
How to beat/farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40

Duel Links Yugi Muto event, Yugi Muto Lvl 40, decks to farm Yugi Muto.
update 18/01/2018
Note: This page is for farming Yugi Muto Lvl40 at his roaming event. For decks to farm Yugi Muto (Gate), click here.

Labyrinth Builder (6k-8k)

Paradox Bros is added to this page as a new farmer against Yugi Muto Lvl 40. You can use the deck against either Lvl 30 and 40.

  • Union Attack: 7000 - 8000
  • Piranha: 6000 - 7000
skillLabyrinth Builder
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketA Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill OmenCrystal SeerCrystal SeerPiranha Army
Double SummonTemple of the KingsStormArray of Revealing LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal Designator
Abyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresDimension GateDimension GateDimension GateAdhesion Trap Hole
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Luck on Your Side (6k - 8k)

If you have 2~3 copies of Mirror Wall, add them instead of Amazoness Chain Master and Windstorm of Etaqua to make it more consistent. See how to use this deck for in-depth explanation.

Obtainable score6,000 - 8,000
Popular skillLuck on Your Side
Essential cards

Example deck

Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonTime WizardTime WizardTime WizardAmazoness Chain Master
Gravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderUnion AttackUnion AttackArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing Light
Array of Revealing LightStormExchangeCup of AceCup of AceCup of Ace
Mirror WallWindstorm of Etaqua--------


Note: A deck used in a video below is a bit different from the decklist above (less optimized).

Unhappy Girl (6k - 8k)

For how to use this deck, check Unhappy Girl to farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40 page.

Obtainable score6,000 - 8,000
Popular skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiCrystal SeerCrystal SeerUnion AttackTemple of the Kings
Array of Revealing LightAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresSpell ReclamationRiryoku FieldRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldWindstorm of Etaqua------Master of Oz

Surprise Present (6k - 7k)

Obtainable score6,000 - 7,000
Popular skillSurprise Present
Essential cardsJam Breeding Machine

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketDark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3The Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy Girl
The Unhappy GirlPiranha ArmyReloadReloadTemple of the KingsJam Breeding Machine
Jam Breeding MachineJam Breeding MachineBreath of LightBreath of LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal Designator
Secret Pass to the TreasuresRiryoku Field------Master of Oz

How to use this deck

Use whatever cards that you can to get Jam Breeding Machine to your hand. Reload, Dark Mimic LV1/LV3, or Crystal Seer are all good options. Once you manage to get it, make sure to SET the card and activate the skill. Once Yugi activates the spell, destroy his other face-up monster(s) that aren't jam. Afterwards, you are then free to do tribute/fusion/ritual summon or any other ways to get high score. Once you are left with 0 cards, perform your over 10,000 damage with your preferred method whether it's piranha or vassal.


Note: The deck used in this video is a bit different from the decklist above.

Unhappy Girl & Deckout

Obtainable score3,000 - 5,000
Popular skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Elemental Mistress DoriadoThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-MeiRai-Mei
Rai-MeiBottom DwellerTongyoPolymerizationGoblin ThiefPot of Benevolence
Doriado's BlessingAbyssal DesignatorBreath of LightCurse of AnubisWindstorm of EtaquaRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field------Deepsea Shark

How to use this deck

Summon The Unhappy Girl and lock Yugi's monsters to stall the duel, or use Rai-Mei if you don't have her in starting hand. Keep passing the turns while also performing tribute, fusion, and ritual monsters. Make sure to not deal any battle damage, instead, use Goblin Thief and let him deck out so you get "effect damage only" bonus. Pot of Benevolence is to prevent you from decking out before Yugi.

You can use any tribute, fusion, or ritual monsters in the deck.

Lvl 40 Yugi Muto's deck

The Rock-Hard Warriors

Cards Yugi Muto Lvl 40 drops


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i got this after i try decrease my LP below 1000. i don't this my lucky or not but you must try it.
<< Anonymous(Heartfilia)
Heartfilia Reply
*i don't know this is my lucky or not. but you must try it
About to give up
I have faced Yugi 40 at least 10 times, all with a win over 8000. I havent got a single SR or UR card. Also I have NEVER got a prismatic card. Is it because I play from iphone? Can anyone playing from iphone confirm that these "magic" SR and UR cards exist?
<< Anonymous(About to give up)
michiru Reply
at least for me this is being the best event so far, no need to farm keys and drop rate is decent everyday UR and SR are droping, im even playing safe doing 7k only!
<< Anonymous(About to give up)
Wani Reply
Same like you 10 times lvl 40 no SR or UR with 8000. This event is crap, lvl 30 appears more than lvl 40. Everyone knows that dropping % with lvl 30 is near to 0%. And lvl 40 doesn't drop any SR or UR for me.
<< Anonymous(k')
Anonymous Reply
^unlucky is right. Add that to horrible drop rates and frustration. I have 3 gandora no union, and just want union damnits
<< Anonymous(k')
Anonymous Reply
^unlucky is right. Add that to horrible drop rates and frustration. I have 3 gandora no union, and just want union damnits
Still no union atk... After this few days beating muto
Sigh =_=
I must confess... this event sucks... its hardly an event. That little cunt spawns 3 times a day. And if he spawns he is lvl 30. Guys fill in the survey!!
Hoby (fk hinka)
Look what I just got =)
<< Anonymous(Hoby (fk hinka))
Anonymous Reply
Wow damn dude, fk this hinka dude
<< Anonymous(Hoby (fk hinka))
Imico Reply
Wow...I am so jelly
What if Konami make somthing to boost the drop rate. Like somthing to purchase by real money,so we can boost our drop rate for specific amount of time. That will surely be helpful in events like this..
Its very simple if you use unhappy girl with 90% winrate. Got 8000++ everytime. I hope get the copy of valkyrion and gandora
I do not understand this event
<< Anonymous(~Dreamer)
k' Reply
eu também recebo melhores cartas quando perco o duelo kkk vai entender
<< Anonymous(~Dreamer)
michiru Reply
drops are random i got 3 URS and 6SR so far all from wins...
My luckiest day so far
<< Anonymous(NANO)
Anonymous Reply
Give me some of your luck. I haven't seen a UR, SR, or even a rainbow chest from Yugi the past few days.
<< Anonymous(NANO)
Anonymous Reply
can you please post your deck

i am playing since the event started but no UR or SR yet
<< Anonymous
NANO Reply
Sure.Here are some cards that you can replace in the deck: kuribo=curse of anubis, second union attack=spell reclamation; also, the set skill is "Unholy guard"
how can i get 8000 DA without "the unhappy girl" or "surprise present"

can someone help me please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes you can use last gamble
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can you post the deck please
can someone upload an example for the JBM? Also, what could i use to replace union attack/gift of the martyr? Plz help me out guys. I just found out couple of days ago about farming LOL its like whole new world has opened for me xD
<< Anonymous(Zigimaru)
Anonymous Reply
Gift of the Marty IS already a replacement for UnionAttack...and its easy to get since its Normal rarity...

just buy some damn booster packs :P
easy to get gems when u start as new player
<< Anonymous
Zigimaru Reply
Actually ive started playing the game from the moment it came out. Just never felt the need to farm.
<< Anonymous(Zigimaru)
RIP Gandora Reply
Just reminder, you need surprise present skill first before you can use the jbm deck. Otherwise, that machine will ruin yourself
RIP Gandora
Finally, my 3rd UR card..
<< Anonymous(RIP Gandora)
Anonymous Reply
lol, that's so clever and fun with the jam breeder stall XD. I think surprise present skill is better than unhappy girl and BEWD.
<< Anonymous(RIP Gandora)
Anonymous Reply
Should I also use a Surprise Present deck? I just got this skill, maybe a Surprise Present with the jam machine and unhappy girl is best?
<< Anonymous
RIP Gandora Reply
For me it is not recommended since you only can use one skill at one time. If you use surprise present skill but ug as monster, no point since once you attack that 2000 defend monster, you lost 1400 lp already because no holy guard effect to protect you.
<< Anonymous
RIP Gandora Reply
Yeah, the potential of jbm to ruin opponent chance to turn the table is magnificent. How can they do that when they can't perform any summon except that token? I never thought this skill is really reliable in farming

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