys, they just sent us a mail that there'll be yugi muto event, so no need to obtain a Gandora from this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
u think gandora drop rate like 100% dumbass ?
its like 0,001%
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your mom panties drop rate 100%
Anyone know how offen the ranks update? Once per hour?
mirror wall isn't that much a deal, in my opinion. It suffers from hunting ground and sergeant, yomi ship also. Besides, it is easy to be recognized. So when you find they have a mirror wall in set, try to destroy their monsters with your ship, etc. Then attack them directly, so mirror wall only have effect similar to lowing the damage taken.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that to be said, mirror wall is still the best trap for now. one should construct their deck considering how to face a set mirror wall condition, when PVP.
MIRROR WALL should be BANNED or limit to 1 per deck!

Those exploiters use 3 x MIRROR WALL

+1 if u agree.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude not gunna have a stupid argument here but mirrorwall is very obvious... you have 2 mosters on the field you ram one in and then twister it... Its really not that big of a deal
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
btw the rulings on twister have been changed it can now be activated in damage phase...
<< Anonymous
KC P2W cup Reply
+1000000000000000 🔥ed P2W card...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just from leveling and stage mission you are given 22000 gems.. That enought to guarantee 2 mirror walls with the worst possible luck... Paying is not a necessity!
I am rank 5145. Is there any point on grinding on? I think getting under rank 1000 is going to be tough in the little time left..
<< Anonymous
FreaqqShow Reply
It's impossible.
I just managed to reach 10301 DP which currently is enough to be under top 1000 but maybe until the end in 6 hours it is too less..
<< Anonymous
Boss Reply
Haha my dude we in the same boat... Reached 10300 yesterday morning and just stoped playing lol... Still holding in there dropped from like 300 to 750 but if I did my math right it should be enough u less people go ham last few hours
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is getting very close though... Might have to win one or two more to make it 100% but gunna wait until like 11 to see if it will be required
<< Anonymous
Boss Reply
In the last 8 hours I went from 571 to 766 which mean I loose around 25 ranks per hour during the day today... If that average remains true should end in the low 900s without playing anymore
Yes!!! I am rank 5 so far!!!
I think these rewards will be random. Don't get ur hopes up for picking
<< Anonymous(Justin)
Anonymous Reply
They are not, you can choose your cards
Has anybody thought about what cards they want as reward (if we get to choose)?

I`am having a hard time deciding between Enemy Controller and Cerberus for an SR and Riryoku, Gandora and Big Shield Gardna for UR?
<< Anonymous(CurryNinja)
Anonymous Reply
Its actually an easy decision... First, what type of deck due you want? As far as super rare go anything but enemy controller is a bad chioice if you dont have 2 Enemy controler already... you can get cerebus from card trader when ever its cheap
<< Anonymous(CurryNinja)
Anonymous Reply
It depends on your deck composition.
<< Anonymous(CurryNinja)
CurryNinja Reply
I use primarly two types of decks, Mako Umi deck or a Weevil Lockdown deck.

I have no Enemy Controller so my SR choice is pretty much set. But for UR, I already have a Riryoku but the prismatic bonus is sweet fudge when farming and I pretty much always use Riryoku in farming. I have a Big Shield but the effect makes him quite bad.

But I dont think Konami will let us choose cards..
<< Anonymous(CurryNinja)
Anonymous Reply
Dude if you play weevil its a no brainer get big shield its essential to most weevil decks and bo longer sold by card trader. Me personally im gunna take 2 twin barrel dragons because they are aweson for auto duel

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With all the caution I took to avoid mishaps with my online security ,especially in the crypto wo...
Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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