
Duelist Chronicles: Battle City Showdown!

Duel Links Duelist Chronicles: Battle City event, Battle City Showdown!, and rewards.
update 13/03/2019
Battle City & Divine Trial pages
Duelist Chronicle: Battle City Showdown!
Event Guide
Divine Trial
Divine Trial

Updated Information.

  • Legendary Duelist's Missions Updated
  • Mokuba Kaiba's Decklist Added

Event Details

"Duelist Chronicles! Battle City" has been announced which will be held on 8 March 2019. This time you can obtain new Reward Cards and Yami Yugi's new Skill through the Battle City Finals.

Period8 Mar 2019 - 15 Mar 2019

How to Play

1Collect Dice Fragments by dueling in Duel World and Ranked Duels.
2Use Dice Fragments to roll 1-3.
3Move along the board earning Millenium Coins
4Collect Millenium Coins and try you luck with the Card Lottery
5Earn Zone Reward for each zone that you clear.
  • Obtain Dice Fragment once per day when you enter the map. Resets daily at 02:00.
  • Players can now obtain EXP and Duel Rewards from Dueling in the event. In addition players will receive Divine Offerings as Duel Rewards. What these Divine Offerings do will be revealed on 11 Mar 2019 13:00
  • Draw 10 from the lottery will be free once every day.
  • You can view cut scenes from the event that you have already seen once in the Cutscene Album which can be accessed from the lower left corner of the event page.

Divine Trial

You can go to "Support Item" from the Event Page and Use Divine Offerings to Duel a Yami Yugi who wields the power of Egyptian Gods! Complete it for the 3rd time to obtain Yami Yugi's New Skill A Card Entrusted.

First RoundExclusive Card Sleeves
Second RoundExtra Life x3
Third RoundSkill: A Card Entrusted
Fourth RoundGems x50
Fifth RoundExclusive Game Mat
Sixth RoundResult Booster x3
Seventh RoundDivine Trial Event Completed Achievement
Eight RoundGems x50
Ninth Round and onward150 Coins

Yami Yugi's New Skill Obtained

A Card Entrusted

[Skill] descriptionUser
A Card Entrusted
At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Fiend's Sanctuary" to your Deck.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi

Treasure Room

Treasure Room Appears!

Mokuba Kaiba Lvl 40 Decklist [Treasure Room]

Inflict 1000 or more of Battle Damage.30
Inflict 1000 or more of Effect Damage.30
Recover 1000 or more Life Points in one duel.30

This Decklist and Skill Information are credited to

Exclusive Rewards

Exchange of the Spirit [UR]

Exchange of the Spirit
Exchange of the Spirit
Normal Trap
Duelist Chronicle: Battle City Showdown! [UR]
If both players have 15 or more cards in their Graveyards: Pay 1000 LP; each player swaps the cards in their Graveyard with the cards in their Deck, then shuffles their Deck. You can only activate 1 "Exchange of the Spirit" per Duel.

Valkyrian Knight [SR]

Valkyrian Knight
Valkyrian Knight
FIRE Warrior ★4
ATK 1900 / DEF 1200
Duelist Chronicle: Battle City Showdown! [SR]
Your opponent cannot target face-up Warrior-Type monsters for attacks, except "Valkyrian Knight". When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Warrior-Type monster and this card from your Graveyard to target 1 Level 5 or higher Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

Legendary Duelist's Decklist

The Decklists and Skill Information are credited to

Yami Bakura

Use Yami Yugi to defeat Yami Bakura.30
Achieve 1 No Damage Wins.30
Win a duel with "Slifer the Sky Dragon" in your deck.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[NPC Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Board of Doom
Start the Duel with "Dark Necrofear" in your Graveyard. At the end of your 5th turn, you win the Duel. This skill is negated if "Dark Necrofear" leaves your Graveyard.
Yami Bakura
Yami Bakura


Use Joey Wheeler to defeat Odion.30
Use a Trap Card 3 time(s) in one duel.30
Summon Jinzo 1 time(s) in one duel.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Chain Reaction
Can be used each time you activate a Trap card. Decreases your opponent's Life Points by 200.

Mai Valentine

Use Yami Marik to defeat Mai Valentine.30
Destroy monsters 3 time(s) in one duel.30
Win a duel with "The Winged Dragon of Ra" in your deckDivine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[NPC Skill] descriptionUser
Amazoness Village
Start the Duel with "Amazoness Village" on your field.
Mai Valentine
Mai Valentine

Ishizu Ishtar

Use Seto Kaiba to defeat Ishizu Ishtar.30
Inflict 3000 or more point of Battle Damage with a single attack.30
Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1 time(s) in one duel.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[NPC Skill] descriptionUser
Exchange of the Spirit
Before your normal draw, you can have each player swap the cards in their Graveyard with the cards in their Deck, then shuffle their Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Joey Wheeler

Use Yami Marik to defeat Joey Wheeler.15
Inflict 1500 or more point of Effect Damage in one Duel.15
Inflict 1500 or more point of Effect Damage with a single activation.15

Set Skill

[NPC Skill] descriptionUser
Legendary Warrior
Before your normal draw, you can create "Gilford the Lightning" on your field from outside your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

Seto Kaiba

Use Yami Yugi to defeat Seto Kaiba.30
Use a Spell Cards 3 time(s) in one duel.30
Summon Dark Magician 1 time(s) in one duel.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[NPC Skill] descriptionUser
Robotic Reinforcements
Before your normal draw, you can add 1 "X-Head Cannon", "Y-Dragon Head", or "Z-Metal Tank" to your hand from outside your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba

Yami Marik 1

Use Yami Yugi to defeat Yami Marik.30
Use a Spell Cards 3 time(s) in one duel.30
Win a duel with "Slifer the Sky Dragon" in your deck.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Shadow Game
At the end of their respective turn, each player will lose LP equal to "100" times the number of cards in their own graveyard.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik

Yami Marik 2

Use Yami Yugi to defeat Yami Marik.30
Use a Spell Cards 5 time(s) in one duel.30
Summon Dark Magician 1 time(s) in one duel.Divine Offerings x3

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Shadow Game
At the end of their respective turn, each player will lose LP equal to "100" times the number of cards in their own graveyard.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik


Hot New Top
the treasure room should be filled with gems not with useless lottery coins
The Wolf
So this is what I got with the free lottery reward. AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
<< Anonymous(The Wolf )
Anonymous Reply
Quite lucky, most of the prismatic cards I have are SRs, congrats
<< Anonymous(The Wolf )
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(The Wolf )
Anonymous Reply
Since koa'ki meirus left, maybe this archetype is going to become more relevant in the meta.
The chest rewards of Divine Trial are garbage. It is not worth to farm him.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He wasn't meant to be farmed...
just use Gem-Knights and everything is OTK.
Hey, u have deck list of Mokuba into Treasure Battle ?
Damn I truly love this event
how do I beat/farm level 40 Mai
Where are Yami Marik's deck list?
<< Anonymous(SpikeSpiegel)
Anonymous Reply
Yami Marik uses 2 different decks.

Like the first time he has Nightmare Wheel and some 1600 atk monster that attacks directly if your monsters have higher attack along with Gil Garth and Revival Jam. (He uses Shadow Game each time)
In the final battle he does have Ra in Sphere mode as well as Monster reborn so try not to have 3 monsters out at the same time.
The new skill is called card entrusted,check the skill list section of the card catalogue.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol. Its fiend sanctuary. The one Koiba gave to Yugi against Marik in the finals
kendra lust
Wtf komoney
4 jinzo?
<< Anonymous(kendra lust)
Satan Reply
If you are seeing something like 5 junk synchrons, it's because extra cards were added via skill.
If the rewards weren't good I wouldn't waste my time with this garbage event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
they make these trash events to keep you around so that you continue to spend money :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No 🔥, I thought they were doing for free so we could have fun and for the sake of loving Yu-gi-oh...
omg so many old cards and 90% of the lottery card i have atleast 3 already ... there is no motivation to play it at all.
i know you wanna sweet new players but please give veteran players a reason to play also dammit !!
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Me too.. Not even started playing yet. Idk. I was so disappointed.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I know. There are only a few new cards I need to collect. Wouldn't have minded if they added Kuriboh to it.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
I don't know, it's better than nothing, a lot of gems for free.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Honestly I didn’t mind one bit because I sucked at the epic yami event so this event is a redemption for me

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And I just ate a pine and an apple
This is Pingu’s hot little sister, right?
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