
Unhappy Girl to farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40: deck recipe

update 05/05/2017


Contains mostly the same as the usual unhappy girl deck to farm LDs, but putting some spell/trap cards to protect them and counter Yugi Muto, like Riryoku Field to negate the activation of Order to Charge and Abyssal Designator to get Yugi Muto to discard Sphere Kuriboh.

  • Union Attack: 7000 - 8000
  • Piranha: 6000 - 7000
SkillHoly Guard
Essential cards
(Box reset)
Neo-Impact (Unnecessary)
Valkyrie's Rage (Unnecessary)

Example deck

Vassal + Union

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlCrystal Seer
Crystal SeerRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiUnion AttackTemple of the Kings
Array of Revealing LightAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaSpell ReclamationRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field------Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Piranha + Oz

Versago the DestroyerThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Rai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiPiranha ArmyBig KoalaPolymerization
Array of Revealing LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field------Master of Oz

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Holy Guard
You receive no battle damage during your turn.


How to use this deck

Unhappy Girl

The main key card of this deck is The Unhappy Girl. With the skill "Holy Guard" from Tea, you can use unhappy girl to attack Yugi's monster without taking any battle damage in return. This will result in Yugi's monster being "locked" and unable to switch their position. Most AI will also not attack unhappy girl to avoid their monster getting locked, but they will attack if their total damage after attacking your unhappy girl is more than your LP.

Early in the duel

Always summon the unhappy girl whenever you can. If you don't have her in your starting hand, set a Rai-Mei or Crystal Seer. Try to either get more unhappy girls or a riryoku field in case Yugi uses order to charge. Once you have 2 unhappy girls, you can use rai-mei to crash into Yugi's monster to thin your deck, or use crystal seer to get more draws and also thin your deck. Use Array of Revealing Light and declare rock type monsters so Yugi can't attack right away.

If you find it difficult to draw the unhappy girl from your deck, put in other cards that can help you draw like crystal seer, or Jar of Greed, while still keeping at least 1 or 2 recovery cards in case you get attacked before you can summon her.


Attack yugi's monster to lock them in place with 1 or 2 unhappy. Prioritize attacking the ones that can return your monsters back like his Golem Sentry or Guardian Sphinx. Against level 30 Yugi, once you manage to lock 3 of his monsters on the field, you can keep passing the turns until you can perform your damage combo.

Ending the duel

If you manage to stall the duel without getting attacked and stay at 4,000 LP, you can use an Abyssal Designator 1 turn before your last so you can get "Comeback Victory" bonus. Make sure to use the abyssal to target Yugi's Sphere Kuriboh by selecting dark and fiend.

Piranha ver

When you have 1 card left, tribute summon Big Koala and keep 1 unhappy on the field so Yugi's monsters stay locked, otherwise set a Windstorm of Etaqua. On the last turn, fusion summon Master of Oz then summon Piranha Army, with Secret Pass to the Treasures, and Gift of the Martyr in that order. Attack directly to deal 10,000 damage.

Union attack vassal

Tribute summon serket to get your fusion monster out before you reach 0 cards left, and set a Spell Reclamation before your last turn if you don't have 2 union attacks. Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal on the last turn, then Secret Pass to the Treasures, and union attack into spell reclamation. Attack directly to deal more than 10,000 damage. Using only BEUD with double union attack will let Vassal reach more than 10k damage, but if you use Oz, then you'll have to summon another monster or increase Oz's attack to get more than 10k for Vassal.

Other useful cards

Breath of Light
Breath of Light
This will destroy all of Yugi's monster(except kuriboh), when he summons monsters that you can't handle. Only works on face-up monsters.
Array of Revealing Light
Array of Revealing Light
Putting multiple copies of this can help you draw it earlier in the duel.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
If you need more defensive options. Not as effective as windstorm since it doesn't affect normal monsters, which Yugi's magnet monsters are.
Pot of Benevolence
Pot of Benevolence
Good for returning your cards in case you needed another turn, or bring your unhappy girl back.
Supremacy Berry
Supremacy Berry
To gain some LP back in case you get attacked, otherwise Valkyrion will attack unhappy girl.


Hot New Top
How do I stop Guardian Sphinx's effect? I locked that card in face up defense position and Yugi just used it's effect and 🔥ed me up.
<< Anonymous(Jix)
Anonymous Reply
This deck no longer works. Check out "how-to farm yugi muto (gate)" page
How do you stop him from using Golem Sentry's Effect? i'll attak it with UG, and he just activates it's effect to just send her back to my hand. it doesn't lock it down, which is bull, and this needs to be addressed.
<< Anonymous(AnonD)
AnonD Reply
Edit: it also doesnt work on Sphynx. i know a while back there was an update to AI, and i saw some things about how the AI treats UG. if this deck, specifically UG, has no effect on the AI's decisions, then this deck cant do anything, and should be pulled/removed.
How can I replace the array field spell? Don't have it..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you should get at least 1...Array field card make UG deck become more consistence...
how can we deal with the sphere kuriboh effect on last turn?
<< Anonymous(razik)
Anonymous Reply
Abyssal designator, choose dark fiend
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
unless he has 2
<< Anonymous(razik)
Anonymous Reply
lv30 muto have 2 Sphere you have to prepare 2 deck for 30 and 40 muto
I've never had him active A Feint Plan even once. I don't think he's scripted to activate it unless your attack would destroy his face-down monster.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
he keeps using that against me too
<< Anonymous
Paton812 Reply
Works perfectily... He OTC one of my Unhappy girls and still no trouble doing almost the entire duel with a single UG.
Here the proof... I got really lucky, LOL
<< Anonymous(Paton812)
Paton812 Reply
Sorry, i missplaced the comment :P
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He do active Feint Plan on UG but the condition for him to activate Feint Plan is still unknown....most of the time he will just let UG attack his face down monster
Attacking face down Sphinx and golem sentry with UG does not lock them he still returns my monsters to my hand. I have had this happen to me 40 times already...
<< Anonymous(lakers8rock24)
lakers8rock24 Reply
i mean 4 times
<< Anonymous(lakers8rock24)
Anonymous Reply
UG do lock them from flip summon but they can still can go back to face down position~
Easy and cheap af (6-8k on l40 muto) altho kind of ironic to use union to farm yugi
<< Anonymous(26svg)
26svg Reply
Extra deck has BEUD fyi
Use card exchange to take kariboh from him
I've played with this deck, if you're not managed to draw UG or riryoku field during your first until second turn, you're deemed to lose.
Having below 3000hp is not a good option, even though you have abyssal designator, or windstorm of etaqua or array of revealing light, since muto can special summon valkyrion if he managed to have the three magnet warrior, and it has 3500? ATK

But at least, if you managed to draw UG but no riryoku field, you can stall for a few turn, hoping that you'll get another UG to compensate his OTC till you have the riryoku field
to be honest ... i hate the yugi event, i farmed him alot last time often 7-8k+ and 🔥ty drops.
-> so i switched to a modified tea burn that has nearly same success rate (70%+) and is much faster and gives me 4-5k

im done with this guy...i just want to finish him off fast
(got 3 SR so far, including my 5th!! Gandora...still waiting for valkyrion -.-)
How does this deck deal with his combo:

2 Guardian Sphinx + A Feint Plan?

Basically he tribute summons his 2nd Sphinx in facedown position, then when you want to attack with silent girl, he activates A Feint Plan trap card which mean you can't attack. After that it's game over for you because he has 2 Guardian Spinxes that he just keeps flip summoning to return all your monsters to your hand.
<< Anonymous(PK)
Anonymous Reply
It doesn't, this build is unreliable. If u abysmal for he can still summon Val and hit u for 3500.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It happens. I lock down one of his monsters, then he tributes it in his turn an set a trap card, i summon a second UG and tyr to atack: A FEINT PLAN. in his turn he flips his guardian sphinix and summons golem sentry. And i lost the duel.
<< Anonymous(PK)
Anonymous Reply
Trap Jammer would be needed.
<< Anonymous(PK)
Anonymous Reply
Trap Jammer would be needed.
Original Post
If you don't draw an Unhappy Girl or Rai Mei in your first 2 turns (no Girl or Rai Mei at starting hand), you're doomed to lose. What you do is go to beatdown reaching 3k assessment point at least.

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Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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