
Yami Bakura unlock event: Fear the Deck of Terror! The Destiny Board of Doom

update 17/08/2017
Note: This page is a guide to Yami Bakura unlock event (Yami Bakura at the Gate). For Yami Bakura mini event (Yami Bakura at Duel World), check here!


"The Destiny Board of Doom" is an event in the game. During the event, Yami Bakura appears at the gate and players are able to duel against him to unlock Yami Bakura and earn prizes. Collect the "Ten-Sided Dice" and use them to challenge him to earn points which gives exclusive cards, sleeves, mat and icon.

Event flow

1Collecting Ten-Sided Dice by winning duels against Standard Duelists, Legendary Duelists, and the Vagabond.
2Challenging Bakura at the Gate once you obtain required amount of Ten-Sided Dice.
3Earning "Points" after duels against Yami Bakura based on Duel Assessment to unlock him and get cards and rewards.

Three goals you should achieve

1. Unlock Yami Bakura!

2. Get event-exclusive cards!

3. Aim to get drop skills

Collect Ten-Sided Dice

You can obtain Ten-Sided Dice by doing duels against duelists that appear in your duel world.

Challenge Yami Bakura

Required Ten-Sided Dice and acquired Points

Yami Bakura's
Required Ten-Sided Dice (QTY)Acquired Points
105DA x1
2010DA x3
3020DA x7
4040DA x18
500DA x20
Note: DA = Duel Assessment

Yami Bakura Lvl 50

Yami Bakura lvl. 50 will spawn in Duel World like Yugi Muto did. You are not required to spend any "Ten-Sided Dice" to duel him. You can obtain special Reward(s) and a large amount of Event Points by defeating him!

Event Exclusive Skill "Destiny Board of Doom"

During this event, Yami Bakura will always activate "Destiny Board of Doom", which is an event exclusive skill that works differently than the skill that you can obtain when playing as Yami Bakura. In this event, it comes with some "special" rules:

  • Yami Bakura begins the duel with "Dark Necrofear" in the graveyard.
  • Yami Bakura always goes first.
  • Yami Bakura will automatically win the Duel at the end of the player's 5th turn.
  • This skill is negated when "Dark Necrofear" is no longer in the graveyard.
  • The "Dark Necrofear" that is in the graveyard at the beginning of the duel cannot be special summoned from the graveyard, as it has not been special summoned properly prior to being sent to the graveyard.

Event point rewards

By earning certain amount of Points, you will receive Gold, jewels, Gems, Duel Orbs, Cards, and the special character, Yami Bakura! Here is a list of required points to unlock Yami Bakura and get cards.

Event exclusive rewards

This table does not show Jewels, Gems, Gold, and Duel Orb.

100,000The Gross Ghost of Fled DreamsThe Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
200,000Yami Bakura unlocked!
360,000Fiend GriefingFiend Griefing
1,200,000Dark NecrofearDark Necrofear
3,000,000Archfiend EmpressArchfiend Empress
4,000,000Event Icon

The amount of obtainable items in total

JewelUR x6, SR x12, R x24

Drop cards

Here is a list of duel rewards cards only Yami Bakura drops.

EX Jewel

Missions & rewards

Win 1 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura at Level 10 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x5
Win 1 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura at Level 20 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x10
Win 1 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura at Level 30 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x15
Win 1 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura at Level 40 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura at Level 50 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25
Win 20 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25
Win 40 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25
Play 30 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura in Duel World.
EX Jewel x50
Play 60 Duel(s) against Yami Bakura in Duel World.
EX Jewel x25

Tradable cards/items

Card/ItemReq. Jewels
Big Shield GardnaBig Shield Gardna [UR]
EX Jewel x300
Archfiend EmpressArchfiend Empress [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Power InjectorPower Injector [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Trance ArchfiendTrance Archfiend [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Bad Reaction to SimochiBad Reaction to Simochi [SR]
EX Jewel x100
Fiend GriefingFiend Griefing [R]
EX Jewel x30
Shield SpearShield Spear [R]
EX Jewel x30
Goddess of WhimGoddess of Whim [R]
EX Jewel x30
Marie the Fallen OneDarklord Marie [R]
EX Jewel x30
Type Zero Magic CrusherType Zero Magic Crusher [R]
EX Jewel x30
1000 Gold
EX Jewel x10
100 Gold
EX Jewel x1

Yami Bakura decks

Yami Bakura Lvl 30-50

For a deck Yami bakura Lvl 30, 40, 50 uses, click/tap the button below!

Lvl 20: Wicked Invitation

GerniaGerniaGerniaWinged MinionWinged MinionWinged Minion
Electric LizardElectric LizardElectric LizardSorcerer of the DoomedSorcerer of the DoomedThe Portrait's Secret
The Portrait's SecretDoma The Angel of SilenceDoma The Angel of SilenceSpiritualismExchangeCall of the Earthbound
Dark Spirit of the SilentDark Spirit of the Silent----

Lvl 10: Slight Grudge

Archfiend MirrorArchfiend MirrorArchfiend MirrorMeda BatMeda BatMeda Bat
Souls of the ForgottenSouls of the ForgottenSouls of the ForgottenLady of FaithLady of FaithLady of Faith
One Who Hunts SoulsOne Who Hunts SoulsOne Who Hunts SoulsElectric LizardElectric LizardElectric Lizard
Terra the TerribleTerra the Terrible----


How to see regular Legendary Duelists?

Tap the "Gate" button at the top left of the screen, then a pop-up menu will show up. Now you can choose "Fear the Deck of Terror! The Destiny Board of Doom" or "Yu-Gi-Oh". Since you want to have a duel as usual, tap "Yu-Gi-Oh". I however recommend you having duels against Pegasus as much as you can while he is at the Gate, since the event is for a limited time.

Whhat is 10-Sided Dice?

Yami Bakura uses 10-Sided Dice in original manga.

The Destiny Board

In JP version, the Destiny Board shows DEATH instead of FINAL.


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Hopefully this comes back soon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Let's hope so. I missed out unlocking Yami Bakura and hopefully, Konami will being back this event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But you can unlock Yami Bakura anytime....he's in the Gate now
My old favorite event :D I never beat Bakura in LV40. odltimes
Bakura's tokens will be gone after the event?
<< Anonymous(Armadel)
Anonymous Reply
Yes why doesn't anybody read about the events -_-
Can EX jewels earned during the Bakura event carry over to other events?
<< Anonymous(PK)
Anonymous Reply
There is no announcement about that. Maybe in the future, who knows (Marik event? something like that).
<< Anonymous(PK)
Read god damn it Reply
It says they don't jeez
When does this event accure? Time, and date should be accurate for a response.

Thank you in advance.
<< Anonymous(Godlis)
Anonymous Reply
Never. Bakura is at the Gate now, so this event will no longer happen
I really want this guy to come back. The Lv.20 skill looks really nice for a deck to beatdown and break your opponent combo. It's gonna sucks a ton if I can't get him.
I really want this event to come back. I'm new and it would suck if I can't get the chatacters
i need 6 ex jewels and they wont drop :((( some1 got any idea??
<< Anonymous(ahhh)
Anonymous Reply
farm lvl 10 Bakura. He drops atleast 1 almost every time with 8k score
Dark Necrofear is included in Level 20 deck though not listed in the deck listing on this page....
I have 230ish ex gems, what should I get? I don't think I'll get 300.
Angry Bakura Farmer
Wtf is this ex stone drop rate, I have 5 mil event points and I only have 293. Im trying to get Big Shield Gardna and the game wont drop me the last 7 I need. I just want to be done with this event!!!!!!!!!!1
<< Anonymous(Angry Bakura Farmer)
Kevin Reply
i feel ya i have 298
<< Anonymous(Angry Bakura Farmer)
Anonymous Reply
Don't worry. There are going to add ex jewels in duel a thon event.
If you can get Delg the Dark Monarch from the card trader, you can negate the Destiny Board effect. When you tribute summon Delg, You can choose 1 card or 2 cards to banish from the graveyard. When you banish Necrofear, it just becomes a regular duel. At that point, you'd just have to worry about if he summons Necrofear from his hand.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Y use delg when u can use grave goul or pot of bene... Don't give lousy idea.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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