
How to beat/farm Elegant Mai Lvl40

update 03/05/2018
Super (Elegant) Mai pages
Elegant Mai Event
Event Guide
Elegant Mai Lvl 30
Mai Lvl 30
Elegant Mai Lvl 40
Mai Lvl 40

White Night Dragon

White Night DragonWhite Night DragonWhite Night DragonArkbrave DragonKidmodo DragonKidmodo Dragon
Kidmodo DragonDragon Knight of CreationPaladin of FelgrandPaladin of FelgrandPaladin of FelgrandGravekeeper's Vassal
Anti-Magic ArrowsThe Melody of Awakening DragonUnion AttackUnion AttackRuins of the Divine Dragon LordsSecret Pass to the Treasures
Wild TornadoWild Tornado----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith


  • Search White Night Dragon with Melody of Awakening Dragon.
  • You can search White Night Dragon from your deck and equip him to Paladin of Felgrand. Send Paladin of Felgrand and another monster you control to the graveyard to revive White Night Dragon or Arkbrave Dragon.
  • You can also special summon White Night Dragon from your hand when Kidmodo Dragon is sent to the graveyard.
  • White Night Dragon can Negate the effect of Quill Pen of Gulldos and Spiritual Art - Miyabi that targets it.
  • Arkbrave Dragon should be special summoned to get rid of Phalanx Pike.
  • Attack every defense position monster Mai controls.
  • When Dragon Knight of Creation destroys an opponent's monster, send White Night Dragon or Arkbrave Dragon to the graveyard.
  • Wild Tornado is used to destroy Mirror Wall and Phalanx Pike. Remember to use Wild Tornado before Mai attacks with a monster equipped with Phalanx Pike to avoid giving her battle damage.
  • You must have 2 big Dragons on your field before your final turn.
  • Remember to use Anti Magic Arrow at the start of your final battle phase.

Sylvan Ra

The Winged Dragon of RaSylvan KomushroomoSylvan KomushroomoRose LoverRose LoverRose Lover
Sylvan HermitreeSylvan HermitreeSylvan HermitreeWorld Carrotweight ChampionWorld Carrotweight ChampionSylvan Marshalleaf
Sylvan MarshalleafSylvan MarshalleafSylvan GuardioakSylvan GuardioakSylvan LotuswainSylvan Lotuswain
Sylvan LotuswainHey, Trunade!----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of the Tributed
When you sucessfully Tributed Summon "The Winged of Ra", its ATK will becomes the sum of the ATK of the Tirbuted Monsters, and its DEF will becomes the sum of the Tributed Monsters.
Yami Marik
Yami Marik


  • Spam your field with monsters.
  • Use World Carrotweight Champion to send Rose Lover from your hand to graveyard.
  • Special summon Hermitree with Rose Lover or simply tribute summon him.
  • You can attack Mai's defense position monsters
  • Excavate as much as possible.
  • Activate the effects of Marshalleaf and Komushroom only when Mai has Monsters or Spell/Trap cards you can destroy.
  • Use Lotus Swain to return Marshalleaf and Komushroom to the deck so that you can excavate them later to deal with Mai's cards.
  • At some point Mai will run out of monsters to put on her field.
  • You must have 3 or more monsters before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, activate Hey, Trunade first and then tribute summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and activate it's effect to gain even more attack.

Necrofear Labyrith

Dark NecrofearDark NecrofearSphere KuribohDoomdog OcthrosDoomdog OcthrosDoomdog Octhros
Dark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Gravekeeper's VassalDark Mimic LV1Dark Mimic LV1
Dark Mimic LV1Union AttackUnion AttackAnti-Magic ArrowsShield & SwordSecret Pass to the Treasures
Curse of AnubisWindstorm of Etaqua----


Elements Unite

Elements Unite

Gravekeeper's VassalShard of GreedShard of GreedUnion AttackUnion AttackStorm
Secret Pass to the TreasuresDimension GateWild TornadoGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping
Interdimensional Matter TransporterInterdimensional Matter TransporterJar of GreedJar of GreedJar of GreedRebound


  • Do not summon Gate Guardian. You will use the 3 Jins on your field to stall.
  • Use Rebound to counter Quill Pen of Gusto or Harpie Harpist. When you do it is usually best to randomly discard a card from her hand with Rebound's follow up effect.
  • Use Dimension Gate to dodge Mai's Spriritual Art - Miyabi, Quill Pen of Gusto, or Harpie Harpist but only when Swift Birdman Joe has already been summoned. Otherwise Swift Birdman Joe will cause your monster to be permanently banished.
  • Interdimensional Matter Transporter can dodge the same things as Dimension Gate and does not risk you permanently removing your monster.
  • Use Shard of Greed, Jar of Greed, and Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw your cards faster.
  • Set Wild Tornado before your final turn.
  • On your final turn, the first thing you should do is activate Storm and chain Wild Tornado to it so that you can destroy all of Mai's set cards. (You must turn on self chain to do this.)
  • Alternatively if you still control all your Jins by the final turn, you can destroy Wild Tornado as a set card and use it to destroy one of your Jins.
  • It is normal to lose 1 or 2 of your Jins throughout the Duel. Losing 1 of them is essential as you need to free up space for Gravekeeper's Vassal. Losing 2 will cause you to only receive the 5000+ damage assessment.

Effect Damage decks

You will use the following decks to get 3-4k score if you don't have an event exclusive LD, Paradox Brothers, and cards which are currently unobtainable like Dimension Gate and Union Attack. Those effect damage decks still can't guarantee 100% victory however.

Score3,000 - 4,000
Essential cardsBurn Cards

Parasite Infestation ver.

Lava GolemCobra JarNimble MusasabiLady Assailant of FlamesLady Assailant of FlamesLady Assailant of Flames
Flamvell DragnovBurning LandBurning LandGoblin ThiefGoblin ThiefGoblin Thief
HinotamaHinotamaHinotamaJade Insect WhistleRestructer RevolutionAttack and Receive
Attack and ReceiveAttack and Receive----

Duel Standby ver.

Lava GolemCobra JarNimble MusasabiLady Assailant of FlamesLady Assailant of FlamesLady Assailant of Flames
Flamvell DragnovFlamvell DragnovBurning LandBurning LandGoblin ThiefGoblin Thief
Goblin ThiefHinotamaHinotamaHinotamaRestructer RevolutionAttack and Receive
Attack and ReceiveAttack and Receive----

Lvl 40 Elegant Mai's deck

Elegant Storm Lvl 40

Lvl 40 Elegant Mai's drops


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necrofear best deck
I love how they have put a spellcaster from the new archetype of the new box as a reward just to make ypu give money on that box.Also we have a card that can prevent cards from returning to the hand wow
I guess the chance of getting a prismatic card is higher when you lose. I lost 3 times only and got 1 UR and 2 SR!
I really can't understand the RNG in this game.
<< Anonymous(Limitless99)
Gal Reply
You don't need luck to get me drop my pants, boy.
<< Anonymous(Gal)
Limitless99 Reply
<< Anonymous(Lucky Man)
Limitless99 Reply
Hope yours too.
<< Anonymous(Limitless99)
Gal Reply
Whatever your gender is, we can always do Limitless69 ;)
Original Post
This event is pure 🔥. I can imagine that after having Super Joey and Elegant Mai, we will also have <keyword> Ishizu event where she will drop new Gravekeeper cards like this event. What do you think? RNG strikes again.
<< Anonymous(Original Post)
Original Post Reply
^It can be an Ishizu or Odion event for new GK cards just like Super Joey and Elegant Mai.

chill and easy
Worst event so far, bad lv 40 spawning rate and as always bad drop rate. I have only one UR and 3 ice princesses. 0 of the other SR.
<< Anonymous(Bernaregna)
Limitless99 Reply
All I want from this event is 3 Ice Princesses!
Secret pass is not in deck list for necro fear deck
Literally have 6 ice princesses and 0 of the other cards
sooooooo level 30 mai 8 times in a row. i can go slit my wrists now

: ^)
<< Anonymous(-_-)
-_- Reply
oh and 1 more thing before i poor bleach into the cuts iv just made..... 🔥 you konami
<< Anonymous(-_-)
Limitless99 Reply
Don't auto duel her even if it's level 30. I'm not trying to show off but I got my first prismatic from level 30.
Using this on Lv.30 & Lv.40 enjoy!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
naw not really im just missing one more fusion gate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what if i told you its neither....jk but i don't know either it just seems like a an auto duel deck to me
<< Anonymous
Nameless Reply
Doesn't matter just pull out whatever comes up, Paladin is pref. Because of the spell negate but in the end tribute to Buster if opponent has a monster (since he is piercing) or tribute to either of the other 2 if your opponent ends up with no monsters.
<< Anonymous(Nameless)
Nameless Reply
Ad me and watch my latest replay to see this deck in action! 978-003-592

chill and easy

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