
How to beat/farm Yami Bakura Lvl 40 (Unlock event)

update 11/07/2017
Note: This page shows how to beat/farm Yami Bakura Lvl 40 at Yami Bakura unlock event: Destiny Board of Doom. For Yami Bakura Lvl 40 at a mini event, check here!

Note: Temple of the Kings Glitch!

Temple of the Kings now has a glitch! The 2nd effect of it to special summon monster card can't be used. Even if you have a monster in your hand, deck, extra deck, you can't special summon a monster.

Should I farm Lvl 30 instead?

Yami Bakura Lvl 40 is the toughest Legendary Duelist ever. By using the event exlusive skill (Destiny Board of Doom), Ectoplasmer, and Burning Land, he never allows you to stall turns.

If you just aim to earn points:

It depends on your objectvie, but if you just want to earn event points, defeating Yami Bakura Lvl 30 with higher Duel Assessment seems to be reasonable. If you have a deck to achieve 5500 or above score consistently (80% win rate), farming Lvl 40 is recommended.

Yami Bakura Lvl 30

  • 6000 x7 x2 =42,000 x 2(20 Dice x2) = 84,000
  • 7000 x7 x2 =49,000 x 2(20 Dice x2) = 98,000

Yami Bakura Lvl 40

  • 2000 x18 x1 (40 Dice) =36,000
  • 3000 x18 x1 (40 Dice) =54,000
  • 5000 x18 x1 (40 Dice) =90,000
  • 5500 x18 x1 (40 Dice) =99,000
  • 6000 x18 x1 (40 Dice) =108,000

Des Counterblow (5k - 6k)

We do recommend you to win consistently with 5k-6k score instead of aiming 8k since Yami Bakura Lvl 40 is one of the hardest Legendary Duelist to farm. This is the best deck to farm Yami Bakura consistently so far.

  • Union Attack: 6000
  • Piranha: 5000
SkillDestiny Draw
Essential cards
  • Gravekeeper's Vassal
  • Union Attack
  • Des Counterblow

Union Attack (6k)

Gravekeeper's VassalAutonomous Action UnitSupremacy BerrySupremacy BerryUnion AttackUnion Attack
Rain of MercySecret Pass to the TreasuresDe-SpellPot of BenevolenceThe Golden ApplesThe Golden Apples
Des CounterblowDes CounterblowDes CounterblowNutrient ZNutrient ZEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----

Piranha (5k)

Piranha ArmyAutonomous Action UnitSupremacy BerrySupremacy BerryRain of MercySecret Pass to the Treasures
De-SpellPot of BenevolenceGift of the MartyrThe Golden ApplesThe Golden ApplesDes Counterblow
Des CounterblowDes CounterblowNutrient ZNutrient ZNutrient ZEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----


Destiny Draw No Union (3k - 5k)

This deck pretty much focuses on higher win rate. If you have 9 or more glossy cards, you will be able to achieve 5k score.

Essential skillDestiny Draw
Essential cards
  • Des Counterblow

No Union (3k-4k)

Mei-Kou, Master of BarriersCrystal SeerCrystal SeerSupremacy BerrySupremacy BerrySupremacy Berry
Dian Keto the Cure MasterDe-SpellFoolish ReturnFoolish ReturnFoolish ReturnDes Counterblow
Des CounterblowDes CounterblowNutrient ZNutrient ZNutrient ZEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----

Dino beatdown (2k)

This deck focuses more on beating Bakura's monsters with high attack monsters that you can summon easily. This is more aimed towards being able to win somewhat effectively rather than to aim for the highest possible score and delaying the duel to achieve that.

Obtainable score2000-3000
Essential skillDinosaur Kingdom
Essential cards
  • Exile of the Wicked
  • Gravedigger Ghoul

Example deck

Element SaurusElement SaurusCrawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Crawling Dragon #2Two-Headed King Rex
Two-Headed King RexTwo-Headed King RexKabazaulsKabazaulsKabazaulsExile of the Wicked
Exile of the WickedExile of the WickedGravedigger GhoulGravedigger GhoulGravedigger GhoulDisappear

Balance beatdown (2k)

The goal of this deck is not to get a high score, but to win as quickly and consistently as possible. This deck is formatted to have an 10 monster cards, 5 spell cards, and 5 trap cards. Making use of the Balance skill, this should give you a starting hand of 2 monsters, 1 spell, and 1 trap. Take note that none of the monsters are required. You can replace any monster in this deck with a monster having 1700 or more attack points.

Essential skillBalance
Essential cards

Example deck

The Hunter with 7 WeaponsThe Hunter with 7 WeaponsGreat AngusGreat AngusGreat AngusMaster Kyonshee
Master KyonsheeKabazaulsKabazaulsKabazaulsFoolish ReturnFoolish Return
Gravedigger GhoulGravedigger GhoulGravedigger GhoulInspirationMetalmorphMetalmorph
MetalmorphCurse of Anubis----


  • With a guaranteed spell card in your hand, and the fact that all spell cards in this deck are for removing cards from the grave, you should be able to remove Dark Necrofear from the grave in the first turn without any problem.
  • Prioritize removing Dark Necrofear from the grave using Gravedigger Ghoul or Foolish Burial within the first 8 or 9 turns, to cancel the effect of destiny board.
  • Do not allow Bakura to summon Dark Necrofear. What I do to prevent this is I activate Gravedigger Ghoul or Foolish Burial when he has 2 or more fiend-type monsters in his grave
  • Always declare fiend when The Hunter with 7 Weapons is summoned, almost all of Bakura's monsters are fiends. The only one who isn't fiend-type is Man-Eater Bug which shouldn't be a problem as long as you have more than one monster on the field.
  • Keep summoning your monsters to swarm the field. With this you do not have to worry about Man-Eater Bug. Ectoplasmer would also not be problem and might even work to your advantage.
  • Always use your higher attack monsters to attack set monsters. Bakura has many high defense monsters, like Malice Doll of Demise with 1700 defense and The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams with 1800 defense. Use Metalmorph to boost your attack if needed. If you are unable to destroy Bakura's monsters, he may tribute into Dark Ruler Ha Des the next turn.
  • If ever your Bakura manages to summon Dark Ruler Ha Des you should be able handle him with your trap cards. Curse of Anubis would leave Dark Ruler Ha Des defenseless because of his 0 defense points. Metalmorph could be equipped to anyone of your monsters to easily overpower Dark Ruler Ha Des. Inspiration if used on a monster with 1750 or higher attack could give you enough power to match Dark Ruler Ha Des.

Dragon/Titan Showdown (3k - 4k)

With Rex's Titan Showdown skill, you will be able to achieve Over 5,000 Damage if you are lucky enough to draw fusion spell cards within 5 turns. For possible replacements, check the link below.

Example deck

Thunder DragonThunder DragonThunder DragonBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon Summoner
Mystical Sheep #1Goddess with the Third EyeVersago the DestroyerRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. Dragon
Meteor DragonMeteor DragonMeteor DragonPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Fusion GateFusion Gate--------
Twin-Headed Thunder DragonTwin-Headed Thunder DragonMeteor B. DragonMeteor B. DragonMeteor B. Dragon

Duel Standby Burn (3k - 4k)

A burn deck with Tea's that's made with the possibility to win on turn 1. This can be used to win against most opponent, but it requires some luck at times and the score can only be around 4,000.

Example deck

Cobra JarGravekeeper's CurseCard of SanctityCard of SanctityCard of SanctityGoblin Thief
Goblin ThiefHinotamaHinotamaHinotamaCup of AceCup of Ace
Cup of AceRestructer RevolutionRestructer RevolutionRestructer RevolutionWindstorm of EtaquaAttack and Receive
Attack and ReceiveAttack and Receive--------

Lvl 40 Bakura's Deck

The Evil Incarnate

Possible cards to counter

Exile of the Wicked
Exile of the Wicked
Since Yami Bakura's monster cards are mostly fiend-type monsters, this card can be easily used to destroy them.
It is able to return Dark Necrofear along with 1 other card in your opponent's graveyard to their deck when destroyed. This will negate the 'Destiny Board' skill, extending the duel. However, do note that there must be at least 2 cards in your opponent's graveyard to activate its effect.
Gravedigger Ghoul
Gravedigger Ghoul
It is able to remove 2 monster cards in your opponent's graveyard from play. This means that the 'Destiny Board' skill will be negated, extending the duel. However, do note that there must be at least 1 monster card in your opponent's graveyard to activate its effect. Though, most likely it will be Dark Necrofear.
Pot of Benevolence
Pot of Benevolence
It is able to return 2 cards from either player's graveyard to their decks. This will negate the 'Destiny Board' skill. However, do note that there must be at least 2 cards in any player's graveyard to activate its effect.
Helps to remove from play 1 card in your opponent's graveyard. Again, it helps to negate the 'Destiny Board' skill. This allows you to extend the duel.
Dust Barrier
Dust Barrier
It allows your normal monsters to be unaffected by all spell cards for 2 turns which may be useful since Yami Bakura's Lvl 40 deck consists of monster and spell cards.

Drops and Explanation

Archfiend Empress
Archfiend Empress
Can be fetch using Doomdog Octhros. This card will be a great addition for fiend type decks. Use its effect to along with Escape from the Dark Dimension.
Puppet Master
Puppet Master
It has the effect that can flood your board with strong beatsticks, however, it can be risky due to its ATK/DEF.
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
Along with Yugi's Power of Dark skill it has a staple 2000DEF.
Trance Archfiend
Trance Archfiend
It can discard Dark Necrofear to activate Destiny Board.
White Magical Hat
White Magical Hat
Even with its great effect It still hasn't found a place to any competitive deck due to its low ATK and DEF.
The Earl of Demise
The Earl of Demise
One of the few Normal monsters which needed just 1 tribute. Not being used to any competitive deck yet.
It can be special summoned again during your next standby phase in a scenario where it destroys 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom and its effect activates.
Electric Lizard
Electric Lizard
Prevents a monster from being able to attack for a turn and does not need to get destroyed for the effect to work.
Dark Mambele
Dark Mambele
Not viable so far in the current metta, it's hard to meet its condition.
Fiend Griefing
Fiend Griefing
This will be viable to FIEND type decks, since most of them has Graveyard enabaling effects. Also it's great to easily discard Dark Necrofear to activate Destiny Board.


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Mission Completed. But i keep farming for 4 million points and EX jewels.
<< Anonymous(Yugi)
Anonymous Reply
lost 5 times in a row due to man eater bug. Maybe I was too unlucky, and I needed luck to play this deck. Bakura has a decent chance to have man eater bug before you have any AXE.

Labyrinth builder has better chance than this deck
<< Anonymous
Yugi Reply
I don't have Lab Builder skill. You can add Ultimate Providence to negate Man Eater Bug. Baou negate Man Eater Bug. Negate the effects of monsters destroyed by battle with the equipped monster.
<< Anonymous(Yugi)
Anonymous Reply
great idea. Ultimate Providence should add a lot more consistency to this deck countering man eater bug
<< Anonymous
Yugi Reply
You can add Divine Wrath or Destruction Jammer. Man Eater Bug very annoying card.
I did not have much trouble farming him with a standard Hazy Flame deck. His man eater bug, his necrofear can't target those cards.
He is such a pain to farm... not to mention his 🔥ty drop rates...
Does this decks still work on the current Bakura event?
Maybe next time more hard bakura;)
<< Anonymous(Yoko)
Anonymous Reply
Damn dude, just how much $$ & orbs did you blow just to get that many unnecessary points?!
<< Anonymous(Yoko)
Anonymous Reply
No life
Can't believe how good the dropping rate of this event was, every event should be like this. I didn't even realize that he dropped a prismatic puppet and a prismatic trance...
<< Anonymous(A.D.)
Anonymous Reply
Yea, maybe for you & glad I was at least able to get 3of each new card, but the EX droprate was sorta bad. Got close but couldn't get the Gardna. If they increase that droprate next time, then I'll be chill.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It seems to me that the droprate for EX Jewels was increased yesterday, at least from what I experienced. I was farming lvl 30 like usual, just to use up all the dice and many times I got 4 or even 10 EX Jewels at once as a reward (but not the last White Hat dude that I actually wanted to complete my collection of the reward cards)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then maybe I should did my last stretch on lv30 because 40 was only dropping coins. ;~;
Not bad :/
Next event is Arkana :v
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah right
See you on next event, Bakura. Thanks for your generosity
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Holy...u win!! How many farming points do u have?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That like 80 sr jewels gg
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Before the recent Bakura event, I already had a dozen of Gross Ghost and White Magical Hat Bakura gave me on the previous event and mini-event
Bakura is over...
I only wait for dawn of destiny
<< Anonymous(alv....)
alv.... Reply
And prismatic card option
My rewards from this event

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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