
Yami Bakura mini event

update 11/04/2017
Yami Bakura event pages

Event guide

Lvl 30

Lvl 40
Note: This page is a guide to Yami Bakura mini event (Yami Bakura at Duel World). For Yami Bakura unlock event (Yami Bakura at the Gate), check here!

Event details

Period (GMT +00:00)June 2 - June 7

During the event period, Yami Bakura will appear in Duel World! Duel him to get exclusive card rewards, as well as new rewards that will be added.


  • Dueling him will not require any ten-sided dice.
  • This event is not to unlock Yami Bakura but similar to the Yugi Muto appearance event.

Yami Bakura exclusive rewards

Card / [Rarity]Bakura's
Dark VoltanisDark Voltanis [SR]30 or more
Trance ArchfiendTrance Archfiend [SR]30 or more
Tour Bus To Forbidden RealmsTour Bus To Forbidden Realms [SR]30 or more
Peeking GoblinPeeking Goblin [SR]30 or more
Dark Spirit of the SilentDark Spirit of the Silent [SR]30 or more
Beast of TalwarBeast of Talwar [R]All levels
Man-Eating Treasure ChestMan-Eating Treasure Chest [R]All levels
Tour Bus From the UnderworldTour Bus From the Underworld [R]All levels
Dark MambeleDark Mambele [R]All levels
Call of the EarthboundCall of the Earthbound [R]All levels


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Try this deck out guys... maybe it needs some modifications
<< Anonymous(Jamess)
Truth Reply
Your dad is a fu.cking loser apparently who spends his time and money perfecting a GAME lol
<< Anonymous(Jamess)
Free2Play Reply
i don't recommend spending any money on any app game for all we know the app could get discontinued and u will waste spending money on it real talk
<< Anonymous(Jamess)
Anonymous Reply
Fortunately, many ppl are P2W on this game. If everyone are F2P, this game will definitely closed within weeks. If u suggest people not to spend bucks on this, then u try to closed this game sooner. Let's just be more friendly to each other (P2W & F2P). I'm a F2P FYI.
<< Anonymous(Jamess)
Daemon Blitzkrieg Reply
Not everyone who puts down $$ for a game is Pay2Win. That's just a common misconception. However, I HIGHLY agree that there should be a better Gem push for F2P players + either a lower Pack cost (30 instead of 50) or an increase in pack distribution? (5 cards instead of 3)
you guys don't pay money to get into this event. instead of being grateful on getting FREE cards, you keep on complaining πŸ”₯ as if konami owes you.

don't like how they designed the game? don't play it. sad πŸ”₯s
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So stupid
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Victims like you can't understand, whatever good luck with your life
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(SHEPDADDY)
Anonymous Reply
edge thread
Player J
"This event is not to unlock Yami Bakura but similar to the Yugi Muto appearance event."

Another Spawning Event?
Your event SUCKS!
I know this with out even having it start yet!

I don't even own Yami Bakura as a Character!


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
No one has yami muto too... I saw no complains about it...
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J Reply
I don't have Yami Bakura.
Sad times that they didn't make it the same as Paradox Brothers.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
They will in late june. That will be the unlock event for Bakura.

This event now is just a "filler", probably to get people to participate in the WCS instead of farming all day long.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cause Bakuras so much cooler
Last day and he is still dropping πŸ”₯... If I hadn't converted them, I would probably have more than 70 Talwar Beasts I believe. I'm up too to send a mail to Konami if I don't receive that card and the events ends. That is this event cover card and it's madness that in about 100 win against him, with an average score of 5000, I've not dropped that card yet.
<< Anonymous(Gael)
Liar Reply
so you don't sleep and wait 3-4 hours everyday 24 hours a day for Bakura to show up lol
<< Anonymous(Gael)
Gael Reply
I don't know how is working for you, but if he doesn't spawn this hour, he spawns the next one. Max wait time 2 hours. It happens sometimes that when I beat him he's still there maybe with different level (30/40).
<< Anonymous(Gael)
Anonymous Reply
I don't know, maybe you exaggerated the numbers a bit, but I agree with you about the very bad drop rate
<< Anonymous(Gael)
Anonymous Reply
For me, the spawn time was quite random. Sometimes, I could only duel him 3 times per day. But in some cases, he appeared right after I beat him. So, prettu RNG.
wait does this mean if you missed the event you can never get cards like trance archfiend??? I need it to complete my dark world deck!
<< Anonymous
SmartASS Reply
He's at the gate. If 40 too hard to farm, you can try 30. Everything comes down to rng/ luck.

Hope it helps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wtf dude he is permanently at the gate now with yugi muto, Pegasus and paradox brothers. Did you use mod or something? Update your game
<< Anonymous(Anonymous )
Anonymous Reply
lol, I didn't check my gate thx guys, i'm gonna save my keys
<< Anonymous
Hmmm, smegma Reply
Stop πŸ”₯ing an play the game
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Prodigy Reply
I agree with you J, I can't understand players that says 'stop πŸ”₯ing,complaining'
Dude thats what forum is for. Rewards,spawns,events they suck so far
I joined 43 days ago I made it to Plat 3 but the way KONAMI treats players is horrible.
Packs are super expensive if you spend money, gem rewards you know... JOKE.
You play 3000 duels and they reward you with 15gems? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
<< Anonymous(Prodigy)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe it's because I come from HS (and used to play CoC so yeah...) but IMHO the current reward system + continuous events are fine. Sure, 50 gems may sound like a pitiful amount for high amount of duels, but with autoduel and the amount of different gem sources, it kinda piles on, fast.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Lmao Reply
Triggered much?
<< Anonymous(Lmao)
Rodin Reply
Is it just me or the appearance rate for Bakura has dropped the last two days? He only appears once every 4 hours for me.
<< Anonymous
Eli Reply
That's crazy cause he spawns every 45mins to an hour maybe 2 hours since the event started. And I'm stage 40 so Im close to the same stage you are
<< Anonymous
Eli Reply
My lvl 30
<< Anonymous
Eli Reply
And my 40
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eli, have you updated to 1.15, because I am still at 1.14? Maybe this causing the issue?
Bakura's spawn rate is like Yugi's. Be prepared to not have all of his SR cards. (Just like not having one Union Attack).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow you got em all?! you want a cookie for that?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really, Yugi was spawning more often.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah, it's completely random. I play on 2 mobile. At one point, one account is like 4 times while another is just 1 (Both open all the time). I really hate this kind of randomness, not equal between player&not base on playing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Note that both of my account have level 60, and every play also 8700-9000 points so I'm sure the level and score is not affect appearance rate at all. It just determine Bakura level as official notification.
only usable cards in PVP is Beast of Talwar he replace Summoned Skull in a Fiend Deck rest are garbage but at least it ain't that White Magical Hat lol
<< Anonymous(iDrawPunk)
MonstaCardo Reply
actually they don't listen if they did they would give us Dark Ruler Ha Des instead of Dark Voltanis no one ask for that card also no one ask for Trance Archfiend or them Tour Bus cards
<< Anonymous(iDrawPunk)
Anonymous Reply
So you saying that everytime a fan want some card like dark ruler and what the πŸ”₯ they want konami should release it? For πŸ”₯ sake. Dark voltanis is strong as πŸ”₯. What do you expect from ha des?
<< Anonymous(iDrawPunk)
Anonymous Reply
Ha Des is great card (1 tribute + Baou Sword Effect). At least they decided to add more useful cards compared to the first Bakura event.
<< Anonymous(iDrawPunk)
Anonymous Reply
So you saying that everytime a fan want some card like dark ruler and what the πŸ”₯ they want konami should release it? For πŸ”₯ sake. Dark voltanis is strong as πŸ”₯. What do you expect from ha des?
I'm kind of πŸ”₯ about this.... I've been waiting for this character sense I first started to play the game last year... thought they would at least give out decent rewards after the first event... cards like Dark Door or Dark Ruler Ha Des.... or at the very least a second Dark Necrofear... I'm pissed these rewards suck!! Update them!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Idiot about what? It's how I feel? You're a πŸ”₯ing idiot
<< Anonymous
anoymous #3 Reply
You are a idiot
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
anonymous* Reply
Learn to spell idiots
Marik lvl 40 deck have Tribute of doomed, Sakuretsu Armor, Book of life, and is based in zombie type monsters,
<< Anonymous(Enui)
Anonymous Reply
So, can a Cerberus deck win? Maybe with riryoku field for the tribute of doomed?
<< Anonymous(Enui)
clown Reply
trap jammer for sakuretsu?
<< Anonymous(Enui)
Anonymous Reply
Book of moon and Zoma The Spirit too
<< Anonymous(Enui)
Anonymous Reply
Bakura you mean. deck at level 40 are tough..farming would be useless. πŸ”₯. A 2.0 version of Order of Change.
hi foolks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*from a lv30 gameplay...! GG
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All people can got 8000 score with Bakura Lv 30. Poor Noob
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What's your deck?

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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