
Red-Eyes Wyvern | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Red-Eyes Wyvern (WIND/Dragon/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 25/04/2020

Red-Eyes Wyvern

Red-Eyes Wyvern
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeTrigger Effect
Supports ArchetypesRed-Eyes


During your End Phase, if you did not Normal Summon/Set a monster this turn: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Special Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your Graveyard, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick".

How to Get

PackCrimson Kingdom [UR]
Return of the Red-Eyes [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • 1800 attack level 4 dragon monster, which can easily be 2000 attack if used with Kaiba's "Peak Performance" skill.
  • Effect can be used in the graveyard, and it's for any Red-Eyes monster (except Red-Eyes B. Chick).
  • Special summoning monsters during your turn will not prevent this card's activation.


  • Effect can only be used if you have other Red-Eyes monster in your graveyard.
  • The effect will only special summon during your end phase, and it requires you to not summon/set any monster that turn.


Vanguard of the Dragon

Vanguard can be used to throw any dragon-type monster from your hand to the graveyard. If you already have Red-Eyes Wyvern in the graveyard, you can use Vanguard's effect to increase its attack and send Red-Eyes B. Dragon to the graveyard. At the end phase, you will have 2 monsters with 2000+ attack.

Red-Eyes B. Dragon

Using Wyvern's effect and Red-Eyes Spirit, you can repeatedly special summon REBD back into the field whenever it's destroyed. Pair it with cards like Champion's Vigilance will let you get some board control.




ActionsActivates from your Graveyard
Banished categoriesBanishes itself from Graveyard for cost
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons from your Graveyard


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Just need 1 chance if u knew the trick
<< Anonymous(Kyle)
Anonymous Reply
What’s the trick man?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nothing, he just got lucky.
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon Effect doesn't work when Donpa is targetting it. FIX IT Please. Lost so much battle even if it clearly mention "Target" in both card's description!
How I get the other 2 wyvern?
<< Anonymous(Cidde)
Anonymous Reply
I guess reset the pack? Maybe it'll come up as a reward for Super Joey event, whenever that would be...
<< Anonymous(Cidde)
Anonymous Reply
Card trader and a 🔥 tone of luck I suppose or you can replace them with 2 kidmodo dragons if you you have the patience to farm mokuba.And now that i referred him you could level him up to lvl 28 to get ancient rules through which you can special summon a normal lv5 or bigger monster mate.
of course
I hate my life...
<< Anonymous(Holten)
turk Reply
I've got two of these and only opened about 30 packs. :D
<< Anonymous(Holten)
Anonymous Reply
This was my pack when I worked on Ultimate Rising for BEUD. Got it in the last pack. Totally feel your pain.
<< Anonymous(Holten)
Anonymous Reply
Same for me with the fusion gate, the very last pack.
<< Anonymous(Holten)
Anonymous Reply
to make you feel worse i got a gozuki and wyvern when i bought the 3 packs for a dollar
Got my second wyvern today should i aim for a 3rd one too?
<< Anonymous(Jason)
Anonymous Reply
so this is the best card in the pack
<< Anonymous
Player J Reply
No! It might be among the best cards in the pack.

However, I think the pack is filled with a lot of cards which would be label best.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not forget gozuki
i wish i had one....but i skipped out on this box entirely but now im starting to open this pack hoping to get one at least for my pure red eyes deck which i only need one of
Was in my second pack, never fellt so lucky before
This card rating shoud be 10/10,1800 atk and if gets destroyed(Wich is hard if you have moutain),he literaly become a Red eyes spirit.Just don't summon any monster and you will have a lvl 7 Red eyes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thing is he's a beater with a narrow minded effect. He's not on 10/10 level with kuriboh and econ. He's a solid 8.0 in my eyes. Beans man is better cuz he's resistant to 4 star ladybug imo.
What I noticed people that use this deck are like "okay, it needs to be as BEWD as possible" which causes a clog in the REBD style. This is not the case, and lets change that.

NO blue dragon summoner
NO red eyes chick
NO Flamvell Dragon
NO crystal seer
NO (and you gotta believe me on this) champion's vigilance
NO cards of the red stone unless you are running a clogged Zombie RE deck and risk bricking and dead draws.

You need 4 kinds of monsters:

Vanguard x3
RE Wyvern x3
Mirage x3 (this is why no champs vigil)

You need 3 kinds of magic:
3 Stomp destruction (This is also why no champs vigil)
2 Mirror Wall (GREAT Mirage protector)
3 RE Spirit (The more he merrier)

1st turn. Summon Vanguard, then throw REBD and/or Wyvern into graveyard. Set red eyes spirit and/or mirror wall. Destroy any face down cards with Stamping destruction. Attack monster.

2nd turn. Rely on mirror wall during opponent's turn, Summon REBD/Wyvern if using trap if Vanguard fials, or wait until your next if he survives.

3rd turn. (Here's the good advice) When Vanguard is on field and Spirit trap is set, summon Mirage FIRSTLY for pressure. If nothing happens, jump into battle phase. FIRSTLY attack with Vanguard (his effect begs for monster effects to happen and he has higher att). SECONDLY, if successful, attack with Mirage. LASTLY, flip RE spirit to summon REBD. This allows him to be completely safe.

*Always best to wait LAST MINUTE when using RE Spirit in majority of scenarios

*When 2 REBD and 1 Wyvern in Graveward, use RE spirit to special summon 1 REBD, don't normal summon/set that turn, then use Wyvern's effect to get 2nd REBD at the end.

This is the cyclical golden set up. Mirage dragon summoned with a Vanguard brings huge pressure for early trap/ magic activation
<< Anonymous(rynjrczk3)
Anonymous Reply
Why you don't use Cards of the redstone,he saved me a lot of times and more fast to draw REBD
<< Anonymous(rynjrczk3)
DaSwifta Reply
I see where you're coming from, but trust me Mirage Dragon is not worth it in a red-eyes deck. You need Black Dragon's chick (at least 2 of them) to make sure you can summon Red-Eyes and you need at least 2 summoners to make sure you get Red-Eyes in your hand. This build is the most consistent at getting Red-Eyes out. Though I agree on the vigilance thing.
<< Anonymous(rynjrczk3)
seito stockman Reply
stamping destruction is very vulnerable to wild tornado and security orb, which have become more common in the meta
<< Anonymous(seito stockman)
Anonymous Reply
Takes no champions vigilance then comes the moment when the opponent summons a 2500 attack+ guy and isn't dumb enough to run it into a mirror wall. Champions vigilance is so insanely op how do u not take it. Red eyes is 🔥. 2400 attack isn't good enough to build a deck around
I have 3 r. eyes chicks and 3x red eyes wyvern, I dont seem to be able to get much use out of red eyes chick when im running wyvern and the egg spell. Running 2 red eyes and 2 zombie red eyes to get the egg spell effect off more often, need that 3rd normalr ed eyes.

Anyone have any luck combining the chicka nd the wyvern?
<< Anonymous(Akster)
DaSwifta Reply
Black Dragon's chick is there as an easier way to summon Red-Eyes directly, but you probably shouldn't run 3 if you're running Wyvern Vanguard and Spirit. Maybe just 2 should be enough. Also Only use 1 Zombie Dragon max, the normal Red-Eyes is much better and isn't even all that expensive in the card shop.
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah Im just waiting for it to rotate into the card shop :/...don't have any spirits. I think i probably need a an extra 1 or 2 4* dragons, only have 2x vanguard atm so will grab a 3rd when I can. Red eyes zombie really harms the deck since you cant summon it with red eyes chick, just don't have a 3rd red eyes yet, and I cant run just 2 red eyes.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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