
How to beat/farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40

Duel Links Yugi Muto event, Yugi Muto Lvl 40, decks to farm Yugi Muto.
update 18/01/2018
Note: This page is for farming Yugi Muto Lvl40 at his roaming event. For decks to farm Yugi Muto (Gate), click here.

Labyrinth Builder (6k-8k)

Paradox Bros is added to this page as a new farmer against Yugi Muto Lvl 40. You can use the deck against either Lvl 30 and 40.

  • Union Attack: 7000 - 8000
  • Piranha: 6000 - 7000
skillLabyrinth Builder
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketA Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill OmenCrystal SeerCrystal SeerPiranha Army
Double SummonTemple of the KingsStormArray of Revealing LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal Designator
Abyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresDimension GateDimension GateDimension GateAdhesion Trap Hole
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Luck on Your Side (6k - 8k)

If you have 2~3 copies of Mirror Wall, add them instead of Amazoness Chain Master and Windstorm of Etaqua to make it more consistent. See how to use this deck for in-depth explanation.

Obtainable score6,000 - 8,000
Popular skillLuck on Your Side
Essential cards

Example deck

Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonTime WizardTime WizardTime WizardAmazoness Chain Master
Gravekeeper's VassalPlanet PathfinderUnion AttackUnion AttackArray of Revealing LightArray of Revealing Light
Array of Revealing LightStormExchangeCup of AceCup of AceCup of Ace
Mirror WallWindstorm of Etaqua--------


Note: A deck used in a video below is a bit different from the decklist above (less optimized).

Unhappy Girl (6k - 8k)

For how to use this deck, check Unhappy Girl to farm Yugi Muto Lvl 40 page.

Obtainable score6,000 - 8,000
Popular skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiCrystal SeerCrystal SeerUnion AttackTemple of the Kings
Array of Revealing LightAbyssal DesignatorSecret Pass to the TreasuresSpell ReclamationRiryoku FieldRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldWindstorm of Etaqua------Master of Oz

Surprise Present (6k - 7k)

Obtainable score6,000 - 7,000
Popular skillSurprise Present
Essential cardsJam Breeding Machine

Example deck

Mystical Beast of SerketDark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3The Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy Girl
The Unhappy GirlPiranha ArmyReloadReloadTemple of the KingsJam Breeding Machine
Jam Breeding MachineJam Breeding MachineBreath of LightBreath of LightGift of the MartyrAbyssal Designator
Secret Pass to the TreasuresRiryoku Field------Master of Oz

How to use this deck

Use whatever cards that you can to get Jam Breeding Machine to your hand. Reload, Dark Mimic LV1/LV3, or Crystal Seer are all good options. Once you manage to get it, make sure to SET the card and activate the skill. Once Yugi activates the spell, destroy his other face-up monster(s) that aren't jam. Afterwards, you are then free to do tribute/fusion/ritual summon or any other ways to get high score. Once you are left with 0 cards, perform your over 10,000 damage with your preferred method whether it's piranha or vassal.


Note: The deck used in this video is a bit different from the decklist above.

Unhappy Girl & Deckout

Obtainable score3,000 - 5,000
Popular skillHoly Guard
Essential cards

Example deck

Elemental Mistress DoriadoThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlRai-MeiRai-Mei
Rai-MeiBottom DwellerTongyoPolymerizationGoblin ThiefPot of Benevolence
Doriado's BlessingAbyssal DesignatorBreath of LightCurse of AnubisWindstorm of EtaquaRiryoku Field
Riryoku FieldRiryoku Field------Deepsea Shark

How to use this deck

Summon The Unhappy Girl and lock Yugi's monsters to stall the duel, or use Rai-Mei if you don't have her in starting hand. Keep passing the turns while also performing tribute, fusion, and ritual monsters. Make sure to not deal any battle damage, instead, use Goblin Thief and let him deck out so you get "effect damage only" bonus. Pot of Benevolence is to prevent you from decking out before Yugi.

You can use any tribute, fusion, or ritual monsters in the deck.

Lvl 40 Yugi Muto's deck

The Rock-Hard Warriors

Cards Yugi Muto Lvl 40 drops


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I have been farming yugi for 5 hours like since 12 now its 5. And I didn't even get 3 copies of everything
Tough one to farm.
How to beat sphere koruboh.
He block my killing attack
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Abyssal Designator
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Exchange could work too just wait til you are certain he has it in his hand
The spawn and the drop rates are all 🔥ing 🔥ed. I don't know who at Konami suggested these kind of events to be green light, but they need to rework this. People get URs and SRs by simply losing while others even with a high assessment don't get 🔥. Locking cards behind events isn't a bad decision per se, but adding the RNG factor on top is beyond frustrating. Simply putting this event at the Gate would be a better improvement.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then what would be the point of giving them unique card drops then? Clearly not a reward of some sort for beating this "challenging" duelist, right? No, Konami would never do that.

And I'm stage 51. That is pretty 🔥ing high when 🔥 caps at 60, so I have my reasons to whine.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agree. There is no point for us to think and build deck can give a lot of DA an more reward if in the end, we got trash and someone who didn't know how the decks work got SR/UR card just with simply lose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I know it should be hard to get the best skills, but Duel Links takes it way too far.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
True bro. I try my best to farm LDs but I neves get 🔥. Insteas, they drop SRs and URs at level 20 with a 1000-2000 score
how can i farm with union attack when i want to farm to get a union attack
what the actual fck am i supposed to do
<< Anonymous
Syfodias Reply
Do you have horus?
You can try this it has been good for me ( im farming for union attack aswell )

Horus lvl8 x1
Horus lvl6 x3
Horus lvl4 x3
Sergeant electro x3
Stamping destruction x1
Lvl up ×3
Mirror wall x2
Wall of distruption x1
Rising energy x3

If u dont have sgt electro u can try Mitage dragon
Instead of rising energy u can try blustering winds.
<< Anonymous(Oldtimer)
Anonymous Reply
Union attack isn't obtainable by tickets.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I guess you are unaware there are two version of tickets. Event SR tickets can give you Union Attack.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Farm with verb
Same thing you can do with Union Attack you can do with Gift Of The Martyr. Just replace Gravekeeper's Vassal & Union Attack with Piranha Army + Gift Of The Martyr + a good fusion
HORUS works good, not as high score as the above decks but very safe and might be good for those who dont have acces to the above cards.

Horus lvl8 x1
Horus lvl6 x3
Horus lvl4 x3
Sergeant electeo x3
Stamping destruction x1
Lvl up ×3
Mirror wall x2
Wall of distruotion x1
Rising energy x3

If anyone has improvements Id love to hear them! Maybe a good replacement for stamping destruction, that card is nice but nog really adding to the deck
cannot beat him. wasted 1k keys on him today with those unhappy girl decks and havent beaten lvl40 just once. are those outdated or something? is yugi cheating? how the fck can he constantly change combat positions even tho hes "locked!!! down"
<< Anonymous
Jix Reply
Read UG's text once again: "[...]A monster that battled with this card cannot change its battle position, except with a card effect[...]". Unhappy Girl can't counter 🔥.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Whats dumb is the trap card Royal Decree is suppose to stop flip summon effects, but somehow his effect which is a flip summon isn't stop by it.
<< Anonymous
Mari Setagaya Reply
It stops "FLIP" effects, not cards effects that activate on flip summon. being flipped face up and being flip summoned are two different things. Cards that are categorized as FLIP cards activate their effects whenever it is either flipped face up or flip summoned. Effects that activate when a card is flipped face up can happen in the damage step, while flip summon effects can not.
<< Anonymous
Mari Setagaya Reply
Also you're thinking of Royal Command
I use this, it's not 100% efficient but works pretty good almost all the time but you need to use every card correctly
I tried an unhappy girl deck but got wrecked by guardian sphinx. What's the out?
couldnt you use gravity axe on an unhappy girl to shut down his return to hand monsters?
<< Anonymous(Pizaster)
Anonymous Reply
Yes you can. But few other issues remain:
1) how consistent can it be, considering you need all 3 cards of UG + SB + GA
2) how to counter OTC?
<< Anonymous(Pizaster)
Unhappy boy Reply
It is not consistent at all, he has too many ways to beat u
Order to charge to remove unhappy girl, the card he uses to speacial summon by sacrificing from the graveyard and removing moster to your hand ..
And when you use the axe and you have 3 UG you have to tribute summon before the last turn in order to have at least 2 places one for the fusion monster and the other for vassal and he otk u ..

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