
Gladiator Beasts deck [Before Feb 2020]

Duel Links Gladiator Beasts deck, Gladiator Beasts in the current meta, how to use, tips.
update 21/02/2020


All non-Fusion “Gladiator Beast” monsters, with a few exceptions, share the ability to return to the Deck during the end of the Battle Phase of the turn in which they battled and Special Summon another monster of their archetype from the Deck; when a “Gladiator Beast” monster is Special Summoned this way, it gains different effects that can range from backrow and monster removal (Gladiator Beast Bestiari and Gladiator Beast Murmillo respectively) to Special Summoning from the Graveyard (Gladiator Beast Darius).

Gladiator Beast decks usually rely heavily on their backrow to protect their monsters and allow them to continuously “tag out” and activate their effects, slowly depleting the opponent's resources, they had a poor matchup against Fur Hire and Amazoness, but, now these two are pretty much gone, it might be time for them to make a comeback.

Note: :To see the latest update of Gladiator Beast Decklist, please click the link below:

Example deck

Updated Version

Gladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast Bestiari
Gladiator Beast DimacariGladiator Beast MurmilloGladiator Beast HoplomusSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaMirror WallMirror WallMirror WallImpenetrable Attack
Impenetrable AttackTreacherous Trap Hole----
Gladiator Beast HeraklinosGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast Essedarii-

Previous Version

Gladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast RetiariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast Bestiari
Gladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast MurmilloWidespread RuinWidespread RuinPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia
Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleMirror WallTreacherous Trap HoleWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionXing Zhen Hu----
Gladiator Beast HeraklinosGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast Essedarii-

[Skill] descriptionUser
Endless Trap Hell
Can be used when you have 3 trap cards in the Graveyard. 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard is added to your hand. Then, shuffle 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard into your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Other Version

Balance Version

Gladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast Bestiari
Gladiator Beast MurmilloGalaxy CycloneGalaxy CycloneEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerSuper Rush Headlong
Super Rush HeadlongPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleMirror Wall
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption----
Gladiator Beast HeraklinosGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast Essedarii-

Berserk Scales Version

Gladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast MurmilloGladiator Beast Murmillo
Gladiator Beast DimacariGladiator Beast DimacariCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Berserk ScalesBerserk ScalesPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleMirror Wall----

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski

Sealed Tomb Version

Gladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast Bestiari
Gladiator Beast MurmilloGladiator Beast DimacariEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerWidespread RuinWidespread Ruin
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleWall of Disruption
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption----
Gladiator Beast HeraklinosGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast Essedarii-

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Fusion Version

Gladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast DariusGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast LaquariGladiator Beast Laquari
Gladiator Beast BestiariGladiator Beast MurmilloGladiator Beast EquesteGladiator Beast TygeriusEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleImpenetrable AttackImpenetrable AttackWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
Curse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua----
Gladiator Beast EssedariiGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast NerokiusGladiator Beast HeraklinosGladiator Beast Heraklinos-

[Skill] descriptionUser
Holy Guard
You receive no battle damage during your turn.


How to Use

New Addition

Gladiator Beast Hoplomus has one thing going for him and that’s his high DEF. The best way to use this card would be to Set it and then wait for your opponent to attack it; Hoplomus is hopefully going to survive the attack and you will be able to Special Summon another “Gladiator Beast” monster from your Deck.

What we need to think about is what decks we are going to face while using this card: Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Dragon Spirit of White and Cosmo Brain will force you to activate something like a Mirror Wall to prevent Hoplomus from being destroyed by battle and, in that case, it would have been better to just Normal Summon a Dimacari or a Laquari; any Level 5 or higher “Vampire” monster, Gozuki and Samurai Skull will be able to get over your face-down monster if Vampire Kingdom is activate on the field, so, once again, you will have to use something to protect it; a Masked HERO player may attack recklessly into your face-down with a Destiny HERO - Decider, Destiny HERO - Drilldark or Destiny HERO - Celestial rather than going directly into Masked HERO Anki, but, fearing it might be a Kinetic Soldier, they may prefer to attack you directly.

Overall, Gladiator Beast Hoplomus is not a bad card and it’s always nice to have a couple different options, especially when the vast majority of the cards that have been added to the archetype are incredibly underwhelming. This rhinoceros may not have the ability to destroy face-up monsters or Spell/Trap Cards, but its high DEF alone can gain you a couple turns and chip away at your opponent’s Life Points


Gladiator Beast Laquari is here primarily for its ATK, it forces Masked HEROes to bring out one of their Extra Deck monsters to get over it and, with the help of Mirror Wall, it can destroy by battle common high ATK monsters such as Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Masked HERO Anki and even Silent Magician LV8.

When Gladiator Beast Laquari is Special Summoned by the effect of another “Gladiator Beast” monster, its original ATK becomes 2100, allowing it to end a duel with just two direct attacks.

When it’s Special Summoned by the effect of another “Gladiator Beast” monster, Gladiator Beast Dimacari gains the ability to attack twice during each Battle Phase, meaning it’s able to deal up to 3200 damage per turn. With its 1600 ATK, Gladiator Beast Dimacari ties with cards like Destiny HERO - Decider and Destiny HERO - Drilldark, forcing them to crash into it or to use Mask Change or Polymerization.


When Gladiator Beast Bestiari is Special Summoned by the effect of another “Gladiator Beast” monster, it destroys a Spell/Trap Card on the field. Gladiator Beast Bestiari is used for backrow removal, it doesn’t have the best ATK, but, with the help of a Mirror Wall, it can still tie with a Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

When Gladiator Beast Murmillo is Special Summoned by the effect of another “Gladiator Beast” monster, it destroys a face-up monster on the field. Gladiator Beast Murmillo is the main way this Deck has to deal with problematic monsters, it’s a great card despite its poor stats, but keep in mind that, just like for Gladiator Beast Bestiari, its effect is mandatory, so, if your opponent has no face-up monsters on the field when you Special Summon it, you will have to destroy one of your own.


When it’s Special Summoned by the effect of another “Gladiator Beast” monster, Gladiator Beast Equeste allows you to add a “Gladiator Beast” card from your Graveyard to the hand; this effect was notably worse when Amazoness Onslaught was still around, but, seeing how easy it is for your monsters to end in the Graveyard right now, it's actually very useful.


Gladiator Beast Darius is great for swarming the field with Gladiator Beasts. When he is special summoned from the graveyard you can revive a Gladiator Beast monster but with it's effect negated. Since there is no main phase 2 in Duel Links you would usually have to wait till your next turn to fill your field and fusion summon your monster.
Another use for Darius is recovery, revive a monster you want to return to the deck. And then when Darius leaves the field, even with his own effect, the revived monster is also returned to the deck so that you can special summon it later.


Now that swarming is not as much of an issue as it was a couple weeks ago, Mirror Wall has been re-evaluated; this Trap Card can be activated during the Damage Step, when cards like Mask Change can't anymore, and it allows your monsters to deal with Blue-Eyes, even when the opponent has only one monster in the field, which is something Wall of Disruption isn't able to do.

Paleozoic Canadia is a great card that can help you slow down the opponent and that can also become a monster. Keep in mind that you can't chain Paleozoic Canadia from the Graveyard to a Mirror Wall if you activated it during the Damage Step.

You can only activate this Trap Card during the Battle Phase, but its effect can prevent your monsters from being destroyed by battle and card effect; you can activate this card after your opponent has already declared an attack to be able to tag out your “Gladiator Beast” monsters.

Impenetrable Attack can also be used to prevent you from taking battle damage during the Battle Phase in which you activate it.


Because the Gladiator Beast monsters need to survive battle before being able to activate their effects, it’s important to run strong cards spells and traps.

Enemy Controller - A staple card in a lot of decks ever since the beginning of Duel Links because of its sheer power and versatility. Recently gained even more popularity because it helps you beat Cyber Angels which is the most popular deck right now.

Floodgate Trap Hole - This card is amazing overall in this meta, but has great use in a Gladiator Beast deck. It defends your weaker monsters. Once their monster is in defense you can attack it (your monsters won’t be destroyed by battle), but watch out for your life points when doing this , unless you use the skill Holy Guard.

Changes multiple opponent's monsters to defense making your opponent unable to attack during their battle phase.

This trap helps you even the playing field for your weaker monsters. It’s also devastating for people that swarm the field and don’t play around it.

The Extra Decks

You are not going to be able to Special Summon monsters from your Extra Deck that often, but I would still advise keeping them there as an option; you don't have to use Polymerization in order to summon any of these monsters and the monsters used as material are shuffled inside the Deck instead of ending up in the Graveyard.

Gladiator Beast Essedarii is a 2500 ATK monster with no effect at all, you need to shuffle back into the Deck two “Gladiator Beast” monsters that are on the field in order to Special Summon it, you can use it to prevent yourself from decking out or just to get over a high ATK monster your opponent controls.

Gladiator Beast Nerokius requires you to shuffle back into the Deck three “Gladiator Beast” monsters, it can't be destroyed by battle and, just like U.A. Mighty Slugger, when it attacks, the opponent can't activate cards or effect until the end of the Damage Step.

If Nekrokius attacked, you can decide to shuffle it back into the Extra Deck during the end of the Battle Phase to Special Summon two “Gladiator Beast” monsters. Nekrokius is hard to bring out, but it's a great card that can pretty much ignore the opponent's backrow and attack freely.

Just like Gladiator Beast Nerokius, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos requires three “Gladiator Beast” monsters, but one of them must be Gladiator Beast Laquari.

Heraklinos, similarly to Wiz, Sage Fur Hire, can negate the activation of Spell/Trap Cards, but its effect is not limited to a “once per turn” use and it allows you to discard any card in order to activate it.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Endless Trap Hell
Can be used when you have 3 trap cards in the Graveyard. 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard is added to your hand. Then, shuffle 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard into your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

This Skill prevents can prevent you from decking out, even though that is usually not an issue with “Gladiator Beast”; Endless Trap Hell is generally a great choice for a deck that, just like Amazoness, relies so heavily on its backrow.

You can build your Gladiator Beast deck to have lots of Trap cards that protect your monsters during battle. In that case a good skill to use is Endless Trap Hell. When you have enough Trap cards in the graveyard you can use this skill to add one of them to your hand and another one to your deck. The Trap cards are chosen at random but is great for gaining advantage.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski

By having at least 6 Monster Cards, 6 Spell Cards and 6 Trap Cards, Balance can guarantee you a starting hand featuring at least a card of each type, it essentially gives you at least a monster and a Spell and a Trap Card to protect it.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Holy Guard
You receive no battle damage during your turn.
Tea Gardner
Tea Gardner

This skill prevents you from taking any battle damage during your turn. This allows you to attack freely into your opponent’s monsters (either in defense position or in combination with Impenetrable Attack/Half Shut when attacking an attack position monster).

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Another skill option for control variants. Use Sealed Tombs to prevent your opponent from accessing the graveyard. Gladiator Beast decks really don't mind not accessing their own graveyards because they don't do much revival except for Gladiator Beast Darius.

This Skill is used primarily when dealing with Vampire and, to a certain extent, Blue-Eyes, both of which are very popular and strong decks.


Vampire Matchup

Vampire decks usually rely on the “once per turn” removal provided by Vampire Kingdom in order to get rid of the opponent's backrow, which is definitely not going be enough in this case; Vampires are also the only opponent against which Wall of Disruption is mostly a superior choice compared to Mirror Wall.

Masked HERO Matchup

Masked HERO Anki being able to essentially bypass your backrow by attacking directly and Cosmic Cyclone are the biggest issues with this deck; Gladiator Beasts can generally deal pretty well with Masked HEROes.

Blue-Eyes Matchups


Hot New Top
What is the ideal skill for this deck ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Probably Sealed Tombs.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sealed tombs or balanced. I personally prefer balance though as it prevents me from bricking.
Just reached KOG some hours ago with this deck, I guess investing in valiant souls (canadias) really paid off ^^
<< Anonymous(ImmaCanadiaFanlol)
Anonymous Reply
are you the dude with the witchrider + paleozoics deck? wow, that one surprised me as well. Really cool !
Just watched a DLM video featuring this deck and it seems it's pretty much alive, those who bought tons of traps for Endless trap hell decks must be really pleased.
<< Anonymous(SpiritCard)
Trunade Reply
Well it seems like you don't even need to invest in a need deck if you played amazoness in the past, you just have to get all your traps in a Gladiator Beast deck lolz
<< Anonymous(SpiritCard)
Anonymous Reply
lol funny, that video brought me here as well, yes, it seems pretty decent for an old deck with old traps such as floodgate. So glad I bought those cards back in the day !
holy cow... look at all those heavy backrows is this deck even good or its traps that are good?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That is how gb works. They can tap in and out from their deck so basically they can keep on "recycle" their monsters. That's why they only need a handful of monsters and lots of backrow to protect these monsters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well GB are good if given opportunity for them to survive an attack by tagging out it can create minus to the opponent so yes the monster are good and the backrow is there to facilitate the monster good effect to take place.
<< Anonymous
LeBron Reply
Deck is actually recycling all tech from some other previous archetypes that got out of the current meta or just went to banlist.
Not bad at all, this might be just a brief little comeback but yep, not bad at all!
Glad I kicked some 🔥 again with Murmillo (aka the "little fish guy") lol
<< Anonymous([ND]Loomey@TCG)
Anonymous Reply
This deck is not bad at all, you can use all the traps from amazoness on it.
I see GB are trying to come back as pathetic as they where in their prime. The deck is literally made up of mostly backrow. Well, most decks shouldn’t have too much of a problem with it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're only a fur hire or amazon fool who complains about the meta after the banlist
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Amazoness losers are cut from the same cloth as GB, all sitting behind backrow
Good it's back at least 4 a while, this deck is pretty fun 2 play !
<< Anonymous((´・ω・`))
Anonymous Reply
lol enjoy it, it may not last long in the current meta.
<< Anonymous((´・ω・`))
Ultimate AI Reply
Yeah, my thoughts exactly... since it's not OP at all I think a little comeback is not really bad.
<< Anonymous((´・ω・`))
Anonymous Reply
If you have the right techs such as floodgate or canadias then it's actually a pretty powerful deck.
Imo, Super Rush might be the best backrow for this deck since there are 2 Jinzos available.

And remember that Cyberdark can pass through without battling your gladiators nor letting you activate sphere kuriboh.
<< Anonymous(Bestiary)
Hexie Reply
Never faced deck with 2 Jinzos, playing 1 is not popular as well.
<< Anonymous(Bestiary)
Anonymous Reply
I faced some dudes playing 2 jinzos, but it was in platinum hehe :) :)
<< Anonymous(Bestiary)
Anonymous Reply
2 Jinzos is actually cool xD
Easily the most 🔥 deck in current meta. Baasically a backrow deck instead of a gladiator beast deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't know why you guys like this deck back, really just a bunch of 🔥ty traps
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah just give us Amazoness back. We don't want a downgraded version of Amazoness!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No wonder I've seen quite a bunch of players using GB suddenly. Seems most of them are Ex-Amazoness players.
Back from the shadow realm
Duel Links made crimson kingdom relevant again and now Galactic Origin is back into action as well, wow that's actually very nice.
=D !
It's back in action... Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
<< Anonymous(=D !)
Anonymous Reply
it really is
<< Anonymous(=D !)
Jiraiya Reply
I never thought I could be these guys again in the meta, but now it seems that the investment was not in vain, they seem pretty decent.

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