
Tag Duel Event [16 Aug - 27 Aug 2019]

Duel Links tag duel, how to play, decks, and tips.
update 26/10/2021

Tag Duel Opponent's Decklists

Note: :To see the latest information of Tag Duel Opponent's Decklists, please click the link below:

Event Details

Date16 August 2019 - 27 August 2019

Event Information

Duel alongside Jack Atlas, Seto Kaiba, and Chazz Princeton in a ladder-type event and reach the top. After completing a cup once, you can choose to Duel alongside the main character of the respective series as your partner.

Notable Changes

How to Unlock the tournamnent

Opponent's Decklists

Special Cup Begins

Special Cup will be available on 23 Aug 2019 13:00. Win special Tag Duels to obtain Gems and Exclusive ICON.

IconHow to get
Icon: Special Cup
Icon: Special Cup
Complete 3 rounds in Special Cup of Tag Duel Event [16 Aug - 27 Aug 2019]

Event Mission [22 Aug 2019 - 27 Aug 2019]

Card Sleeves: 5Ds CupSuccessfully perform 3 Synchro Summon in Tag duel.
Game Mat: 5Ds CupSuccessfully perform 6 Synchro Summon in Tag duel.
Card Sleeves: DM CupSuccessfully perform 3 Tribute Summon in Tag duel.
Game Mat: DM CupSuccessfully perform 6 Tribute Summon in Tag duel.
Card Sleeves: GX CupSuccessfully perform 3 Fusion Summon in Tag duel.
Game Mat: GX CupSuccessfully perform 6 Fusion Summon in Tag duel.

Event Mission Decklist [22 Aug 2019 - 27 Aug 2019]

Here is a deck to help you finish the event exclusive missions. Duel with the Tag Duel Duelist Lvl 20 to easily finish the missions.

Synchro Decklist

DynatheriumDynatheriumDynatheriumKing PyronKing PyronKing Pyron
Hazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame SphynxJurrac GallimJurrac GallimDe-SynchroDe-SynchroDe-Synchro
Different Dimension CapsuleDifferent Dimension Capsule---Red Dragon Archfiend
[Skill] descriptionUser
Mark of the Dragon - Wings
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Dark Resonator" to your deck and 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" to your Extra deck.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas

Tribute Decklist

DynatheriumDynatheriumDynatheriumUnknown SynchronUnknown SynchronHazy Flame Cerbereus
Hazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame CerbereusHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame PerytonHazy Flame Sphynx
Hazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame SphynxHazy Flame MantikorBlackwing - Gust the BackblastBlackwing - Gust the BackblastBlackwing - Gust the Backblast
Toon Cyber DragonToon Cyber Dragon----
[Skill] descriptionUser
This turn, the Atk of all Level 5 or higher face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters of Level 5 or higher on your field times 300.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba

Fusion Decklist

SkillLand of the Ojamas
Essential cards
(Box reset)
King of the SwampOjama BlueOjama BlueOjama BlueOjama BlackOjama Black
Ojama BlackOjama YellowOjama YellowOjama YellowOjama GreenOjama Green
Ojama GreenFusion SageEnchanting Fitting RoomHeart of the UnderdogPolymerizationPolymerization
PolymerizationOjama Country--------
Ojama KingOjama KingOjama KingOjama KnightOjama KnightOjama Knight

Lumis and Umbra appeared as the New Challenger

Ritual of Masks Lvl 50

GX Cup Unlocked

Umbra & Lumis Unlocked

Umbra & Lumis

Umbra and Lumis characters will be unlockable through this event. Complete the DM Cup in this event to unlock them.

Exclusive Skills: Mask of Restrict

[Skill] descriptionUser
Mask of Restrict
Can be used if you control "Masked Beast Des Gardius" or "The Masked Beast." Place 1 "Mask of Restrict" face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Umbra & Lumis
Umbra & Lumis


GX Cup: Jaden/Yubel, Chazz Princeton & Jaden Yuki

[Skill] descriptionUser
Miracle Hero
If your team has less than 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman" on the field at the beginning of your partner, Jaden Yuki's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
[Skill] descriptionUser
Destruction and Creation
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Armed Dragon Catapult Cannon" at the beginning of your partner, Chazz Princeton' turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Chazz Princeton
Chazz Princeton
[Skill] descriptionUser
Battle Fusion!
If your team has less than equal to 3000 Life Points, play 1 "Battle Fusion" from outside of the Deck at the beginning of your partner, Jaden Yuki's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki

DM Cup: Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba & Yami Yugi

Return of the Blue-Eyes: Lvl 30

Monster CardsQTY
Dragon Spirit of WhiteDragon Spirit of White3
Cosmo BrainCosmo Brain3
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White Dragon3
Luster DragonLuster Dragon3
Spell CardsQTY
Silver's CrySilver's Cry1
Ancient RulesAncient Rules2
Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller2
Trap Cards QTY
Negate AttackNegate Attack3
Extra CardsQTY

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return of the Dragon Lords
Add 1 "Return of the Dragon Lords" from the outside of the deck to your hand at the beginning of the turn.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba
[Skill] descriptionUser
Dark Magician the Dragon Knight Advent
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Dark Magician the Dragon Knight" at the beginning of your partner, Yami Yugi's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi

5ds' Cup: Leo, Jack Atlas & Yusei Fudo

[Skill] descriptionUser
Earth-Shattering Power!
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Red Dragon Archfiend" at the beginning of your partner, Jack Atlas' turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas
[Skill] descriptionUser
Stardust Advent
If your team has less than equal to 2000 Life Points, play 1 "Stardust Dragon" at your partner, Yusei Fudo's turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yusei Fudo
Yusei Fudo

Lottery Rewards


Hot New Top
I'm so happy they're now letting players tag with the amazing beautiful girls, especially now the greatest of them all (Kujaku Mai).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ErPrince?? Is that you?
any good deck?
Masonic Eye
I’m always looking for a person who is not a bird, chicken, nor a dog, nor a bear.

I have no idea what he is anymore.
I can’t figure it out because my bran is so simple that I cannot surpass the parameters of appearance, identity and tangible perception of reality.

Am i..
Am i going insane ..?

Am i the one who has a problem with au-tism ..?

What is real, what is not?
<< Anonymous(Masonic Eye)
Anonymous Reply
I think you need a...

A CUP OF GREEN TEA !!!!!!!!!
<< Anonymous(Masonic Eye)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Masonic Eye)
Anonymous Reply
I think this guy is getting MIND DRAINED like in the YGO card.
Arkana and String comeback makes me happy. This event is awesome!
Jaden/Yubel is cheating! He uses 3 Neos Fusion! Everyone should report him!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i keep trying but it doesn't work. bug?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why don't you play wall of disruption? problem solved.

Etaqua / Anubis + Lava golem works as well.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His deck is really illegal. It's kinda strange
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You are not playing with a Jaden/Yubel in rankeds. It's a NPC for the TAG duel event.

You should be able to defeated, don't be dumb. -_-
Hats off.
The best event.
is this skill good?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's excellent, but too good for players.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
by using 60 duel orbs, i got minimum 11 of everything plus 1 prismatic shiryu. it seems that i only get prismatic drop if my total coins exceed 90k, judging from all past lottery coin events. amazon ra is the way to go
Wow, LP on the brink (win w/100LP or less) sure is rewarding in Tag Duels. During any other duel, you get 1000 APs. However, you get 3000 APs in Tag Duels.
<< Anonymous
Carlos Yugo Reply
You know you can use those coins and get tons of cards listed on the reward list? Can be a lot helpful in events like this.
<< Anonymous(Carlos Yugo)
Anonymous Reply
He's saving to open everything at once.
Crazy chiken
80k coins
I made this deck to boost my points in the 5D’s cup

First of all make sure to complete the cup once so you can control your teammate’s deck.
Pick Leo as your teammate
How to use:
Summon Power Tool Dragon ASAP
Equip Power of the guardian to the Power Tool Dragon
Stall until you get the vassal combo and go for game!

Quick note: I made this as cheap as possible and I have almost every card prismatic to boost even more the points.

Worked pretty well for me! Even vs Yusei/Crow
<< Anonymous(BaamBaam)
Anonymous Reply
Why would anyone want to farm this event?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
farm= about double the coins obtainable = about double the chance for gems even though you have all 3 of those cards already.

still, we know some of us has a life, so its more of a choice. have fun :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have to disagree with this. I've tested version this guy's version and it's okay if you don't wait until 0 cards left in the deck, it gets over 8k all the time. So I spent about 2 hours completing the event and duels were like 7 minutes average in the GX cup, the other 2 cups were like 5 minutes average per duel so it's pretty fast I guess...
<< Anonymous(BaamBaam)
Anonymous Reply
works nicely

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Comments (updated every hour)

It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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