
How to beat/farm Jesse Anderson lvl40 (Gate)

Duel Links Jesse Anderson, decks to farm Jesse, cards Jesse uses, and tips for beating him.
update 22/03/2019

Updated Information

  • Fur Hire Farm decklist Updated

Jesse Lvl 40 has Rainbow Path!

Use Anti-Magic Arrow to successfuly deal final attack!

Jesse Lvl 40 uses 1x Rainbow Path which negates your attack. Don't forget to use Anti-Magic Arrow in your decks to successfully defeat him!

Rainbow Path

Rainbow Path
Rainbow Path
Normal Trap
Jesse Anderson [R]
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: Send 1 "Crystal Beast" card from your Spell & Trap Card Zone to the Graveyard to target the attacking monster; negate the attack, then you can add 1 "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon" from your Deck to your hand.

Anti-Magic Arrows

Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic Arrows
Quick Spell
Arkana Event [SR]
At the start of the Battle Phase: For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, Spell/Trap Cards, and their effects, cannot be activated. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this card's activation.

Other Useful Cards

Alternative for Anti-Magic Arrows, to prevent or negate the activation of Rainbow Path and deal final attack successfully.

Fur Hire

Score7000 - 8000
SkillNo Skill Neccessary
Essential cards

Example Deck

Beat, Bladesman Fur HireBeat, Bladesman Fur HireBeat, Bladesman Fur HireWiz, Sage Fur HireWiz, Sage Fur HireSeal, Strategist Fur Hire
Seal, Strategist Fur HireSeal, Strategist Fur HireGravekeeper's VassalRecon, Scout Fur HireRecon, Scout Fur HireUnion Attack
Union AttackShield & SwordShooting Star Bow - CealBack-Up RiderMayhem Fur HireGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping----


  • Seal, Strategist Fur Hire, Recon, Scout Fur Hire, and other low leveled Fur Hire monsters are able to special summon other Fur Hire monsters without cost.
  • Their various effects also trigger when another Fur Hire monster is special summoned.
  • Your stall setup here is to have 2 face-up defense position Wiz, Sage Fur Hire on the field.
  • Search out Wiz with Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire.
  • Always negate Jesse's Crystal Release so that he cannot destroy Wiz by battle.
  • Negate Crystal Conclave so Jesse does not return your monsters to hand.
  • Put draw cards like Good Goblin Housekeeping to draw into your deck and get your setup quicker.
  • You must have only 2 Wiz on your field during the final turn. Before your final turn, you can crash extra monsters into Jesse's monsters.
  • During your final turn, put 2 Wiz in attack position then use Shield and Sword.
  • During your final attack, negate Rainbow Path with Wiz's effect.


Example Deck

Gravekeeper's VassalWetlandsUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresPaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaDefense DrawImpenetrable AttackImpenetrable AttackWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
Paleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaPaleozoic PikaiaCurse of AnubisPaleozoic MarrellaPaleozoic Marrella
Paleozoic MarrellaCeasefire----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Each player's starting hand increases by 1 card. You cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards or monster effects on your first turn.
Tea Gardner
Tea Gardner


  • Paleozoic cards work as trap cards when set in your spell/trap zone, and can be special summoned from your graveyard as monsters chaining themselves to other trap activations.
  • Marrella mills a Paleozoic monster to the graveyard and Pikaia discards a Paleozoic card to draw 2 cards. Use them to thin your deck and put Paleozoic cards in the graveyard.
  • Stall the duel with Curse of Anubis, Impenetrable Attack, Defense Draw, Wall of Disruption, and Paleozoic Canadia.
  • You can special summon Paleozoics to catch Jesse's attacks but make sure you leave at least 2 in your graveyard for your final turn.
  • Destroy Amethyst Cat with your Paleozoic monster.
  • Activate Wetlands to give your Paleozoics a big attack boost.
  • Before your final turn, make sure you set Forced Ceasefire and another trap card that you will only use for your final turn. The other trap card must be activated before or during your main phase.
  • During your final turn, activate a trap card and special summon a Paleozoic monster with it. Then activate Forced Ceasefire and then special summon another Paleozoic monster.

Sea Stealth Attack

Essential cards
Warrior of AtlantisWarrior of AtlantisWarrior of AtlantisGravekeeper's VassalMecha Sea Dragon PlesionMecha Sea Dragon Plesion
Mecha Sea Dragon PlesionTerrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonTerrorking SalmonAnti-Magic ArrowsA Legendary Ocean
A Legendary OceanA Legendary OceanUnion AttackUnion AttackSecret Pass to the TreasuresSea Stealth Attack
Sea Stealth AttackSea Stealth Attack----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand. Your first Draw will be skipped if you use this Skill.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler


  • Use Restart to try and get Sea Stealth attack in your starting hand, because there is no other way to search it.
  • Discard Warrior of Atlantis to search out A Legendary Ocean.
  • The Optimal board would be 1 A Legendary Ocean, 1 Sea Stealth Attack, 2 Level 5 WATER monsters.
  • Do not attack Jesse's monsters, except if he is hitting you with Amethyst Cat.
  • Leave at least 1 space in your monster zone for Gravekeeper's Vassal for your final turn.
  • Remember to activate Anti-Magic Arrows during your final battle phase.

Jesse Anderson Lvl40 deck



Hot New Top
Ra deck at its best. Recover at least 24,000 LP per Jesse’s turn. Too bad the game’s mechanics couldn’t factor in every LP to Ra
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Deck ?
Has anyone encountered the problem where he keeps getting cards out of his deck then you win from deckout before drawing the cards you need?
tried that Sea stealth deck and lost 4 times in a row, inconsistent much?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Even if you Restart and got 2/3 vital cards its still not enough e.g Salmon and Ocean but no SSA yet. You need all 3 otherwise he can:
1. 🔥 your 5* straight away with Pegasus equipped Crystal Release. OR
2. Occasionally rare value and run out of cards before u draw Vassal/2xUnion/Arrows/Passage
rare value is seriously a pain to get..
For the Fur Hire farm deck, a third Union Attack can replace the Shield & Sword. I know it's far more likely to have S&S than a third UA, I'm only mentioning it because while building my farm deck I realized I never got S&S in the few times I've dueled Joey.

Also, with the Fur deck you only have to worry about Crystal Release if he equips two copies to the same monster. Pegasus and Tiger only reach 2600/2800 with one Release respectively, neither one able to topple Wiz's DEF.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You may want to use Inverse Universe instead of S&S. All fur monsters are effect monsters, so why not?
The amazon farm deck works here better in theory here, but loses to when he opens with a ton of draw. He fills his lanes fast so you can get to a draw/pass game pretty fast, which makes it so onslaught isn't a needed effect. This means Amazon princess provides the card to tutor Queen, which makes Restart after nerf wortwhile. Replace barrel dragonn with blizzard princess and you free up your anti magic arrow slot. Double princesses. Cool.
<< Anonymous(Welgo)
Welgo Reply
Downbeat/4 star amazoness is honestly better than opening princess, since you'll thin 2 instead of 1. This was not possible inn games where the banishing was relevant. Honestly thought this is where it'd matter most too.
Ra's Sylvans are good enough for farming Jesse
<< Anonymous(Kronoz)
Kronoz Reply
Komushroomo x3 I only got one hence only one play and still is consistent.
While the SSA deck works, I often find Jesse decking himself out a lot faster. I could tech in some drawing cards, but it's hard to replace the cards listed.
Does cerberus still work?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no, because he have rainbow path and crystal conclave now, you need something to stop those cards of being activated if you want to use a cerberus deck
Does the Fur Hires work on just jesse or is there others it works on?
<< Anonymous(MrTommo999)
Anonymous Reply
The fur hire works fine for me, just need to be smart with wiz's negation. I don't know what other deck works since his conclave make many farm decks unusable.
Jesse also has phantom skyblaster as a rainbow pack reward, GameA.
Good deck to farm Jesse Anderson Lvl40

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