
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [Nov 2019]

Duel Links KC CUP Sept decks, the top meta of Duel Links in Nov 2019.
update 29/11/2019


Stage 2 of the KC Cup will start on November 22nd. Shared decks are credited to the people who made/used them. If you like their decks, don't forget to check their Reddit/Twitter/Youtube accounts!

2nd Stage Duration22 Nov 13:00 - 25 Nov 12:59


ANorth America
BLatin America/Caribbean
FAsia/Middle East/Africa


  • Players placed in Top 500 in the 2nd Stage Ranking will receive a seat in the next Duel Links World Championship Regional Representive Qualifier!
  • The 1st place player in the 2nd Stage Global Ranking will receive an invitation to the Duel Links World Championship!

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

2nd Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck (KC Cup 2nd Stage).
Subject (Title)KOG deck (KC CUP)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Required Info/screenshot

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get through the 2nd stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Number of users per deck

Amano-Iwato Control1
Invoked Elementsaber6
Invoked Roid2
Ritual Beast2

2nd Stage Decklists

1st Place: Negative 1

Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MolehuElementsaber Molehu
Elementsaber LapauilaElementsaber MaloElementsaber NaluInvocationInvocationCosmic Cyclone
Cosmic CycloneCosmic CyclonePalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsTreacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap HoleElemental Training----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked CocytusInvoked Caliga
Set SkillSorcery Conduit (Invoked Elementsaber)
RegionNorth America
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 1 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points140,516
Cumulative Wins--

2nd Place: FM Vino

Blackwing - Simoon the Poison WindBlackwing - Simoon the Poison WindBlackwing - Simoon the Poison WindBlackwing - Zephyros the EliteBlackwing - Zephyros the EliteBlackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Blackwing - Pinaki the Waxing MoonBlackwing - Kris the Crack of DawnBlackwing - Kris the Crack of DawnBlackwing - Kris the Crack of DawnBlackwing - Breeze the ZephyrBlackwing - Harmattan the Dust
Blackwing - Oroshi the SquallBlack WhirlwindBlack WhirlwindCosmic CycloneOfferings to the DoomedOfferings to the Doomed
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Black-Winged DragonAssault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine ThunderAssault Blackwing - Chidori the Rain SprinklingAssault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain ShowerBlackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk JoeBlackwing - Gram the Shining Star
Set SkillSealed Tombs (Blackwing)
RegionLatin America/Caribbean
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 2 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points128,530
Cumulative Wins--

3rd Place: RaW

Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MaloElementsaber Nalu
Elementsaber AinaInvocationInvocationForbidden LanceForbidden LanceForbidden Lance
Cosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic CyclonePalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental Lords
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Cocytus
Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerSubmarineroidKiteroidKiteroid
RescueroidTruckroidInvocationInvocationCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Cosmic CycloneConcentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentMegaroid CityMegaroid City
Megaroid CityCursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Cocytus
Set SkillSorcery Conduit (Invoked Elementsaber)
Sorcery Conduit (Invoked Roid)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 3 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points123,830
Cumulative Wins--

4th Place: [B&P] Grucius

Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerDrillroidSubmarineroidKiteroid
RescueroidInvocationInvocationCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Concentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentMegaroid CityMegaroid CityMegaroid City
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Cocytus
IGN[B&P] Grucius
Set SkillSorcery Conduit (Invoked Roid)
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 4 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points123,630
Cumulative Wins--

5th Place: プレーヤー(DD 不死鳥 Bobby)

Crystron SulfefnirCrystron SulfefnirCrystron SulfefnirCrystron ThystvernCrystron ThystvernCrystron Thystvern
Crystron SmigerCrystron SmigerCrystron SmigerCard TrooperCrystal Beast Emerald TortoiseScrap Recycler
Scrap RecyclerScrap RecyclerCrystron CitreeCrystron CitreeCrystron RosenixCrystron Rosenix
Crystal Beast Ruby CarbuncleCrystron RionCrystron RionCrystron RionCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Cosmic CycloneCrystron ImpactCrystron ImpactCrystron ImpactTreacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole
Crystron QuariongandraxRed Dragon ArchfiendPowered InzektronSamurai DestroyerCrystron AmetrixCrystron Ametrix
Guardian EatosGuardian EatosAmano-IwatoAmano-IwatoAmano-IwatoConcentrating Current
Concentrating CurrentConcentrating CurrentWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashDimensional PrisonDimensional Prison
Dimensional PrisonDark BribeDark BribeDark BribeCursed Seal of the Forbidden SpellRebirth of Parshath
Rebirth of ParshathRebirth of Parshath-Avenging Knight ParshathAvenging Knight ParshathAvenging Knight Parshath
Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MolehuElementsaber Lapauila
Elementsaber NaluElementsaber MaloInvocationInvocationCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Cosmic CyclonePalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsConcentrating CurrentConcentrating Current
World Legacy ClashFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole---
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Caliga
IGNDD 不死鳥 Bobby
Set SkillTranscendent Crystals (Crystron)
Duel, standby! (Amano-Iwato Control)
Sorcery Conduit (Invoked Elementsaber)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 5 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points117,835
Cumulative Wins--

6th Place: Chris

Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MolehuElementsaber Molehu
Elementsaber MaloInvocationInvocationCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Palace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsForbidden LanceForbidden LancePaleozoic Canadia
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Caliga
Set SkillSorcery Conduit (Invoked Elementsaber)
Rank3 (Regional Rank), 6 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points116,607
Cumulative Wins--

7th Place: [B&P] Gift

Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MolehuElementsaber Molehu
KiteroidKiteroidElementsaber MaloElementsaber NaluInvocationInvocation
Cosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic CyclonePalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental Lords
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Caliga


Aleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerAleister the InvokerElementsaber MolehuElementsaber MolehuElementsaber Molehu
KiteroidKiteroidElementsaber MaloElementsaber NaluElementsaber AinaInvocation
InvocationCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic CyclonePalace of the Elemental LordsPalace of the Elemental Lords
Palace of the Elemental LordsTreacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole---
Invoked PurgatrioInvoked PurgatrioInvoked MagellanicaInvoked MagellanicaInvoked CocytusInvoked Cocytus
Set SkillSorcery Conduit (Invoked Elementsaber)
Rank8 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points115,701
Cumulative Wins--

11th Place: Eduu16

Darklord DesireDarklord IxchelDarklord IxchelDarklord IxchelDarklord SuperbiaDarklord Morningstar
Darklord NastenDarklord TezcatlipocaDarklord AmduscDarklord UkobackBanishment of the DarklordsBanishment of the Darklords
Banishment of the DarklordsCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneDarklord ContactDarklord ContactFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleThe Sanctified Darklord----
Set SkillDestiny Draw (Darklord)
RegionLatin America/Carribean
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 11 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points109,747
Cumulative Wins--


Spiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast CannahawkSpiritual Beast CannahawkSpiritual Beast Cannahawk
Spiritual Beast PettlephinSpiritual Beast RampenguSpiritual Beast RampenguSpiritual Beast RampenguRitual Beast Tamer ElderRitual Beast Tamer Elder
Ritual Beast Tamer ElderSpiritual Beast ApelioCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneRitual Beast ReturnRitual Beast's Bond
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Ritual Beast Ulti-ApelioRitual Beast Ulti-ApelioRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin
Set SkillSealed Tombs (Ritual Beast)
Rank19 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points96,613
Cumulative Wins--


Crystron SulfefnirCrystron SulfefnirCrystron SulfefnirCrystron ThystvernCrystron ThystvernCrystron Thystvern
Crystron SmigerCrystron SmigerCrystron SmigerScrap RecyclerScrap RecyclerScrap Recycler
Crystron CitreeCrystron CitreeCrystron RosenixCrystal Beast Ruby CarbuncleCrystal Beast Ruby CarbuncleCrystron Rion
Crystron RionCrystron RionCrystron PrasiortleWorld Legacy ClashWorld Legacy ClashCrystron Impact
Crystron ImpactCrystron ImpactShadow-Imprisoning MirrorUltimate ProvidenceUltimate ProvidenceUltimate Providence
Crystron QuariongandraxBlack Rose DragonPowered InzektronSamurai DestroyerCrystron AmetrixCrystron Ametrix
Lava GolemSpiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast Tamer WindaSpiritual Beast CannahawkSpiritual Beast Cannahawk
Spiritual Beast CannahawkSpiritual Beast PettlephinSpiritual Beast RampenguSpiritual Beast RampenguSpiritual Beast RampenguRitual Beast Tamer Elder
Ritual Beast Tamer ElderRitual Beast Tamer ElderSpiritual Beast ApelioRitual Beast ReturnShadow-Imprisoning MirrorTreacherous Trap Hole
Treacherous Trap HoleRitual Beast Ambush----
Ritual Beast Ulti-ApelioRitual Beast Ulti-ApelioRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-CannahawkRitual Beast Ulti-Pettlephin
Set SkillCompensation (Darklord)
Transcendent Crystals (Crystron)
Sealed Tombs (Ritual Beast)
Rank82 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points77,703
Cumulative Wins--


Hot New Top
Wow invoked element sabers topped KC cup even above blackwings. That DARK DIMENSION box has so many powerful cards and decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The best event ever.
invoker cup
Is that a ROID deck? That's crazy!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pretty astounding that the top decks weren't running a strict 20 cards. Likely in part due to them running cards that allowed them to search through their decks.

These are some interesting lists.
Congrats to GRUCIUS!
We definitely have like 4 top tier decks.
Ritual Beasts are awesome.
Blackwings are nuts.
Holy crap. I've seen countless creative decks in 20-30k. Lots of drillroid / battery man / subterrror builds.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Best deck ever man.

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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