
How to beat/farm Yubel Lvl 40 [Soul Polymerization Event]

Duel Links tips to defeat Yubel Lvl 40, decks to farm Yubel Lvl 40, and rewards.
update 22/10/2019

Guardian Eatos Farm

  • No Skill Neccesary
Essential cards

Example Deck

Guardian EatosGuardian EatosGravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!Union AttackUnion Attack
Secret Pass to the TreasuresCounter GateCounter GateCounter GateDefense DrawDefense Draw
Wall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Darkflare Dragon Farm

Example Deck

Darkflare DragonDarkflare DragonStygian SecurityStygian SecurityStygian SecurityWinged Kuriboh
Winged KuribohKuribohKuribohKuribohGravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!
The Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning KuribohThe Flute of Summoning KuribohUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the Treasures
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Akiza Izinski
Akiza Izinski


  • Just stall till just before you deck out. This deck works because Yubel only has Mystic Tomato to deal damage.
  • Stygian Security Special Summons more copies of himself from the deck, helping you catch attacks and thinning your deck.
  • Winged Kuriboh prevents you from taking any more damage for the turn when he is destroyed.
  • Kuriboh can be discarded to negate the damage from an attack.
  • Flute of Summoning Kuriboh Special Summons Winged Kuriboh from your deck or adds Kuriboh to your hand.
  • Use Wall of Disruption when Yubel controls 2 or more monsters.
  • On your final turn, Special Summon your 2 Darkflare Dragon and Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal.
  • Use 2 Union Attack and 1 Secret Pass to the Treasure on Gravekeeper's Vassal.

Worm Bait Ra Farm

  • No Skill Neccessary
Essential cards

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaAnteatereatingantGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugHey, Trunade!
Creature SeizureWorm BaitWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionSolemn WishesSolemn Wishes
Solemn WishesGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingDes CounterblowDes Counterblow
Des Counterblow----


  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug and Solemn Wishes.
  • Activate Des Counterblow as early as possible. This will destroy Mystic Tomato when it attacks directly.
  • Good Goblin Housekeeping will thin your deck.
  • Stall with Wall of Disruption and Massivemorph.
  • During your final turn, activate Hey, Trunade!.
  • Special Summon Anteatereatingant.
  • Activate Worm Bait and Special Summon 2 tokens in attack position.
  • Give Yubel a token with Creature Seizure.
  • Tribute summons The Winged Dragon of Ra. Give him your LP to use as attack and attack into the token.

Ra Farm

Cosmic Compass Version

The Winged Dragon of RaGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugCosmic CompassHey, Trunade!
Creature SeizureDouble SummonFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleDefense Draw
Defense DrawDefense DrawWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionDraining ShieldDraining Shield
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----


  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug.
  • Stall with your Trap cards. The only monster you actually need to look out for is Mystic Tomato.
  • Jar of Greed lets you thin your deck.
  • On your final turn activate Hey, Trunade!
  • Normal Summon Cosmic Compass and Special Summon 2 tokens in attack position.
  • Give your opponent a token with Creature Seizure.
  • Activate Double Summon and Summon the Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP to use as attack.

Slifer the Sky Dragon Farm

Example Deck

Slifer the Sky DragonLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - KizanLegendary Six Samurai - EnishiLegendary Six Samurai - Enishi
Secret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaSecret Six Samurai - FumaLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiLegendary Secret of the Six SamuraiConcentrating Current
Six Samurai UnitedSix Samurai UnitedSix Samurai UnitedShien's DojoShien's DojoSix Style - Dual Wield
Xing Zhen HuXing Zhen Hu----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sealed Tombs
Until the end of the opponent's next turn, neither player can banish cards from the Graveyard or Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

Wonder Balloon

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaThunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugSkelengelSkelengel
SkelengelHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!Creature SeizureDouble SummonWonder Balloons
Wonder BalloonsWorm Bait----


  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug.
  • This deck works because Yubel's only monster with a real attack stat is Mystic Tomato.
  • Use Wonder Balloons to debuff Mystic Tomato till it has 0 attack. 3 counters on your Wonder Balloons should be enough.
  • Skull-Mark Ladybug can stall while you don't have Wonder Balloons yet.
  • Skelengel will also catch attacks while also thinning your deck.
  • Thunder Dragon thins your deck and the Thunder Dragons you searched can be good for Wonder Balloon's cost.
  • Before your final turn, you must have 1 monsters on the field.
  • During your final turn activate Hey, Trunade!. The second copy is in case Yubel negates the first with Ultimate Providence.
  • Normal Summon Golden Ladybug or Skull-Mark Ladybug and use Worm Bait on it.
  • Give one attack position token to Yubel with Creature Seizure.
  • Summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP to use as attack. Use The Winged Dragon of Ra to attack the attack position token.


Score 7000++
SkillNo Skill Necessary
Essential cards

Expensive Version

Gravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!WetlandsWetlandsWetlandsUnion Attack
Union AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Pikaia
Paleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of GreedPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----

Budget Version

Gravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!WetlandsUnion AttackUnion AttackFragrance Storm
Fragrance StormFragrance StormSecret Pass to the TreasuresJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of Greed
Paleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping
Paleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella----


  • Paleozoic cards, when summoned as monsters, are not affected by monster effects. So they are safe from Lava Golem, Grave Squirmer, and the Yubel monsters' effects.
  • Paleozoic Pikaia and Paleozoic Marrella thin your deck and can be summoned later as monsters when Trap cards are activated.
  • Jar of Greed and Good Goblin Housekeeping thin your deck and allow you to Special Summon Pikaia and Marrella as monsters.
  • Fragrance Storm will be used to get rid of Yubel's Tokens.
  • Activate Wetlands to give your Paleozoic monsters a good attack boost.
  • You should control exactly 2 Paleozoic monsters before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, activate Hey, Trunade!
  • Normal Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attack and Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Yubel Lvl 40 Decklist

Card Rewards


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This is the cheapest version you could find, with the same great result against Yubel Lv40. Storm works just like Trunade, Arrivalrival works just like Double Summon, I pick them just to make this deck as cheap as possible. The only cards from the box are Worm Bait and Arrivalrivals
<< Anonymous
Trump Reply
Ñope, Worm Bait version is one of the easiest and most consistent deck to farm Yubel
- Skull Mark Ladybug has bigger defense than Mystic Tomato's ATK
- Fragrance Storm will destroy Mystic Tomato and let you draw 1 card
Even without any skill, you would still end up with 15k+ LP on your last turn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ive lost 2500 Gems just to take out the copy of Golden Ladybug and i just have one..
<< Anonymous
Robin Lionheart Reply
You could farm Tea for Solemn Wishes instead.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart Reply
One Ladybug, the Skull Mark Ladybug, and the Solemn Wishes should be more than enough LP gain. You could just fill in with more card draw.
Suck event with bad drop rate.....
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same drop rates as any other event
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you sure? i normally have 3x all cards very quickly, this whole events dropped me a total of 4 ur and 2 sr and i play alot. the drop rates feel much lower to me. or maybe i am just having terrible luck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nope this guy is just a special snowflake and probably lying lol

Necrofear farm deck.
5.000.000 event points and only two of the new card, including the one obtained by points...
I do not understand this drop ratio...
1x each of the Yubel forms, the others were obtained in the previous event...
Seriously... It is the worst drop ratio of all the events...
Even non-Glossy non-Prismatic rewards...
Completely disappointed (u_u)
<< Anonymous(SengirPaladin)
Anonymous Reply
Awesome, thank you.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Piece of Cake, thanks.
<< Anonymous(SengirPaladin)
Anonymous Reply
Could you list the cards? And how does it work?
<< Anonymous(SengirPaladin)
cool Reply
Best deck ever. Works like a charm
Thanks Konami.. so bs, is it only me who is consistently getting bad rewards after lvl 40 farm? (btw using RA x GoldLadyBug 90% win farm rate)
8.000.000 points and only one Terror Incarnate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
event screen
I used a similar PMD deck that I used the last time, but I only managed to win with a deck out
I was farming lv 50 Yubel and xhe kills herself with 🔥ing Samsara Lotus. I guess the 40% 🔥 rate meme transcends reality huh? Stupid space tranny.
She's not hard to beat. I just use an Ancient Gear Deck with Gravity Blaster to negate the effects of all Yubels. I just stall without summoning till GB gets in my hand but destroy her Mystic Tomato
<< Anonymous(Brishawn)
Brishawn Reply
<< Anonymous(Brishawn)
Anonymous Reply
But Yubel deck is good for farming another LD such as aster
<< Anonymous
Brishawn Reply
If you're new & need new cards then yea. You need cards that can Recycle your Gy & deck to draw like the pot of d or whatever it's called & recurring nightmare/Destroy Yubel. Once he gets that Destiny Hero Fusion monster & destroy terror incarnate, you're screwed.
<< Anonymous(Brishawn)
Anonymous Reply
' Paleozoic cards, when summoned as monsters, are not affected by monster effects. So they are safe from Lava Golem '

this is fake yubel still able to special summon lava to your side.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Well, the tribute part of lava golem is a cost, not effect. You can get around that by only having one paleo at a time and prepare jar of greed or something to summon second one on final turn.
Mah Boi
Why did Yubel Ultimate Nightmare inflict damage to me after attacking my Masked Hero Vapor? Is it supposed to work like that?
<< Anonymous(MAH BOI THE IDIOT)
Anonymous Reply
aka every other yugioh player
<< Anonymous(MAH BOI THE IDIOT)
Mah Boi Reply
Hey look! It's the frustrated huge jerk whose life is so meaningless that he has to annoy random people on the internet to feel good!
<< Anonymous(MAH BOI THE IDIOT)
Anonymous Reply
You need to get that stick that shoved way up your 🔥 because you're not a tough guy just a 🔥 who acts like they can come off like smartass and it's okay. NOBODY likes a smartass and that's you so perhaps you should get your 🔥 straight before someone in person beats your face in because it's obvious mommy and daddy didn't discipline you enough to where you know better who NOT to piss off.
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Anonymous Reply
The more you respond to internet troll, the happier he will be. Just ignore and move on.
As a new player who spend all gems on Six Sams I can confirm Six Sams deck works. Musakani Magatama is a nice card to replace Xing Zhen Hu

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