
Swords of Revealing Light | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Swords of Revealing Light (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 27/04/2018

Swords of Revealing Light

Swords of Revealing Light
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect / Condition / Continuous-like Effect


Flip all monsters your opponent controls face-up. This card remains on the field for 3 of your opponent's turns. While this card is face-up on the field, monsters your opponent controls cannot declare an attack.









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I thought chaos emperor dragon became useless after the erratum
We already have Chaos Emperor Dragon at home.

Chaos Emperor Dragon at home:
Chaos emperor dragon please add I'd spend cash and add dartz
Crazy thing is this card is unlimited in Master Duel, it’s theoretically possible to just stall your opponent out for up to 18 turns if you always have this card in your hand. Of course with cards like Harpie’s Feather Duster in Master Duel, that makes this card far less OP than it would be in duel links. I imagine it would be immediately limited to 1 if put in DL.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Messenger of Peace can stall for 158 turns
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453 Reply
My army of Gale Lizards cannot be stopped by Messenger of Peace.
PLEASE KONAMI Add this card to the game, i will spend $ to get it!!
<< Anonymous(Vander94)
Good, we'll add this card soon
<< Anonymous(Vander94)
Anonymous Reply
Also, Please Add The Scrap Iron Scarecrow Trap Card Please
<< Anonymous
truth brotha Reply
ikr theres no card in this 🔥ing game that gives you time to find unless you do dumb 🔥 decks thats just oped boring 🔥. all the ppl who do all thiss op'ed 3k summon monsters and 🔥 in the first turn are noobs they googe decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Facts I had that card in another yugioh mobile game they shut down..It saved the game for me a lot of times.
Oh gimmick support
this card will slow down the otk deck a bit
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami (and 99% of the playerbase, really) hates stall that makes the game unfun for the opposing side, evident from how they outright murdered OCW Stall deck just recently.

So I don't think we're going to get this card anytime soon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well this card could be a nice skill card. Since yugi often used it in tough situations. For example, during opponents turn when a monster declares a letgal attack on open field swords of revealing light comes out to save tge duel, just like skill Grit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well this card could be a nice skill card. Since yugi often used it in tough situations. For example, during opponents turn when a monster declares a letgal attack on open field swords of revealing light comes out to save tge duel, just like skill Grit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If it's a Skill, it's possible.

Something like "If your LP is 1500 or less and you would take Battle Damage that would reduce your LP to 0, and you have an empty Spell/Trap Card Zone, immediately play 1 "Swords of Revealing Light" from outside your Deck."
Bull! Odion from Battle City Event had this and used it as his opening card, Duel Links needs to stop horsing around giving the NPC's or Standard duelists these great cards and at the bery minimal give us at least 1 copy of these said cards! Example: Swords of Revealing Light, Monster Reborn, or Pot of Greed.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous )
Anonymous Reply
You can get some of these cards though randomnly with Pegasus's creator ability
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Seeing NPCs use stuff I can't is not fun.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah you are right. I want to use it too
<< Anonymous(Anonymous )
truth brotha Reply
i agree man thats one of the reasons i hate all this new yugioh games, you cant really play the way its met to be played unless you got some hack or code to unlock every card so you can really build a deck . im old school and when they first started banning cards for the sake of money and thats the only reason i ignored that with my fellow players we kept every card and even on the psp .
No need to pour in those hard-earned money! JUST FARM YOUR GEMS!

<< Anonymous(Leinchester-meme)
Anonymous Reply
Yea no, tell me how to get 3 Neos Fusion, connector and Desperado with gems bud?
I call bs. It's not listed under card catalog which means that card doesn't exist in game.Screen caps for those ppl who claims they saw NPC or yugi use this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yugi Muto lvl 50 reward
<< Anonymous(Kenazwunjo)
Anonymous Reply
Haha sick burn
<< Anonymous(Kenazwunjo)
Anonymous. Reply
haha, moronic OP got "owned".
<< Anonymous(Kenazwunjo)
Anonymous Reply
Kenazwunjo has proven once again that the majority of visitors to this site are dumb af
Mystic Quest
My favorite Spell Card

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