
KC Cup [Feb 27~Mar 6, 2017]

update 04/03/2017

Which cards to redeem?

Here are some recommended options to go for that can make good use out of them being prismatic cards.

UR Cards

Recommended CardExplanation
Since you can't get Prismatic versions of the cards from card trader, get this card if you want to increase your score when you farm LDs.
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
Gandora the Dragon of Destruction
It can be difficult to obtain if you miss your chance to get it from the Yugi Muto event since it only lasts for a while.
Big Shield Gardna
Big Shield Gardna
Recently removed from the card trader so there are no other ways to obtain this card.

SR cards

Recommended CardExplanation
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
A very useful card that can handle many situations, but it can be difficult obtaining it from Kaiba.
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Mythical Beast Cerberus
A Prismatic version of this card together with a few glossy cards can earn you more than 8000 whenever you farm with a high score Cerberus deck.
Union Attack
Union Attack
This card is also used to farm LDs using Union Attack and Gravekeeper's Vassal as an alternative to get a high score if you can't use Cerberus


PeriodFeb 27 - Mar 6
RequirementStage 20 or above

A new duel tournament starting from Feb 27 - March 6.

Select a region and you will be to duel against players in that region. Choose carefully since you will not be able to change it afterwards. Duel against other players to get rewards from daily missions, event missions and top ranking prizes.

Start bonus

RankBonus DP
King of Games500 DP
Platinum200 DP
Gold100 DP
Silver or belowNone

How to participate

If you have reached stage 20, head to the PvP arena building or tap the KC event banner and select "Kaiba Corporation Cup" at the top. During the event, ranked duels are replaced to the event tournament. Select your region and you will be locked in to that region for the rest of the event. Choose carefully since you will not be able to change it afterwards.

It's recommended to choose your region since this event has stricter rules against players who disconnect and may prevent them from earning any rewards all together.

Event Level

DP (Duel Points)

Duel against other players to earn DP to increase your Event Level, shown by the star icon. Once you reach event level 5, you will be included in the player rankings. Earn DP for each victory, but losing will reduce the amount.

Event level is similar to the ranks from the pvp duels (silver, gold, plat). After obtaining a certain amount of DP, depending on your level, you will level up. You will be matched with people who are the same level and region as you.


What is the reward?


The daily and event missions contains gold and gems. While all the gold rewards are only 10,000 each, the gems you get varies by how easy or difficult the missions are, from 10 gems up to 120.

Rank Rewards

Players will be awarded prizes for the rank they receive at the conclusion of the KC Cup. The top rankers will earn a KC Cup icon, gold, and free UR and SR of your choosing from a select available options. The available cards are prismatic. See below for the list of available cards.

  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x6
  • Free SR cards x6
  • 2,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x5
  • Free SR cards x5
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x4
  • Free SR cards x6
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Gold Icon
  • Free UR cards x3
  • Free SR cards x3
  • 1,000,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR cards x2
  • Free SR cards x2
  • 500,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR cards x2
  • Free SR cards x1
  • 300,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free UR card x1
  • Free SR card x1
  • 200,000 Gold
  • Silver Icon
  • Free SR card x1
  • 100,000 Gold
  • Free SR card x1
  • 50,000 Gold
Participation reward
(1+ Duels)
  • KC Cup card sleeve
  • KC Cup gamemat
Last 3 digits were "777"
  • Free SR card x1
  • Gold 10,000

Obtainable UR cards

Obtainable SR cards


Daily missions:

Score a total of 1000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x10
Score a total of 3000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x15
Score a total of 5000 or more Duel Assessment points in a day for the KC Cup.Gem x25

Event missions: Obtain a total of ~ DP.

Obtained DPRewards
1,000Gem x30
1,50010,000 Gold
2,000Gem x30
2,50010,000 Gold
3,000Gem x60
3,50010,000 Gold
4,000Gem x60
4,50010,000 Gold
5,000Gem x70
5,50010,000 Gold
6,000Gem x70
6,50010,000 Gold
7,000Gem x80
8,000Gem x90
8,50010,000 Gold
9,000Gem x100
9,50010,000 Gold
10,000Gem x120


Hot New Top
Should I take gamdora or big shield? I Dnt know if big shield will ever come back and I don't know if I'll be able to get gandora in the upcoming yugi event. I wish I knew the stakes of the Kc or i would have played more smh. 7000? Wow I would've played all weekend and not farmed for keys if I knew you could 3 and 3 smh
<< Anonymous(Mainguy29)
Anonymous Reply
both 🔥s. if you still don't have 3 enemy controllers, get this one instead
<< Anonymous(Mainguy29)
Anonymous Reply
Get big shield because it might never come back. Gandora is a 🔥tier version of daedalus
<< Anonymous(Mainguy29)
Mainguy29 Reply
Thanks I took the big shield. Dumb part is I been had enough to buy big shield 10x over but I never did and as soon as they drop him from card trader I said Awww fuk lol. I grabbed up enemy controller and big shield. I pretty much have every thing else. Toy magician looks dope but you really need 2 -3 to get most out of them. I played a person who popped 3 in the first 5 turns and kicked my 🔥 lo
<< Anonymous(Mainguy29)
Mainguy29 Reply
Nah big shield is worth it weight. I won 3 times already by lowering their life points and they ran right into big shield while he was face down and ended the duel lol. Yes he has his flaws but he has more pros than cons
OMGGGGG!!! prismatic enemy controller FTW~! Thank good heavens, I don't have to farm lvl40 Kaiba🔥 anymore! Aww yeahhhh! so happy!
<< Anonymous(OMG!)
Mainguy29 Reply
Exactly! I didn't know the stakes of the Kc cup at all. I thought it was just for ranking smh. Fri sat and Sunday I farm for keys to play kaiba smh. And I still landed 7000th not play a cup game since Thursday smh. But I grabbed that E controller quick lmaoo
<< Anonymous(OMG!)
OMG! Reply
Yes, I don't know THEY WILL LET US PICK THE PRIZE OF OUR CHOICE! I was a bit worried (and constipated) when the E controler I redeemed was NOT IN MY GIFTBOX!! But hey, it was already in my pool of cards! Hahaha.. that was a bit scary for a moment. Overall, I'm satisfied with the event! Casual players don't have to deal with Kaiba's DD warrior and Econ anymore :)
<< Anonymous(OMG!)
blue-eyes Reply
being stupid and not checking the event correctly is only your fault
<< Anonymous(OMG!)
Anonymous Reply
smh. Be nice
I'm stuck in a "Server Error" infinite cycle after selecting to download the update. Is anybody else having this problem? Frustrating af man
<< Anonymous(BRUHHHHHH)
Anonymous Reply
Smashing dat 🔥
These server...such bs!!!! Don't give a time of maintenance if you can't achieve it! You waste my time for nothing! Going to sleep! Good luck for your prices duelists!!! Cheers!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hope u dream about me tonight and wet the sheets
If i already have an enemy controller should i grab another one or would it be better to get another card?
<< Anonymous
yup Reply
take your 2 enemy controllers and pound it up your 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What he said ^^
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I bet that yup dude didn't reach even the lowest (50,000) to get an SR card. That's why he is so salty. lol.
If i already have an enemy controller should i grab another one or would it be better to get another card?
Now I can finally fcking get Toon World. That RNG Pegasus event was a waste of time. Only good thing about that event was Relinquished.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agreed. He barely dropped anything
I legit fell out of the top 1,000 b/c of the "Time-Limit Loss" bug. I Lost THREE out of 4 duels to those 🔥ing yellow horizontal-eyed Japs. I almost destroyed my beautiful phone man. I need to go walk this anger off lol
<< Anonymous(Niggaaa)
anotha nigga Reply
this the funniest 🔥
<< Anonymous(Niggaaa)
Anonymous Reply
Just won a duel to get to the next rank and right as it finished the servers went down. Hopefully i get the rank =/
I just had a f-boy wait past midnight because he was gonna lose
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm not surprised since those f-boys were plagued throughout the KC Cup. Sucks to have that happen to you tho homie :(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I was probably the f boy. Funny thing is I didn't know that was the cut off
Rank 876 ... So tense 40 minutes left dont know if I need another win for top 1000

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With all the caution I took to avoid mishaps with my online security ,especially in the crypto wo...
Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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