
How to beat/farm Yubel Lvl 60 [Soul Polymerization Event]

Duel Links tips to defeat Yubel Lvl 60, decks to farm Yubel Lvl 60, and rewards.
update 22/10/2019

Guardian Eatos Farm

Example Deck

Guardian EatosGuardian EatosGravekeeper's VassalHey, Trunade!Union AttackUnion Attack
Secret Pass to the TreasuresDe-SpellCounter GateCounter GateCounter GateDefense Draw
Defense DrawWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionLegacy of Yata-GarasuJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Creature SeizureDouble SummonWorm BaitLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-Garasu
Solemn WishesSolemn WishesGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Yubel Lvl 60 Decklist

Notes: Yubel will start off with Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare on the field.

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Ra disciple + double summon + RA
Everything else = gain LP

Ez win.
Works 100%, you only need to survive the Ante.

Oh and 2 copies of De_Spell to remove mystic plasma zone.
I lost due to Limit Reverse, you should include any card to stop it, ex: Anti-Magic Arrows
worm bait just doesn't work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Doesn't work with Skull Mark Ladybug. It's a bug (Pun not intended).
But it works with Golden Ladybug.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You cannot use Worm Bait if you normal summon Lv4 monster. Skull-Mark Ladybug is Lv4
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
oh i see. thank you
Replace Creature Seizure with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal, because sometimes AI has Doomsday Set and then gives one of the tokens which can't be used to summon Ra, thus the farm fails.
<< Anonymous(Nephalès)
Anonymous Reply
Or cards that can inflict piercing damage, like big bang shot or fairy meteor crush or Heated heart
<< Anonymous
baju Reply
Those won't do cause if AI has only a yubel form on field you can't deal battle DMG, so direct attack is the only guaranteed way to win.
<< Anonymous(baju)
Anonymous Reply
Yup, Ceal is better than Creature Seizure against both Yubel Lv50 and 60
<< Anonymous(baju)
Anonymous Reply
True. Confirmed this
Can someone help? My phone had a software update and now I can't play the game anymore, it won't start up. I've already tried reinstalling it and nothing changed.
<< Anonymous(James)
Anonymous Reply
They mentioned that once the game updated, some people won't be able to play it on mobile
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks

This is how Darklords deck counter Yubel (three of them) smoothly and tricky to some players
<< Anonymous(Rokimen)
Zontany Reply
Do you know how to watch replays? I don't see an option for them.
<< Anonymous(Zontany)
Anonymous Reply
you need to open that link on your phone with duel links installed. your own replays are kept in the pvp arena. weird spot imo.
Pesta Ngentod
Hope next month event better as 🔥 🔥
Pesta Ngentod
Hope next month event better as 🔥 🔥
Eric AP
Deck F2P player friendly: no monsters, only recover life points, stall and inflict damage with Type Zero Magic Crusher. Use Dino DNA! for extra healing. 28 spells + 2 traps. Be sure to include 3x De-Spell and 3x Different Dimension Capsule.
My farming method:
- Don't summon any monster.
- Use any cards and skills to gain 14000+ LP.

Before last turn:
- Have an Enemy Controller on hand for just in case.
- Setup any anti-trap card for just in case.
- Setup a Nature's Reflection trap card.

On last turn:
- Activate Nature's Reflection.
- Summon Trident Warrior & brings any LV3 monster in.
- Activate Lightwave Tuning.
- Synchro summon Ancient Sacred Wyvern.
- Attack any Yubel monster. [GAME]

If no Yubel on field but other monsters instead...
- Activate Enemy Controller.
- Attack the monster. [GAME]

Easy 8000+ points. (^_^)V
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart Reply
Scratch that, Terror Incarnate doesn't activate, so Spell of Pain won't work.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Akira Reply
Yup, any combo that can synchro summon the Wyvern in 1 turn is OK. The usage of Enemy Controller is for both attacking and defensive purpose (For 0 damage bonus). Yup, Shooting Star Bow - Ceal is a good option too. (P/S: I didn't have that card. >_<)
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Akira Reply
Strange... Spell of Pain should work too according to the effect... Hmm... (P/S: I didn't have that card too... XD)
<< Anonymous(Akira)
Anonymous Reply
Terror Incarnate's damage effect is an activated effect, but it activates during a part of the Damage Step where most cards can't be used. (Counter Traps and Quick Effect Monsters that negate activations being the exceptions.)

Your worry about Nature's Reflection being the last card is easily fixed by running something like Temple of the Kings, Good Goblin Housekeeping or a second Reflection.
Lvl 60 is OP
How often does Yubel lvl 60 event appear in Duel World (GX)?
<< Anonymous(Tohru )
Anonymous Reply
9 maybe 3

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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