
Yami Bakura mini event

update 11/04/2017
Yami Bakura event pages

Event guide

Lvl 30

Lvl 40
Note: This page is a guide to Yami Bakura mini event (Yami Bakura at Duel World). For Yami Bakura unlock event (Yami Bakura at the Gate), check here!

Event details

Period (GMT +00:00)June 2 - June 7

During the event period, Yami Bakura will appear in Duel World! Duel him to get exclusive card rewards, as well as new rewards that will be added.


  • Dueling him will not require any ten-sided dice.
  • This event is not to unlock Yami Bakura but similar to the Yugi Muto appearance event.

Yami Bakura exclusive rewards

Card / [Rarity]Bakura's
Dark VoltanisDark Voltanis [SR]30 or more
Trance ArchfiendTrance Archfiend [SR]30 or more
Tour Bus To Forbidden RealmsTour Bus To Forbidden Realms [SR]30 or more
Peeking GoblinPeeking Goblin [SR]30 or more
Dark Spirit of the SilentDark Spirit of the Silent [SR]30 or more
Beast of TalwarBeast of Talwar [R]All levels
Man-Eating Treasure ChestMan-Eating Treasure Chest [R]All levels
Tour Bus From the UnderworldTour Bus From the Underworld [R]All levels
Dark MambeleDark Mambele [R]All levels
Call of the EarthboundCall of the Earthbound [R]All levels


Hot New Top
Brandon Carter
Thief king bakura mod zorc master
wait does this mean if you missed the event you can never get cards like trance archfiend??? I need it to complete my dark world deck!
<< Anonymous
SmartASS Reply
He's at the gate. If 40 too hard to farm, you can try 30. Everything comes down to rng/ luck.

Hope it helps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wtf dude he is permanently at the gate now with yugi muto, Pegasus and paradox brothers. Did you use mod or something? Update your game
<< Anonymous(Anonymous )
Anonymous Reply
lol, I didn't check my gate thx guys, i'm gonna save my keys
<< Anonymous
Hmmm, smegma Reply
Valon deck is almost unstoppable ! Konami plz make an orichalcos Event !
<< Anonymous(OrichalcosVV)
Ash Reply
“Spoiler alert”,

There’s some audio recording of Atem/Kaiba/Joey using all the three dragons of that season plus Atem/Mai using the seal of orichalcos card
Please konami!!!!!do bakura and marik events one again...please....if you cannot do i will so
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You know Konami have nothing to do with this website right?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
dumb indonesian
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Youn mentioned Indonesian?
WTF with this guy?
Please konami!!!!!do bakura and marik events one again...please....if you cannot do i will so
All I'm missing are 2 Tour Bus to Forbidden Realms. I hope I can get them. I hope Bakura comes back with good support to Fiends. I would love to use a Fiend deck.
Add Rafael
Actually your just non bakura fans
you guys don't pay money to get into this event. instead of being grateful on getting FREE cards, you keep on complaining 🔥 as if konami owes you.

don't like how they designed the game? don't play it. sad 🔥s
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So stupid
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Victims like you can't understand, whatever good luck with your life
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(SHEPDADDY)
Anonymous Reply
edge thread
This event stunk! The RNG screwed me every time. All I got was the same cards I already had. There was at least 2 I wanted to get at least one of and I ended up with almost 20 of one of the others there that I don't want/need.

Now the yugi event which actually has a few decent cards to win. Though im guessing im gonna get screwed out of those too.
<< Anonymous(Trunks)
Anonymous Reply
I feel you bro, I got like 4-5 of peeking goblin and dark spirit of the silent (both are complete 🔥) but 0 of the other 3 SR monster which I wanted :(
Player J
"This event is not to unlock Yami Bakura but similar to the Yugi Muto appearance event."

Another Spawning Event?
Your event SUCKS!
I know this with out even having it start yet!

I don't even own Yami Bakura as a Character!


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
No one has yami muto too... I saw no complains about it...
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J Reply
I don't have Yami Bakura.
Sad times that they didn't make it the same as Paradox Brothers.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
They will in late june. That will be the unlock event for Bakura.

This event now is just a "filler", probably to get people to participate in the WCS instead of farming all day long.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cause Bakuras so much cooler
Well, Im done with him. though I only getting Dark Spirit of the Silent over and over. Unluckiest, maybe ??
<< Anonymous(Otong)
Anonymous Reply
haha eat a bag of dicks, atleast your getting something from him, constant 7K victory and nothing, and thats from both mini events. now thats unlucky,

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Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
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