
Gladiator Beasts deck [Before Feb 2020]

Duel Links Gladiator Beasts deck, Gladiator Beasts in the current meta, how to use, tips.
update 21/02/2020

Dragon Spirit of White is the main form of backrow removal Blue-Eyes has and, just like Vampire Kingdom, it's usually not enough to deal with the amount of Trap Cards this deck have available. Mirror Wall and Murmillo are great answers to Blue-Eyes and Cosmo Brain and Paleozoic Canadia can prevent Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon from being Summoned.

Silent Spellbook Matchup

Gladiator Beasts’ inability to summon multiple monsters per turn makes them easy targets for Spellbook of Fate, but you can still use Paleozoic Canadia to prevent the opponent from activating it or from setting up the Graveyard for it in the first place, if you go first.

Yubel Matchup

Yubel's immunity from destruction by battle and floating effect is generally problematic for this deck; you can use Murmillo and Bestiari to destroy Yubel - Terror Incarnate by targeting the monster itself and the Field Spell respectively or make it miss the timing to not have to deal with Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare.

Pro tip when playing against another Gladiator Beast deck

When playing against another Gladiator Beast deck, one of the most powerful plays you can make is when both of you Gladiator Beast monsters battled (and survived) you activate Enemy Controller at the end of the Battle Phase and tribute your monster to take control of theirs, this will allow you to shuffle their Gladiator Beast into their deck , and special summon one from yours.

Other useful cards

Gladiator Beast Tygerius
Gladiator Beast Tygerius
Searches your deck for a Gladiator Beast monster but keep in mind he cannot be used as a fusion material.
Gladiator Beast Equeste
Gladiator Beast Equeste
Retrieves a Gladiator Beast from your graveyard to hand.
Gladiator Beast Darius
Gladiator Beast Darius
Revives a Gladiator Beast monster from your graveyard but it's effects are negated and it returns to the deck when Darius leaves the field. You can use Forbidden Chalice on Darius after you revive the monster so that you can keep him on the field and use his effect after he attacks during that turn.
Gladiator Beast Secutor
Gladiator Beast Secutor
Can swarm your field with Gladiator Beast monsters.
Gladiator Beast Alexander
Gladiator Beast Alexander
Great beater and can be made immune to spell cards.
Gladiator Beast Retiari
Gladiator Beast Retiari
Banishes a card from your opponent's graveyard. Could be useful to banish cards that special summon from the graveyard like Zombies, Amazoness Baby Tiger, etc.
Gladiator Beast Octavius
Gladiator Beast Octavius
Easily special summoned in a Gladiator Beast deck. Great beater and can destroy a set spell/trap card.
Gladiator Beast Augustus
Gladiator Beast Augustus
Easily special summoned in a Gladiator Beast deck. Great beater and special summons a gladiator beast from your hand, greatly helps to summon Gladiator Beast Fusion monsters.
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
A great card to defend your monsters as well. Helps against Ancient Gear and decks that use Anti-Magic Arrow.
Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts
Colosseum - Cage of the Gladiator Beasts
Increasingly boosts your Gladiator Beasts' attacks.
Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius
Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius
Attack boost and returns to your hand when Gladiator Beast returns to deck.
Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd
Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd
Destroys spell/trap cards and returns to your hand when Gladiator Beast returns to deck.
Gladiator Beast's Respite
Gladiator Beast's Respite
Good draw card card for Gladiator Beast decks.
Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Great tech card to stop your opponent's monster effects from going off.
Gladiator Taming
Gladiator Taming
Could serve as a replacement against Enemy Controller to protect against attacks. In some situations like when facing aliens and an Enemy Controller take you can use this to take back your monster.
Super Rush Headlong
Super Rush Headlong
This spell allows you to defend your monster and take out one of your opponent’s monster as well (can be used offensively and defensively) . The reason this isn’t played in most Gladiator Beast decks is because of this card no battle actually occurred (the monster is destroyed at the start if the damage step), meaning your Gladiator Beast monster won’t be able to tag out if it survives because if this card.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
A trap, just like wall of disruption, that protects your weaker monsters from your opponent’s stronger monsters. This card is better than Wall of Disruption when playing against Ancient Gears, but is worse when playing against Cyber Angels.
Fire Formation - Tenken
Fire Formation - Tenken
Protects a beast-warrior monster from card effects and gives all beast-warriors a boost.
Negates a trap card by returning a Gladiator Beast to the deck.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Defends your monsters for one turn, and allowing you to hit into a defense position monster during your next turn.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
Same use as Windstorm of Etaqua.


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I finally got my 3rd copies of some of the most basic, crucial, staple cards and Gladiator Beasts became insanely good.

When I hopefully get my 1st KOG, I will post my deck.
<< Anonymous(Jake)
Anonymous Reply
Gl hf boi
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good luck indeed.

You will need it with the current meta.
what a 🔥 deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck is on Fire!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this deck is on fire!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's walking ON FIRE!!!!!
release the boss monster chicken, whats your problem konami, it looks like giving barcelona in PES2020 without messi
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Get this bs outta here
Where's Gyzarus lol
I'm sorry, but Hoplomus? Really? The ONLY effect it has is having 2400 defense and its easily beaten by every other deck. Stick with Retiari for graveyard control. I didn't have it before, but was able to obtain it using the Rare tickets from this tournament. And haven't lost a match ever since.
Don't forget: GB is a control deck. Hoplomus does not provide control... at all!
<< Anonymous(MaJuV)
Magestik Reply
I agree
And removing retiari, you loose all you had against yubel.
<< Anonymous(MaJuV)
Anonymous Reply
Retiari is unobtainable right now
can someone pls build me a Gladiator Beasts deck with easy to get trap/spell cards ?

i have 9 card tickets that i can exchange (3 UR / 2 SR / 1 R / 1 N ).

this is the deck that i currently have:
Just remembered this deck and how it used to tilt the meta all the back in late 2017/early 2018. So glad it stayed dead, and they didn’t add it’s broken boss monster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami: Say no more
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if the OCG/TCG is any indication, GBs will be back with new supports in the future lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hopefully not haha. I remember getting tilted from this deck. They just hid behind backrow till they got their boss monster out.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lets fire up this deck with Gyzarus, like u did with f six sams
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gyzarus is the soul of GB, cant believe they left it out together with Chariot. Especially when there are cards out there like Red Eyes OP Dragon
With the release of necrovalley glas beasts will rise again
<< Anonymous(Zorc)
Anonymous Reply
We have Necrovalley via the selection box, and I will personally tell you after spending money to buy and get 3 of those... other than a brief moment of usefulness during the peak of Vampires, it’s not been overly useful or worth it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Necrovalley might be broken in the TCG but not in duel links, it lacks support and a proper searcher.

It's just like Babycerasaurus who is limited there but we can play 3 copies here.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, in DL we currently don't have the cards that make Necrovalley good.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not entirely true. There is some pretty good support. The main issue is that to many people are spam using decks revolving around Six Samurai and monster effect negation like the new pay to win Ancient Gears. So this CAN be a bit of a difficult deck to play efficiently without investing a good deal into it.
a deck hated by noobs
glad beasts are rarely used and have great potential, sadly still cant make it past legend 1 with my deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and kog worthy after 2 weeks.
Why you guys call this deck as generic backrow deck I really could not get the point.. Without mask change hero s are nothing, without fate spellbooks are 🔥 sandwich, without kingdom vampires are useless.. Moreover Gyzarus have not released yet if it comes Glads can easily penetrate your little decks
<< Anonymous(Punisher)
Anonymous Reply
mask change only works for heroes, fate is only for spellbooks and kingdom is only for vampires, every deck that used so many staples traps is a backrow deck, btw there's nothing wrong with that, some decks need staples to be a tier deck or have chance against tier decks so I don't see anything wrong with it idk why you felt so attacked by that
<< Anonymous
Punisher Reply
Cuz by saying backrow deck people mean ' its a useless archetype actuaally but the magics save its 🔥 however the fact is what you say I agree with you.. My words for that brainless players
<< Anonymous(Punisher )
Anonymous Reply
Get hated and called brainless for using staple backrow. Get hated and called brainless for using cards made for a certain deck. There is no pleasing anybody.

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